Dems Telling Us We Have To Pay Extra To Protect Our Troops

I couldn't believe this.....but after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look I wasn't really surprised when it was reported that Congressional Democrats want to start a War Tax to pay for Afghanistan.

In effect, they want to charge us extra for defending our troops....charge extra to send the troops Generals on the ground are requesting.

They always say it will only effect the upper 1% but that's merely a starting point. Soon everyone will have to pay extra just to feed, cloth, and protect our kids in uniform.

I wonder if this is some new plan to turn America against The Good War.

The Raw Story | US lawmakers: New tax should pay for Afghan war

New Tax being proposed
Well, I'll try this one more time.

Any use of the military for any purpose is already paid for. Our government collects trillions in taxes. The defense of this country is the ONLY authorized expenditure by the US Federal Government.

The war is already paid for. You use the tax money collected to pay the military FIRST!

What is left over goes to the other stuff. Just how hard is that to understand?
I couldn't believe this.....but after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look I wasn't really surprised when it was reported that Congressional Democrats want to start a War Tax to pay for Afghanistan.

In effect, they want to charge us extra for defending our troops....charge extra to send the troops Generals on the ground are requesting.

They always say it will only effect the upper 1% but that's merely a starting point. Soon everyone will have to pay extra just to feed, cloth, and protect our kids in uniform.

I wonder if this is some new plan to turn America against The Good War.

The Raw Story | US lawmakers: New tax should pay for Afghan war

New Tax being proposed
Well, I'll try this one more time.

Any use of the military for any purpose is already paid for. Our government collects trillions in taxes. The defense of this country is the ONLY authorized expenditure by the US Federal Government.

The war is already paid for. You use the tax money collected to pay the military FIRST!

What is left over goes to the other stuff. Just how hard is that to understand?

The Iraq and A-Stan war expenses have always been attached to the Defense budget as supplementals, so no, the war hasn't "already" been paid for. I mean, your post sounds all warm and fuzzy and maybe once upon at time it was true in theory, but in reality it's a load of crap.
I couldn't believe this.....but after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look I wasn't really surprised when it was reported that Congressional Democrats want to start a War Tax to pay for Afghanistan.

In effect, they want to charge us extra for defending our troops....charge extra to send the troops Generals on the ground are requesting.

They always say it will only effect the upper 1% but that's merely a starting point. Soon everyone will have to pay extra just to feed, cloth, and protect our kids in uniform.

I wonder if this is some new plan to turn America against The Good War.

The Raw Story | US lawmakers: New tax should pay for Afghan war

New Tax being proposed
Well, I'll try this one more time.

Any use of the military for any purpose is already paid for. Our government collects trillions in taxes. The defense of this country is the ONLY authorized expenditure by the US Federal Government.

The war is already paid for. You use the tax money collected to pay the military FIRST!

What is left over goes to the other stuff. Just how hard is that to understand?

It's difficult to understand because it's bullshit.
If you are pro war, then dont bitch about paying money for the war.
I couldn't believe this.....but after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look I wasn't really surprised when it was reported that Congressional Democrats want to start a War Tax to pay for Afghanistan.

In effect, they want to charge us extra for defending our troops....charge extra to send the troops Generals on the ground are requesting.

They always say it will only effect the upper 1% but that's merely a starting point. Soon everyone will have to pay extra just to feed, cloth, and protect our kids in uniform.

I wonder if this is some new plan to turn America against The Good War.

The Raw Story | US lawmakers: New tax should pay for Afghan war

New Tax being proposed

C'mon now....the Democrats are just looking at taking more money away from America so they can get the huge deficit Obama's running up back down to Bush's levels. Right now Obama is set to double the National Debt and the 2010 budget deficit is the most of any President in history all added together.

Their re-election campaign will be run on "See??? We balanced the budget." after they raise taxes on EVERYONE IN THE U.S.A.
That's not the choices. We've got kids over there at risk. We have to support them.....but you want to make sure that healthy folks in this country have health insurance instead.

You would rather fill body bags then let people who don't really need government health insurance get it.

I just don't understand that kind of thinking.

Maybe if they get back here alive get out of the service and apply for treatment for whatever ails them you'll go along with taking care of them. But as long as they are forced to hunker down in a bunker and continue to get mortared....well according to you they can go fuck themselves.

I just wanted to put your stupid beliefs in proper prospective.

No I would like to not see DEATHLY ILL people in this country die for GREED!

They can get treatment. Obama's health insurance isn't gonna make sure they're taken care of.

