Dems Telling Us We Have To Pay Extra To Protect Our Troops

The Dems in Congress want to raise our taxes. That's why they weren't floated.

Stop right there. The GOP was in control of the house, senate, and executive branch from 200-2006. Bush was the President until 2008. He never once proposed a war bond. In fact, Bush went to great lengths to shield the American people from the realization that they would have to pay for these wars (which has been covered at length here).

And you must think you're talking to a fucken idiot.

At least you got one thing right on this thread.

You've no room to talk.

Anyone who thinks the Democrats aren't doing everything they can to raise our taxes has their heads up their asses.

They do it in every state they take over....they drive businesses out of the state and destroy job growth.

New Jersey found this is Florida....soon it'll be your state.

This is why they keep voting in extensions to unemployment benefits......because they know that for the next couple of years their actions will cost you your job as well as millions of other jobs. I figure they won't be happy til 40% of us are sucking on the government tit.

They keep you stupid and keep you broke and dependent on them and they figure that statistically you'll vote for them......even if they caused you to be in that state in the first place.
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So let me guess the way to pay for the war is to NOT pay for the war......Fuckiing genius.

Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Better to spend on OUR social problems than IRAQS!!!

What makes you think Obama has that in mind?

He wants to spread our wealth around the world community. That's what he's planning on doing in Copenhagen in a week or two. What purpose would enriching Americans do for him in the first place. As long as we're poor he can tell us what to do....he can control our lives. If we're independent then he can't lead us around by the nose.
Oh please! We still have to get started paying back the billions and billions that bush borrowed for iraq. You fail to acknowledge that--just try to keep blaming the administration that hasn't been in office for a year yet. Bush should have increased taxes when he started the Iraq war--but he was afraid he wouldn't get reelected--just like his father didn't when he said he would have to raise taxes to pay for the persian gulf war.

Hasn't been in office for a year yet......????

Bush caught hell after 7 months for 9/ want me to cut this fucker more slack then him?????

And for your information....Bush had most of it paid back but when the Dems took over congress in 2007 they started spending like naked sailors in a whorehouse in Tiajuana. They doubled the deficit in the first year and have now raised the deficit from it's low-point in Dec 31, 2006 of $280 billion to it's current level of somewhere around $1,400,000,000,000.00. And that's even without health care being included.

Oh, by the way, His father raised taxes because the Democrats in Congress gave him the choice between doing something he felt meant something or being called a do-nothing President. He was just stupid enough to say "Read My Lips". Eventually blamed him for their tax increases and for doing nothing. So he was still fucked. Just goes to show you...never trust a Democrat.

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

Hard to believe you have something to bitch where Bush is concerned and yet since Obama took over the debt has doubled.

You're lying your ass off. Bush signed into law the TARP fund which was $700 billion...not 800....and only $400 of it was allocated to be spent during his final days. The rest was allocated by he signed another $900 billion a few months later. And now he wants to sign into law another bill with initial costs projected at around $900 billion just for startup costs after only a couple of months of debate yet won't go into effect for another 4 years....and all of it because he claims people are dying without it. So I guess they'll have to hang on for another 4 years I guess.

Personally I don't know where you're getting your numbers because they look like you just pulled them out of your ass.
Mud all anyone has to do is look at your TOTALLY BS cost of the war at $180 billion. After seeing that guttershit come our of your head NOBODY will EVER beleive anything you spew.

What a small mind. You don't agree with one thing so everything else is bullshit.

The actual costs of the war are not a matter of record because any money the DOD got also went to normal operating expenses....maintenance of stateside facilities and equipment most of which would have been spent whether there was a war or not.

During the Clinton years as with all Democrat Presidents....our posts were left to rot...our equipment allowed to rust.....hundreds of thousands of G.I.s were forced out of the service for the most ridiculous reasons. Even I was allowed to leave because Clinton was gutting our military to get his surplus. That's how they all do it. Then a Republican gets in the White House and they have to almost totally rebuild the armed forces to even get it back to it's former self. Our capabilities were decimated from the levels they were at during Desert Storm. Reagan and Bush Sr. spent 12 years rebuilding it and Clinton spent 8 years cutting it back. Now Obama is doing the same.....during two wars no less.

