Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

No you did not! What was your question?
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Have you heard or can you acknowledge ANY success stories from Obamacare? I'm well aware of the many issues and we can talk about those next, but I'm curious if you have the objectivity to recognize the life saving benefits that many Americans have experienced as a result of the ACA. Can you?
Your response:
How about the Americans who now have premiums that are 100% more expensive than before? Whose deductible have risen to $16,000.00 to $24,000.00? Would you call that affordable? Would you call that insured or self insured? So by helping the poor you have damaged those in the middle class and you call this a victory?

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
Then we must have a system that collects federal taxes from everyone. A flat tax.

Well I could agree with that. You know there are 26 medicinal marijuana states and 5 or 6 legal marijuana states, to my knowledge they don't pay federal taxes on sales only state taxes. Legalize it nationwide collect fed taxes and put it towards Medicare for all or something else that would satisfy a majority. Online gambling is illegal here in the states, legalize it and collect fed taxes. You know an addict is going to be an addict whether or not either is legalized.
All the taxes you squeeze from addicts will need to be spent on their treatment!
All things considered, both sides need to stop the partisan posturing and work together to fix the areas of the ACA that are inflating costs. The protections the ACA provides should stay, it appears most people would agree

Because who doesn't want a free lunch?

Who is getting a free lunch? The heart of the ACA was to protect people with pre-existing conditions so they could have access to health care. If you are talking about medicaid expansion then we can discuss that but don't pretend like that is what the ACA is.

And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

What the fuck does golf trips have to do with it?
oshitass had his GD trips, even cuntholsi had her own plane that cost more than any golf trip Trump has taken.
The roads are shit because of liberal mayors & governors and their theft schemes. State road program funds went to oshitasses FRIENDLY areas.
THE MILITARY is government funded daily provided healthcare for every man woman and child in this country, if you don't realize that you are a real dumbass.

The oshitass dimshit communist liberals are exactly like hitler, they use exactly the same methods and have exactly the same agenda.
You entirely missed my point... I can't say I'm surprised after reading your riveting posts.
Get over your talking points, no more than 12% of ANY of the promised monies EVER came through the risk corridors.

I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.
I acknowledged that there are many problems with the ACA that we could discuss later but wanted to know if you could simply recognize the good elements that the ACA has provided to many Americans.... You avoided the entire point of my post and went on to rant about the things you don't like about the ACA. I'm more than happy to discuss those items but not if you are going to ignore the things I ask about.

My question:
Your response:

I've said since 2013 that they should have gone with a Medicare for all type plan.
I agree with you. Basic coverage should be provided to all via a single payer system and the insurance industry can focus on supplemental care for more targeted needs.
Then we must have a system that collects federal taxes from everyone. A flat tax.

Well I could agree with that. You know there are 26 medicinal marijuana states and 5 or 6 legal marijuana states, to my knowledge they don't pay federal taxes on sales only state taxes. Legalize it nationwide collect fed taxes and put it towards Medicare for all or something else that would satisfy a majority. Online gambling is illegal here in the states, legalize it and collect fed taxes. You know an addict is going to be an addict whether or not either is legalized.
All the taxes you squeeze from addicts will need to be spent on their treatment!

No, no that's not what I meant. I added that last sentence for anyone that's going to say "you'll become addicted". Actually, gamblers are more prone to become addicted than mj users.
I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.

Not my analysis.
I knew that they cut them the first year and why do you think (besides people with prex) the rates went up so high and will continue to go up.

Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.

I guess you haven't read the news today, repeal is also dead.

He is there to repeal it all they have to do is put it on his desk, so what's funny igmo bull shit? besides you!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can talk all the shit you want to but given the legislation he WAS promised by the chickenshit republicans, HE will clear the slate on his agenda the day they lay all of the bills on his desk. SO WE are laughing at YOU, and all who are against him as they lose their seats next election.
And force others to pay for it.

Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

Of course not. Not if said citizen does not prioritize HC. It's their call

Ok, i get it now... I own about a dozen guns and i'm fine defending myself and my family. Maybe I should just opt out of the portion of my taxes that goes to our Military.

Fact of the matter is, when people don't have insurance and they get sick it effects all of us. Healthcare costs go up, people go bankrupt, businesses go under, poverty spreads, etc etc. I know you think you are looking at the big picture, but it sure doesn't sound that way.

I disagree. My healthcare was X prior to ACA. Post ACA, my policy increased (X) x 26%. Again, I expect all citizens to be as dedicated as I am in ensuring their needs are met. It takes commitment and sacrifice

What did X equal in 2003?

I retired last year or I could easily obtain that answer. My increases since 03 are commensurate with inflation.