I have just as much compassion as the next Liberal...but I also know that the line of Bullshit you've been fed is JUST THAT....BULLSHIT. The form of health care reform the Democrats are proposing isn't gonna make anything better for the terminally ill. Everything is geared to-wards shoring up their base and buying votes. It's not gonna make anything better.

However...our troops are dying every day....115 since Obama started deliberating on what to do next. So I think their needs are alot more important then people who are already being taken care of.

Has it EVER occured to you that people being able to get preventitive treatment/early treatment that it would SAVE money AND lives? Also has it occured to you that when people have no other option than the ER that YOU, I, and EVERY other taxpayer PAYS for that treatment? We pay in higher cost for services, we pay for lost productivity, and we pay with higher taxes. Who do you THINK pays for medical services for those who can't afford them?
One more thing Mud......The OP is Dems telling us we have to pay MORE. Well if our troops are "HUNKERING DOWN" as you said then it would seem they need MORE equip and ammunition.....How EXACTLEY do you propose we PAY for that?
I couldn't believe this.....but after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look I wasn't really surprised when it was reported that Congressional Democrats want to start a War Tax to pay for Afghanistan.

In effect, they want to charge us extra for defending our troops....charge extra to send the troops Generals on the ground are requesting.

They always say it will only effect the upper 1% but that's merely a starting point. Soon everyone will have to pay extra just to feed, cloth, and protect our kids in uniform.

I wonder if this is some new plan to turn America against The Good War.

The Raw Story | US lawmakers: New tax should pay for Afghan war

New Tax being proposed
Well, I'll try this one more time.

Any use of the military for any purpose is already paid for. Our government collects trillions in taxes. The defense of this country is the ONLY authorized expenditure by the US Federal Government.

The war is already paid for. You use the tax money collected to pay the military FIRST!

What is left over goes to the other stuff. Just how hard is that to understand?

And let bridges fall into rivers......Let our electrical grids go down leaving TENS of millions w/o power let our flight control system deteriorate to the point that people DIE......Yeah REALLY bright call there.
Let's see we could also let our borders CONTINUE to be easily crossed. We could CONTINUE to let our Coast Guard go WOEFULLY underfunded and tasked with Thousands of miles of coast to both guard and patrol for people in distress. We could CONTINUE to allow our ports to hit and miss for finding contraband to enter our country, contaband that could result in a terrorist attack.

So you tell me........Is asking SOMEONE to pay for the wars out of line? Should those LEAST able to pay more....Those living UNDER the poverty level, those living paycheck to paycheck, those who can BARELY pay their bills and afford medical care pay more? Or should those MOST able, the ULTRA WEALTHY who got the MOST from Bush's tax cuts step up and pay for the war costs? Cause you KNOW they aren't going to make any jobs for AMERICANS, they have PROVEN that since Reagan's trickle down economics. MASSIVE TAX BREAKS FOR business and the ULTRA WEALTHY and MASSIVE loss of our manufacturing base.
If you are pro war, then dont bitch about paying money for the war.

Having been in a couple....I can say I'm definently not PRO-War.

However I am pro-military and National Defense.

There's a slight difference.
I couldn't believe this.....but after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look I wasn't really surprised when it was reported that Congressional Democrats want to start a War Tax to pay for Afghanistan.

In effect, they want to charge us extra for defending our troops....charge extra to send the troops Generals on the ground are requesting.

They always say it will only effect the upper 1% but that's merely a starting point. Soon everyone will have to pay extra just to feed, cloth, and protect our kids in uniform.

I wonder if this is some new plan to turn America against The Good War.

The Raw Story | US lawmakers: New tax should pay for Afghan war

New Tax being proposed

C'mon now....the Democrats are just looking at taking more money away from America so they can get the huge deficit Obama's running up back down to Bush's levels. Right now Obama is set to double the National Debt and the 2010 budget deficit is the most of any President in history all added together.

Their re-election campaign will be run on "See??? We balanced the budget." after they raise taxes on EVERYONE IN THE U.S.A.

They've already spent so much they can't balance the budget.

I don't think that's their goal. It would take a Republican Congress to do that.
No I would like to not see DEATHLY ILL people in this country die for GREED!

They can get treatment. Obama's health insurance isn't gonna make sure they're taken care of.

I have just as much compassion as the next Liberal...but I also know that the line of Bullshit you've been fed is JUST THAT....BULLSHIT. The form of health care reform the Democrats are proposing isn't gonna make anything better for the terminally ill. Everything is geared to-wards shoring up their base and buying votes. It's not gonna make anything better.