I figure if we had 12 or 16 years of Democrats in the White House we would be a 3rd rate world power soon enough. China, Russia, Cuba, N. Korea, Syria, Iran...and anyone that feels spunky will thumb their noses at us because we soon won't be able to defend our interests abroad...much less defend our homeland.
Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Oh please! We still have to get started paying back the billions and billions that bush borrowed for iraq. You fail to acknowledge that--just try to keep blaming the administration that hasn't been in office for a year yet. Bush should have increased taxes when he started the Iraq war--but he was afraid he wouldn't get reelected--just like his father didn't when he said he would have to raise taxes to pay for the persian gulf war.

Reality check here. Billions is not TRILLIONS, ok? I know you can't really comprehend the difference between the two numbers because no one has ever seen a billion or trillion of anything and it all just means "really big number" with no real difference between the two.

But let's try to compare whether billions each year needed for a war is actually comparable to TRILLIONS needed every year for NEW domestic spending they decided to undertake knowing full well we were in a war already, ok? And let's keep in mind that Bush did leave Obama with a pretty much done deal in Iraq and all that's left there is to wrap things up and get out. WAR is finite and so is the bill for it. The domestic spending is NOT but is intended to be FOREVER. Meaning we will never be free of that bill.

If you wanted to count to a billion it would take you 32 years to do that -with no break, no sleep. Long time and unlikely you would actually do it -but it actually exists within the realm of possibilities -the fact it is still extremely unlikely notwithstanding.

But if you want to count to a trillion, no chance in hell its going to happen. Zero, zip. Because it would take 32 THOUSAND YEARS to do it -and in case you didn't know this, no human being will ever come close to living anywhere long enough to come anywhere close to counting that high.

Ok, you think it serves us better to dwell on the fact that Bush AND the Democrat controlled Congress spent billions on a war in Iraq that the Democrat controlled Congress voted to OVERWHELMINGLY approve (and backtracking now and pretending they didn't is just partisan but phony ass POLITICS). But let's take a real look at what is driving the budget deficits TODAY -because it sure as hell isn't BUSH! And let's stop this ludicrous nonsense that Clinton left Bush a surplus -because SORRY he left a larger deficit than the one he had when he came to office too! That surplus bullshit is just that -total bullshit and a big Democrat lie still being repeated to this day. Right along with the lie that they own the history of the Republican party and the Republican party owns that of the Democrat party and they MIRACULOUSLY switched histories and principles at the VERY same time! Only the ignorant will fall for that but Democrats are counting on that number to be substantial after our public school system gets done with them. But to move on....

President Bush expanded the federal budget from the $350 billion budget deficit he was handed to an historic high of $500 billion through 2008. President Obama has added $2.5 TRILLION in just his first six months. Sorry, but there is no close second to this "accomplishment". This is something that has put bankruptcy as a VERY real outcome for the nation. Something your favorite whipping boy Bush never did. These facts can be found from numerous reliable sources including government sources as well as several media sources including separate editions of the Washington Post and LA Times.

President Bush created a Medicare drug entitlement that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama and the most seriously considered Democrat proposal for a new government health care bill is estimated to cost $2.5 TRILLION dollars in the first ten years of government outlays. And let's get real -the CBO has never once gotten the cost of government entitlement programs right and has consistently ended up lowballing by a factor of 4-6. Which means the real cost is far more likely to cost $10-15 TRILLION. At no time should you forget the REAL difference between a billion and a trillion and go back to deluding yourself that there is no substantial difference between a billion and a trillion. The difference between the two is MIND BOGGLINGLY HUGE.

So here is just a tiny BIT of why our budget deficits are out of control under a Democrat Congress and Democrat President:

President Bush increased federal spending on education by 58 percent more than the rate of inflation over the course of 8 years. That rate will double under Obama next year.

President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already increased THAT rate of spending by 20% in his first year. Just imagine what it will be by the end of year 4 of his administration. It doesn't really matter -we are fast approaching the point where we can't pay for any of this bullshit anyway.