He is there to repeal it all they have to do is put it on his desk, so what's funny igmo bull shit? besides you!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can talk all the shit you want to but given the legislation he WAS promised by the chickenshit republicans, HE will clear the slate on his agenda the day they lay all of the bills on his desk. SO WE are laughing at YOU, and all who are against him as they lose their seats next election.

Only rubes think failure is success!


He is there to repeal it all they have to do is put it on his desk, so what's funny igmo bull shit? besides you!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can talk all the shit you want to but given the legislation he WAS promised by the chickenshit republicans, HE will clear the slate on his agenda the day they lay all of the bills on his desk. SO WE are laughing at YOU, and all who are against him as they lose their seats next election.
On in deplorableland can one think a 36% approval rating and a total failure onTrump care is a recipe for success in 2018.
This was the main problem. Republicans crafted a piece of legislation that faced immense odds. At the same time that the legislation aimed to dismantle a major piece of the social safety net, it offered nothing much in return to the millions of Americans who were going to lose benefits. The legislation threatened to strip away benefits from millions of poor, elderly, and sick Americans.​

Who's behind GOP's stunning defeat on health care? (opinion) -
Yes, like our military, our roads, and our presidents golf trips... I think the health of our citizens is of equal importance as those 3, wouldn't you agree?

Of course not. Not if said citizen does not prioritize HC. It's their call

Ok, i get it now... I own about a dozen guns and i'm fine defending myself and my family. Maybe I should just opt out of the portion of my taxes that goes to our Military.

Fact of the matter is, when people don't have insurance and they get sick it effects all of us. Healthcare costs go up, people go bankrupt, businesses go under, poverty spreads, etc etc. I know you think you are looking at the big picture, but it sure doesn't sound that way.

I disagree. My healthcare was X prior to ACA. Post ACA, my policy increased (X) x 26%. Again, I expect all citizens to be as dedicated as I am in ensuring their needs are met. It takes commitment and sacrifice

What did X equal in 2003?

I retired last year or I could easily obtain that answer. My increases since 03 are commensurate with inflation.

Any thoughts about these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics? They seem to contradict what you're saying unless you are speaking to something different. Your 26% was 34% and then 76% prior to the ACA:
Go ahead and cite a source that says they cut them in 2013. Otherwise just back away.

I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.

I guess you haven't read the news today, repeal is also dead.

REPEAL and replace are dead until the chicken shit republicans in the senate and the house put the bill on the desk. Just like all of the other bills they sent oshitass , They are afraid to send the bills to Trump because he will do as he said he would and sign them into law. It is just an accounting of the number of chicken shit republicans that really should be in the dimshit party. And I don't give a damn what the news says today, there is always tomorrow to let them all know they will be gone if they do not do what they were sent there for. The idea that you can send people from 10 dimshit states to disrupt the town halls of republican senators that they will never vote for can be stopped too just like BLM is about to be stopped with any luck and intelligent lawyers to bring the racist violent murderers to their knees AND or financial ruin whichever or both. That will set precedent for all liberal activist terrorist to be sued successfully and their sponsors especially soros to be financially stripped.
I don't see where I said 2013 since we didn't start selling until Nov 2013 for an effective date of 1/1/14.

Feel free to post where they cut them for 2014, I'll wait.

I guess I misunderstood your post, cut no, just didn't pay.
The state of the ACA's risk corridors

Tried to copy and past article several times, would not let me. Anyway there's the link.

You analysis is WRONG, maybe you should read ALL of the articles related to the subject Including where the OSHITASS DOJ tried to freeze lawsuits by insurers on the basis that the insurers were not entitled to payment until the END of the program. They were trying to hold the payment until the program ended and BANKRUPT the companies so they could tank oshitcare and go to single payer before the dogshit left office. Either you are complicit in these peoples attempt to make this country another France or Venezuela or you are too stupid to realize what is happening. IF the damn republican holdouts do not get on board, they will lose any chance of resetting the bar to the level it will take to rebuild the destruction of the last eight years.

I guess you haven't read the news today, repeal is also dead.

REPEAL and replace are dead until the chicken shit republicans in the senate and the house put the bill on the desk. Just like all of the other bills they sent oshitass , They are afraid to send the bills to Trump because he will do as he said he would and sign them into law. It is just an accounting of the number of chicken shit republicans that really should be in the dimshit party. And I don't give a damn what the news says today, there is always tomorrow to let them all know they will be gone if they do not do what they were sent there for. The idea that you can send people from 10 dimshit states to disrupt the town halls of republican senators that they will never vote for can be stopped too just like BLM is about to be stopped with any luck and intelligent lawyers to bring the racist violent murderers to their knees AND or financial ruin whichever or both. That will set precedent for all liberal activist terrorist to be sued successfully and their sponsors especially soros to be financially stripped.