However...our troops are dying every day....115 since Obama started deliberating on what to do next. So I think their needs are alot more important then people who are already being taken care of.

Has it EVER occured to you that people being able to get preventitive treatment/early treatment that it would SAVE money AND lives? Also has it occured to you that when people have no other option than the ER that YOU, I, and EVERY other taxpayer PAYS for that treatment? We pay in higher cost for services, we pay for lost productivity, and we pay with higher taxes. Who do you THINK pays for medical services for those who can't afford them?

All valid issues....but the goal here isn't to do what you claim. They want to control us through health care....not take care of us. They can't possibly take care of all of us nor take care of all of our needs....or wants. The Senate bill only covers 30 million of us. There's still millions that won't be covered. They want to control what we eat, how much we can weigh, you name it.

I think they want to treat those they consider to be their base ignoring the rest of us. If you're over a certain age you'll be left out in the cold. Socialized medicine is notorious for treating the symptoms and not the causes....because treating the causes is too expensive.

None of this legislation is intended to lower costs but instead will drastically raise costs to all of us in the form of fines and penalties not to mention increases in obligations for businesses. If they want to remain in business they will have to pass the extra costs Obama will impose on to the consumer. It will cause a massive tsunami of layoffs because the costs of keeping employees will increase drastically.
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They can get treatment. Obama's health insurance isn't gonna make sure they're taken care of.

I have just as much compassion as the next Liberal...but I also know that the line of Bullshit you've been fed is JUST THAT....BULLSHIT. The form of health care reform the Democrats are proposing isn't gonna make anything better for the terminally ill. Everything is geared to-wards shoring up their base and buying votes. It's not gonna make anything better.

However...our troops are dying every day....115 since Obama started deliberating on what to do next. So I think their needs are alot more important then people who are already being taken care of.

Has it EVER occured to you that people being able to get preventitive treatment/early treatment that it would SAVE money AND lives? Also has it occured to you that when people have no other option than the ER that YOU, I, and EVERY other taxpayer PAYS for that treatment? We pay in higher cost for services, we pay for lost productivity, and we pay with higher taxes. Who do you THINK pays for medical services for those who can't afford them?

All valid issues....but the goal here isn't to do what you claim. They want to control us through health care....not take care of us. They can't possibly take care of all of us nor take care of all of our needs....or wants. The Senate bill only covers 30 million of us. There's still millions that won't be covered. They want to control what we eat, how much we can weigh, you name it.

I think they want to treat those they consider to be their base ignoring the rest of us. If you're over a certain age you'll be left out in the cold. Socialized medicine is notorious for treating the symptoms and not the causes....because treating the causes is too expensive.

None of this legislation is intended to lower costs but instead will drastically raise costs to all of us in the form of fines and penalties not to mention increases in obligations for businesses. If they want to remain in business they will have to pass the extra costs Obama will impose on to the consumer. It will cause a massive tsunami of layoffs because the costs of keeping employees will increase drastically.

Oh please say it ain't so Mud....You have had a couple of points that I consider reasonable but please oh PLEASE don't tell me you are an unplug Grandma type. They want to treat their BASE........That boarders on PARANOIA. The other point I think you get wrong here is that if EVERYONE in America went to the same doctor once a year so he will know if anything has changed year to year and it is easier to talk to a person you know then we COULD treat the CAUSE........That is my whole point!! If illness is treated early on it is NOT only cheaper but MUCH MORE effective. One of my professors is from Canada, her mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, she went into surgury THAT VERY SAME day. Choices WILL need to be made. Treat a rotator cuff injury or a compound fracture? But to say that people being able to get treated BEFORE they are igravely ill is a bad thing and will NOT save money is to me an absurd notion.
Has it EVER occured to you that people being able to get preventitive treatment/early treatment that it would SAVE money AND lives? Also has it occured to you that when people have no other option than the ER that YOU, I, and EVERY other taxpayer PAYS for that treatment? We pay in higher cost for services, we pay for lost productivity, and we pay with higher taxes. Who do you THINK pays for medical services for those who can't afford them?

All valid issues....but the goal here isn't to do what you claim. They want to control us through health care....not take care of us. They can't possibly take care of all of us nor take care of all of our needs....or wants. The Senate bill only covers 30 million of us. There's still millions that won't be covered. They want to control what we eat, how much we can weigh, you name it.

I think they want to treat those they consider to be their base ignoring the rest of us. If you're over a certain age you'll be left out in the cold. Socialized medicine is notorious for treating the symptoms and not the causes....because treating the causes is too expensive.