President Bush oversaw a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt because of a mutual agreement on White House policy between the incoming and outgoing Presidents - President Obama’s budget will add an additional $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016. Again, keep in mind the major differences between "billion" and "trillion".

Time to start living in THIS reality where Obama is President and fully responsible for what HE does. Not a former President who hasn't had a thing to do with ANY of Obama's decisions since leaving office. Bush's billions can't hold a candle to Obama's TRILLIONS. And frankly, we'd be better off by far if we were only beholden for those billions instead of Obama's trillions. Several generations to come will end up footing the real bill for what Obama has done to this country. Just don't hold your breath waiting for any of them to thank him -or any of us - for it either.

A $TRILLION to rebuild INFRASTRUCTURE so we don't have bridges FALLING into rivers.......Yeah I will take that all fucking day long.......Spending $HUNDREDS of BILLIONS rebuilding what Bush destroyed with his "Shock and AWE" against a militry that could have been terrified by a fucking Roman Candle? Yeah just as long as HALLIBURTON gets the "NO BID" "COST PLUS" sweetheart deals at the cost of the American people and our deficit that went up by $5,000,000,000,000.00 part of which happened during Rep controlled Congress and WH. Even the "Bridge to NOWHERE that was vetoed on MULTIPLE occasions by his most Godliness RONALD REAGAN. You guys fucked up so massively that Obama had to take MASSIVE IMMEDIATE action to avoid a DOW at 2,000 so shut the fuck up and economy recover by REPEALING tax breaks for the ULTRA-WEALTHY who SHAMELESLY send jobs and bank accounts over seas!
Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.


Have you figured out that we have to pay for this war yet, or not?

Have you figured out that we have to pay for Universal Health Care yet?????

Let's see universal health care for AMERICANS or KILL other people around the world with money we NEVER had? I will vote for taking care of our own.
Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Oh please! We still have to get started paying back the billions and billions that bush borrowed for iraq. You fail to acknowledge that--just try to keep blaming the administration that hasn't been in office for a year yet. Bush should have increased taxes when he started the Iraq war--but he was afraid he wouldn't get reelected--just like his father didn't when he said he would have to raise taxes to pay for the persian gulf war.

Reality check here. Billions is not TRILLIONS, ok? I know you can't really comprehend the difference between the two numbers because no one has ever seen a billion or trillion of anything and it all just means "really big number" with no real difference between the two.

But let's try to compare whether billions each year needed for a war is actually comparable to TRILLIONS needed every year for NEW domestic spending they decided to undertake knowing full well we were in a war already, ok? And let's keep in mind that Bush did leave Obama with a pretty much done deal in Iraq and all that's left there is to wrap things up and get out. WAR is finite and so is the bill for it. The domestic spending is NOT but is intended to be FOREVER. Meaning we will never be free of that bill.

If you wanted to count to a billion it would take you 32 years to do that -with no break, no sleep. Long time and unlikely you would actually do it -but it actually exists within the realm of possibilities -the fact it is still extremely unlikely notwithstanding.

But if you want to count to a trillion, no chance in hell its going to happen. Zero, zip. Because it would take 32 THOUSAND YEARS to do it -and in case you didn't know this, no human being will ever come close to living anywhere long enough to come anywhere close to counting that high.

Ok, you think it serves us better to dwell on the fact that Bush AND the Democrat controlled Congress spent billions on a war in Iraq that the Democrat controlled Congress voted to OVERWHELMINGLY approve (and backtracking now and pretending they didn't is just partisan but phony ass POLITICS). But let's take a real look at what is driving the budget deficits TODAY -because it sure as hell isn't BUSH! And let's stop this ludicrous nonsense that Clinton left Bush a surplus -because SORRY he left a larger deficit than the one he had when he came to office too! That surplus bullshit is just that -total bullshit and a big Democrat lie still being repeated to this day. Right along with the lie that they own the history of the Republican party and the Republican party owns that of the Democrat party and they MIRACULOUSLY switched histories and principles at the VERY same time! Only the ignorant will fall for that but Democrats are counting on that number to be substantial after our public school system gets done with them. But to move on....