Well there might be a small glimmer of hope. I just read the hill and moderate dems and repubs have been meeting on and off but now are discussing how to fix this. Even shummy reached out to McConnell today, so far McConnell hasn't accepted.
Can you acknowledge any successes of the ACA? Let's see if you can be objective... what say you?

The problem folks like you have is that you assume that because you don't have any integrity nobody else does either. It helped a select few who happened to benefit/qualify for both subsidies and cost sharing. THAT however was a very select few. Without that folks (most folks) were forced into a Bronze plan that didn't help them at all.
It also helped middle class people with pre existing conditions who didn't need subsidies but just needed coverage. Right?

As I said, they were forced into Bronze Plans that carried with (at the time) a $6600 ded. That didn't help them. Now that ded is $7150. Coverage that simply says "you're covered" doesn't help anyone. The argument then becomes "well it's better than nothing", no, because in actuality it IS nothing. They can't afford that either.
The average deductible is no where near $7150. You are quoting the amount for individual insurance which only 14% of Americans have. The average deductible is $1,478 annually for covered workers. At small firms, the average deductibles now tops $2,000.

LOL, I never claimed otherwise, did I? The people MOST affected by the ACA were the folks on individual plans.
I agree. I've bought individual plans for years before Obamacare. They have always been expensive with rather high deductibles, exclusions, and very selective as to who they insure. Removing pre-existing conditions, exclusions, yearly limits, and lifetime limits sent the cost through the roof because they are now providing additional coverage to the sickest people in the country. The ACA effect on group plans has been minimal, with yearly average premium increases of 3% to 4%, just a bit more than the yearly increase in healthcare costs.

IMHO, the only thing that needs to change to fix Obamacare is the cost in the individual insurance market.

He is there to repeal it all they have to do is put it on his desk, so what's funny igmo bull shit? besides you!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can talk all the shit you want to but given the legislation he WAS promised by the chickenshit republicans, HE will clear the slate on his agenda the day they lay all of the bills on his desk. SO WE are laughing at YOU, and all who are against him as they lose their seats next election.

Only rubes think failure is success!


Only idiots think complete destruction of a viable system and replacing it with a complete FAILURE is anything but stupidity.
Trump has not failed, the republican congress has failed SO far igmo toro. That does not mean a thing. It will only be a failure if the chicken shit republicans let the dimshit scum retake the two houses by not doing their jobs. Trump will repeal it and he may not even replace it with a government program he may jus set standards for PRIVATE insurers to follow. Man you liberals are way ahead of yourselves with your gloating. With the DEAD, shit especially. Trump said today that he will just let the aca fail and crash on it's own HE can do that all he has to do is say I won't sign any bill you send to me unless you do this!! and go as usual to the TWEETERY and tell all of the world what he is doing and why. If he does that there will be NO healthcare for anyone except what a private company will sell. and the dimshitscum will be the one who are responsible for it all. Then if they send a single payer plan to his desk all he has to do is veto it. ANY republicans who vote to override will be history, and many dimshits will too.
The Trumpies are still counting on the stupidity of the American people thinking even though republicans control all areas of government, when they lose their healthcare it will be the democrats fault.
Some way..

He is there to repeal it all they have to do is put it on his desk, so what's funny igmo bull shit? besides you!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You can talk all the shit you want to but given the legislation he WAS promised by the chickenshit republicans, HE will clear the slate on his agenda the day they lay all of the bills on his desk. SO WE are laughing at YOU, and all who are against him as they lose their seats next election.

Only rubes think failure is success!


Only idiots think complete destruction of a viable system and replacing it with a complete FAILURE is anything but stupidity.
Trump has not failed, the republican congress has failed SO far igmo toro. That does not mean a thing. It will only be a failure if the chicken shit republicans let the dimshit scum retake the two houses by not doing their jobs. Trump will repeal it and he may not even replace it with a government program he may jus set standards for PRIVATE insurers to follow. Man you liberals are way ahead of yourselves with your gloating. With the DEAD, shit especially. Trump said today that he will just let the aca fail and crash on it's own HE can do that all he has to do is say I won't sign any bill you send to me unless you do this!! and go as usual to the TWEETERY and tell all of the world what he is doing and why. If he does that there will be NO healthcare for anyone except what a private company will sell. and the dimshitscum will be the one who are responsible for it all. Then if they send a single payer plan to his desk all he has to do is veto it. ANY republicans who vote to override will be history, and many dimshits will too.

Trump supported single payer at one time, who's to say he still doesn't?

Conservative columnist: Trump once backed single-payer health care
Trump : Let Obamacare fail.
What he's really saying is " Let people die. My hate for any legislation with Obama's name on it is first and foremost.. more important than any citizen's well being.."

Yes this guy really is that callous and that much a revolting human being.

Absolutely incredible.

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