None of this legislation is intended to lower costs but instead will drastically raise costs to all of us in the form of fines and penalties not to mention increases in obligations for businesses. If they want to remain in business they will have to pass the extra costs Obama will impose on to the consumer. It will cause a massive tsunami of layoffs because the costs of keeping employees will increase drastically.

Oh please say it ain't so Mud....You have had a couple of points that I consider reasonable but please oh PLEASE don't tell me you are an unplug Grandma type. They want to treat their BASE........That boarders on PARANOIA. The other point I think you get wrong here is that if EVERYONE in America went to the same doctor once a year so he will know if anything has changed year to year and it is easier to talk to a person you know then we COULD treat the CAUSE........That is my whole point!! If illness is treated early on it is NOT only cheaper but MUCH MORE effective. One of my professors is from Canada, her mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, she went into surgury THAT VERY SAME day. Choices WILL need to be made. Treat a rotator cuff injury or a compound fracture? But to say that people being able to get treated BEFORE they are igravely ill is a bad thing and will NOT save money is to me an absurd notion.

Maybe you would make more sense if you stopped putting words in my mouth.

There are panels in the bill that are there to decide if this person gets treatment paid for and another doesn't. This is nothing like Canada's health system. The only thing preventative in this bill will be what you can eat, drink, or smoke.

The people that are gonna suffer the most in this "reform" is the elderly. They lose their Medicare, and they have to refile in a government program that they haven't even worked out the details on so efficiency will be a major problem.

Also, folks who know nothing about medicine will be deciding whether or not the costs for a procedure are worth it. So you and I will be at their mercy. The costs must be kept under control so people's needs will be secondary to the bottom-line.
All valid issues....but the goal here isn't to do what you claim. They want to control us through health care....not take care of us. They can't possibly take care of all of us nor take care of all of our needs....or wants. The Senate bill only covers 30 million of us. There's still millions that won't be covered. They want to control what we eat, how much we can weigh, you name it.

I think they want to treat those they consider to be their base ignoring the rest of us. If you're over a certain age you'll be left out in the cold. Socialized medicine is notorious for treating the symptoms and not the causes....because treating the causes is too expensive.

None of this legislation is intended to lower costs but instead will drastically raise costs to all of us in the form of fines and penalties not to mention increases in obligations for businesses. If they want to remain in business they will have to pass the extra costs Obama will impose on to the consumer. It will cause a massive tsunami of layoffs because the costs of keeping employees will increase drastically.

Oh please say it ain't so Mud....You have had a couple of points that I consider reasonable but please oh PLEASE don't tell me you are an unplug Grandma type. They want to treat their BASE........That boarders on PARANOIA. The other point I think you get wrong here is that if EVERYONE in America went to the same doctor once a year so he will know if anything has changed year to year and it is easier to talk to a person you know then we COULD treat the CAUSE........That is my whole point!! If illness is treated early on it is NOT only cheaper but MUCH MORE effective. One of my professors is from Canada, her mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, she went into surgury THAT VERY SAME day. Choices WILL need to be made. Treat a rotator cuff injury or a compound fracture? But to say that people being able to get treated BEFORE they are igravely ill is a bad thing and will NOT save money is to me an absurd notion.

Maybe you would make more sense if you stopped putting words in my mouth.

There are panels in the bill that are there to decide if this person gets treatment paid for and another doesn't. This is nothing like Canada's health system. The only thing preventative in this bill will be what you can eat, drink, or smoke.

The people that are gonna suffer the most in this "reform" is the elderly. They lose their Medicare, and they have to refile in a government program that they haven't even worked out the details on so efficiency will be a major problem.

Also, folks who know nothing about medicine will be deciding whether or not the costs for a procedure are worth it. So you and I will be at their mercy. The costs must be kept under control so people's needs will be secondary to the bottom-line.

You think the adjuster at Medifarm (TM) has a Doctors licesne? You think the ONLY thing that factors into whether or not you get treatment is his yearly bonus? I DO! The adjuster couldn't care LESS for you and I and will deny coverage for ANY reason they can come up with. You need to understand they get BONUSES for keeping costs DOWN i.e. deny coverage.
If you are pro war, then dont bitch about paying money for the war.

Having been in a couple....I can say I'm definently not PRO-War.

However I am pro-military and National Defense.

There's a slight difference.