President Bush expanded the federal budget from the $350 billion budget deficit he was handed to an historic high of $500 billion through 2008. President Obama has added $2.5 TRILLION in just his first six months. Sorry, but there is no close second to this "accomplishment". This is something that has put bankruptcy as a VERY real outcome for the nation. Something your favorite whipping boy Bush never did. These facts can be found from numerous reliable sources including government sources as well as several media sources including separate editions of the Washington Post and LA Times.

President Bush created a Medicare drug entitlement that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama and the most seriously considered Democrat proposal for a new government health care bill is estimated to cost $2.5 TRILLION dollars in the first ten years of government outlays. And let's get real -the CBO has never once gotten the cost of government entitlement programs right and has consistently ended up lowballing by a factor of 4-6. Which means the real cost is far more likely to cost $10-15 TRILLION. At no time should you forget the REAL difference between a billion and a trillion and go back to deluding yourself that there is no substantial difference between a billion and a trillion. The difference between the two is MIND BOGGLINGLY HUGE.

So here is just a tiny BIT of why our budget deficits are out of control under a Democrat Congress and Democrat President:

President Bush increased federal spending on education by 58 percent more than the rate of inflation over the course of 8 years. That rate will double under Obama next year.

President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already increased THAT rate of spending by 20% in his first year. Just imagine what it will be by the end of year 4 of his administration. It doesn't really matter -we are fast approaching the point where we can't pay for any of this bullshit anyway.

President Bush oversaw a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt because of a mutual agreement on White House policy between the incoming and outgoing Presidents - President Obama’s budget will add an additional $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016. Again, keep in mind the major differences between "billion" and "trillion".

Time to start living in THIS reality where Obama is President and fully responsible for what HE does. Not a former President who hasn't had a thing to do with ANY of Obama's decisions since leaving office. Bush's billions can't hold a candle to Obama's TRILLIONS. And frankly, we'd be better off by far if we were only beholden for those billions instead of Obama's trillions. Several generations to come will end up footing the real bill for what Obama has done to this country. Just don't hold your breath waiting for any of them to thank him -or any of us - for it either.

Bush added $2.5 TRILLION through 2008......Flat our Bush ass kissing LIE! You guys should know by now that LIES like this and Mud's $180 Billion for the war will NOT go unchallenged and you will be made to look rather foolish for trying to float those numbers.
Hey MuddieBuddie still would like you to comment on this...............

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

Have you figured out that we have to pay for this war yet, or not?

Have you figured out that we have to pay for Universal Health Care yet?????

Let's see universal health care for AMERICANS or KILL other people around the world with money we NEVER had? I will vote for taking care of our own.

That's not the choices. We've got kids over there at risk. We have to support them.....but you want to make sure that healthy folks in this country have health insurance instead.

You would rather fill body bags then let people who don't really need government health insurance get it.

I just don't understand that kind of thinking.

Maybe if they get back here alive get out of the service and apply for treatment for whatever ails them you'll go along with taking care of them. But as long as they are forced to hunker down in a bunker and continue to get mortared....well according to you they can go fuck themselves.

I just wanted to put your stupid beliefs in proper prospective.
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Hey MuddieBuddie still would like you to comment on this...............

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

This looks like a copy of another post.

You're full of shit. Bush didn't have a $1.08 trillion deficit. The deficit was $500 billion.

However Obama currently has a deficit around $1.4 trillion and is planning on adding another $1 trillion to that with this health care reform bill. Then there's Cap & Trade, immunity for illegals, and something he's not talking about but will soon hit us hard....his Copenhagen agreement which will end up sending another $900 billion overseas.
Hey MuddieBuddie still would like you to comment on this...............

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

This looks like a copy of another post.

You're full of shit. Bush didn't have a $1.08 trillion deficit. The deficit was $500 billion.

However Obama currently has a deficit around $1.4 trillion and is planning on adding another $1 trillion to that with this health care reform bill. Then there's Cap & Trade, immunity for illegals, and something he's not talking about but will soon hit us hard....his Copenhagen agreement which will end up sending another $900 billion overseas.

Bring the military HOME then we don't have to pay to kill people in other countries.

As for ANY # you EVER post your #s are HIGHLY suspect.
Hey MuddieBuddie still would like you to comment on this...............

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

This looks like a copy of another post.

You're full of shit. Bush didn't have a $1.08 trillion deficit. The deficit was $500 billion.

However Obama currently has a deficit around $1.4 trillion and is planning on adding another $1 trillion to that with this health care reform bill. Then there's Cap & Trade, immunity for illegals, and something he's not talking about but will soon hit us hard....his Copenhagen agreement which will end up sending another $900 billion overseas.

So you are CLAIMING that Bush, in FACT, had a $300,000,000,000 SURPLUS before he signed the $800,000,000,000 stimulus into law.

EVERY ONE of your #s are just made up BULLSHIT!
Hey MuddieBuddie still would like you to comment on this...............

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

This looks like a copy of another post.

You're full of shit. Bush didn't have a $1.08 trillion deficit. The deficit was $500 billion.

However Obama currently has a deficit around $1.4 trillion and is planning on adding another $1 trillion to that with this health care reform bill. Then there's Cap & Trade, immunity for illegals, and something he's not talking about but will soon hit us hard....his Copenhagen agreement which will end up sending another $900 billion overseas.

Bring the military HOME then we don't have to pay to kill people in other countries.

As for ANY # you EVER post your #s are HIGHLY suspect.

Obama won't bring them back until enough of them get killed to justify it.

Right now if he does he'll look extremely weak and the GOP will blast all over the place that his indecisive-ass lost the war because he couldn't make up his fucken mind what to do.
Hey MuddieBuddie still would like you to comment on this...............

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!

This looks like a copy of another post.

You're full of shit. Bush didn't have a $1.08 trillion deficit. The deficit was $500 billion.

However Obama currently has a deficit around $1.4 trillion and is planning on adding another $1 trillion to that with this health care reform bill. Then there's Cap & Trade, immunity for illegals, and something he's not talking about but will soon hit us hard....his Copenhagen agreement which will end up sending another $900 billion overseas.

So you are CLAIMING that Bush, in FACT, had a $300,000,000,000 SURPLUS before he signed the $800,000,000,000 stimulus into law.

EVERY ONE of your #s are just made up BULLSHIT!

Listen you asshole. I never said he had a surplus. Stop putting words in my mouth like the typical lying assed Liberal you are. Personally I don't think you would know the truth about this if it walked up and kicked you in the nuts.


IT TOOK 8 YEARS OF WARS AND NATURAL DISSASTERS FOR IT TO GO FROM $5 TRILLION TO $9 TRILLION AND OBAMA RAISED IT IN LESS THEN A YEAR ANOTHER 25%. I figure at the rate he and the Democrats are going we'll have a deficit of around $2.5 trillion and a National Debt of around $24 trillion in only a few years....right around the time Obama goes for reelection.

Everyone knows the Dems planned on raising taxes and spending like crazy....they've just taken the last 8 years trying to figure out a way to make it seem like it was a good thing....paying to stop a crisis. A crisis of their own making. The trick was to not make it so obvious.

Whats fucken amazing that any of you lousy lying fucks would have the nerve to bitch about Bush spending when spending has gone through the roof since Obama took the oath. It just tells me and anyone else you shit for brains troofers, and Obama apologists don't believe in living in the real world but just make it up as you go.
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This looks like a copy of another post.

You're full of shit. Bush didn't have a $1.08 trillion deficit. The deficit was $500 billion.

However Obama currently has a deficit around $1.4 trillion and is planning on adding another $1 trillion to that with this health care reform bill. Then there's Cap & Trade, immunity for illegals, and something he's not talking about but will soon hit us hard....his Copenhagen agreement which will end up sending another $900 billion overseas.

So you are CLAIMING that Bush, in FACT, had a $300,000,000,000 SURPLUS before he signed the $800,000,000,000 stimulus into law.

EVERY ONE of your #s are just made up BULLSHIT!

Listen you asshole. I never said he had a surplus. Stop putting words in my mouth like the typical lying assed Liberal you are. Personally I don't think you would know the truth about this if it walked up and kicked you in the nuts.