Now the way THIS is worded I can agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY. But WHERE does the money come from? Have you looked into how poorly funded the Coast Guard is? As much as our military needs to rebuild do to the extended war we should also consider the CG a priority. If you look into it I think you will be TERIFIED by the state of our CG and the state of our ports......Mark my words if the terrorists choose to bring the battle back to us they would not have a hard time doing so. They are the scum of the Earth but do NOT underestimate how driven, intelligent, and adaptable they are. The more we squeeze our defenses the more they will find the weak spots in our defenses. Our border with Canada is the LONGEST undefended border in the WORLD. We have THOUSANDS of miles of coast line. We have a Southern border that is a joke, if Coyotes can get PEOPLE across the border then they can get a terrorist across.

We are SOOOOOOOO DAMN vulnerable it is CRIMINAL(on both sides of the aisle).
If you are pro war, then dont bitch about paying money for the war.

Having been in a couple....I can say I'm definently not PRO-War.

However I am pro-military and National Defense.

There's a slight difference.

Now the way THIS is worded I can agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY. But WHERE does the money come from? Have you looked into how poorly funded the Coast Guard is? As much as our military needs to rebuild do to the extended war we should also consider the CG a priority. If you look into it I think you will be TERIFIED by the state of our CG and the state of our ports......Mark my words if the terrorists choose to bring the battle back to us they would not have a hard time doing so. They are the scum of the Earth but do NOT underestimate how driven, intelligent, and adaptable they are. The more we squeeze our defenses the more they will find the weak spots in our defenses. Our border with Canada is the LONGEST undefended border in the WORLD. We have THOUSANDS of miles of coast line. We have a Southern border that is a joke, if Coyotes can get PEOPLE across the border then they can get a terrorist across.

We are SOOOOOOOO DAMN vulnerable it is CRIMINAL(on both sides of the aisle).

You and I seem to be in agreement about several things....but going about doing what it takes to get the job done is where we differ.

Any good soldier knows the best way to fight a war is as far away from the homefront as possible...that way you can keep the effects of the war out of the minds of your country's population.

We chose the battlefield that suited us and we almost destroyed Al Qaeda in the process.

Now, we're fighting on their home turf. The same turf they used to defeat the Russians.

Not very bright if you ask me.
I say, everyone who got a Tax cut from Bush....and you know who you are...should pay back America and fund this war since you want it to go on indefinitely.

Thank you very much.
Having been in a couple....I can say I'm definently not PRO-War.

However I am pro-military and National Defense.

There's a slight difference.

Now the way THIS is worded I can agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY. But WHERE does the money come from? Have you looked into how poorly funded the Coast Guard is? As much as our military needs to rebuild do to the extended war we should also consider the CG a priority. If you look into it I think you will be TERIFIED by the state of our CG and the state of our ports......Mark my words if the terrorists choose to bring the battle back to us they would not have a hard time doing so. They are the scum of the Earth but do NOT underestimate how driven, intelligent, and adaptable they are. The more we squeeze our defenses the more they will find the weak spots in our defenses. Our border with Canada is the LONGEST undefended border in the WORLD. We have THOUSANDS of miles of coast line. We have a Southern border that is a joke, if Coyotes can get PEOPLE across the border then they can get a terrorist across.

We are SOOOOOOOO DAMN vulnerable it is CRIMINAL(on both sides of the aisle).

You and I seem to be in agreement about several things....but going about doing what it takes to get the job done is where we differ.

Any good soldier knows the best way to fight a war is as far away from the homefront as possible...that way you can keep the effects of the war out of the minds of your country's population.

We chose the battlefield that suited us and we almost destroyed Al Qaeda in the process.

Now, we're fighting on their home turf. The same turf they used to defeat the Russians.

Not very bright if you ask me.

Fighting in the moutains of Afghanistan is pure madness. All we have to do is look at what they did to the Soviets. Don't get me wrong we are better and have equip the Sovs could only DREAM of but in the end I don't think it will be enough.

Your problem with US choosing the battlefield is that the terrorists are JUST if not MORE able than us to fight on multiple fronts. You don't think the reason we haven't been attacked since 9/11 has anything to do with Iraq/Afghanistan do you? If so then how would you explain the time between WTC I attack and WTC II attack? You know as well as I that the elements we are fighting don't attack every day they bide their time find their target research it's weaknesses and THEN attack........They are SCUM but we should NEVER underestimate them.
I say, everyone who got a Tax cut from Bush....and you know who you are...should pay back America and fund this war since you want it to go on indefinitely.

Thank you very much.

Strange that you would say that.

If you paid taxes of any kind the last 9 years you got a tax-cut or a rebate.

So why don't you start with yourself.

The Treasury will take checks.

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