IT TOOK 8 YEARS OF WARS AND NATURAL DISSASTERS FOR IT TO GO FROM $5 TRILLION TO $9 TRILLION AND OBAMA RAISED IT IN LESS THEN A YEAR ANOTHER 25%. I figure at the rate he and the Democrats are going we'll have a deficit of around $2.5 trillion and a National Debt of around $24 trillion in only a few years....right around the time Obama goes for reelection.

Everyone knows the Dems planned on raising taxes and spending like crazy....they've just taken the last 8 years trying to figure out a way to make it seem like it was a good thing....paying to stop a crisis. A crisis of their own making. The trick was to not make it so obvious.

Whats fucken amazing that any of you lousy lying fucks would have the nerve to bitch about Bush spending when spending has gone through the roof since Obama took the oath. It just tells me and anyone else you shit for brains troofers, and Obama apologists don't believe in living in the real world but just make it up as you go.

Sorry douche but a few posts back it was $750,000,000,000 that Bush signed into law. And you may want to look at the DAY BY DAY national debt it was OVER $10,000,000,000,000.00 when Bush left office. But let me guess you are counting from when Obama was ELECTED another totally dishonest way you Neo-Cons try to cover for Bush's FAR LESS than conservative ways.
No one who voted for Ronald Reagan twice can possibly complain about deficit spending.

And anyone that is such an incredibly gullible fuck who was stupid enough to vote for Obama once has even less to complain about.:oops:
Have you figured out that we have to pay for Universal Health Care yet?????

Let's see universal health care for AMERICANS or KILL other people around the world with money we NEVER had? I will vote for taking care of our own.

That's not the choices. We've got kids over there at risk. We have to support them.....but you want to make sure that healthy folks in this country have health insurance instead.

You would rather fill body bags then let people who don't really need government health insurance get it.

I just don't understand that kind of thinking.

Maybe if they get back here alive get out of the service and apply for treatment for whatever ails them you'll go along with taking care of them. But as long as they are forced to hunker down in a bunker and continue to get mortared....well according to you they can go fuck themselves.

I just wanted to put your stupid beliefs in proper prospective.

No I would like to not see DEATHLY ILL people in this country die for GREED!
Have you figured out that we have to pay for Universal Health Care yet?????

Let's see universal health care for AMERICANS or KILL other people around the world with money we NEVER had? I will vote for taking care of our own.

That's not the choices. We've got kids over there at risk. We have to support them.....but you want to make sure that healthy folks in this country have health insurance instead.

You would rather fill body bags then let people who don't really need government health insurance get it.

I just don't understand that kind of thinking.

Maybe if they get back here alive get out of the service and apply for treatment for whatever ails them you'll go along with taking care of them. But as long as they are forced to hunker down in a bunker and continue to get mortared....well according to you they can go fuck themselves.

I just wanted to put your stupid beliefs in proper prospective.

Oh and Mr DRAMA QUEEN..........The servicemen in Iraq/Afghanistan have the BEST military hardware in the WORLD so don't give me this "But as long as they are forced to hunker down in a bunker and continue to get mortared" BS you know that is a GD well that is a fucking LIE!
Let's see universal health care for AMERICANS or KILL other people around the world with money we NEVER had? I will vote for taking care of our own.

That's not the choices. We've got kids over there at risk. We have to support them.....but you want to make sure that healthy folks in this country have health insurance instead.

You would rather fill body bags then let people who don't really need government health insurance get it.

I just don't understand that kind of thinking.

Maybe if they get back here alive get out of the service and apply for treatment for whatever ails them you'll go along with taking care of them. But as long as they are forced to hunker down in a bunker and continue to get mortared....well according to you they can go fuck themselves.

I just wanted to put your stupid beliefs in proper prospective.

No I would like to not see DEATHLY ILL people in this country die for GREED!

They can get treatment. Obama's health insurance isn't gonna make sure they're taken care of.

I have just as much compassion as the next Liberal...but I also know that the line of Bullshit you've been fed is JUST THAT....BULLSHIT. The form of health care reform the Democrats are proposing isn't gonna make anything better for the terminally ill. Everything is geared to-wards shoring up their base and buying votes. It's not gonna make anything better.

However...our troops are dying every day....115 since Obama started deliberating on what to do next. So I think their needs are alot more important then people who are already being taken care of.

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