Dems Telling Us We Have To Pay Extra To Protect Our Troops

GeeDubya didn't catch any hell when 9/11 happened. In fact, after it happened, he enjoyed a period of even greater popularity than Pres. Obama has had. it wasn't until 2003that he started getting any serious criticism over it at all, when his 9/11 karma started running out.

Still wondering where just where you're getting your info for all this.

Trying to rewrite history now?

No, but you seem to be trying to invent it:

The naysayers kept quiet and made their plans and after the shock of 9/11 passed they started talking shit about it was really his fault. How he even ordered the bringing down of WTC #7.

James Carville said they could use the war against Bush but what really did him in was Katrina. With the help of ACORN and the media what was a natural disaster that effected all was used as a way of illustrating that not only did Bush hate Black People but he couldn't perform miracles after FEMA screwed the pooch. Funny thing is FEMA didn't, but you wouldn't know that. The Governor of LA and the Mayor of New Orleans were the real culprits...not Bush. Take a lesson in civics if you don't believe me.


You got any sources for all this? I mean besides something like Paranoid Wingnuts Daily, that is.

Furthermore, what political machinations people may or may not have been planning doesn't change the fact that he was immensely popular right after 9/11 happened and didn't recieve any serious, widespread criticism over this until after he was in office for over two years. What this means is that this dog...

Bush caught hell after 7 months for 9/11...

...don't hunt.


I don't need links for all of this shit. All you needed to do was know how government works and keep your eyes and ears open and not fall for every stereotype the leftist media throws at us.

And it's not my problem you fell for the hoaxes the Left and the media constantly throw at us.

9/11 happened during Bush's 7th let's count from when he was inaugerated and figure out how many months into Bush's first term September was.
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I don't need links for all of this shit. All you needed to do was know how government works and keep your eyes and ears open and not fall for every stereotype the leftist media throws at us.

And it's not my problem you fell for the hoaxes the Left and the media constantly throw at us.

9/11 happened during Bush's 7th let's count from when he was inaugerated and figure out how many months into Bush's first term September was.

Translation: "I got nothin', but I'll keep on blustering like I do."
I don't need links for all of this shit. All you needed to do was know how government works and keep your eyes and ears open and not fall for every stereotype the leftist media throws at us.

And it's not my problem you fell for the hoaxes the Left and the media constantly throw at us.

9/11 happened during Bush's 7th let's count from when he was inaugerated and figure out how many months into Bush's first term September was.

Translation: "I got nothin', but I'll keep on blustering like I do."

No....the correct translation is I have an open enough mind and a good enough memory to have seen all of this develop....seen all of the quotes by the parties involved and looked at the big picture as opposed to being led around by the nose like a lemming.

I've learned from first hand experience not to believe everything that journalists print or publish and I know enough about how government works having worked inside it most of my be able to figure out the crap the media tells us is a bunch of bullshit.

The Drivebys have an agenda....they have no problem lying to us. Moby once said and it spells it all out "Bush doesn't need to do anything wrong to look bad..because we can just make a bunch of shit up and it will be like he actually did it!!!"
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Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.


Have you figured out that we have to pay for this war yet, or not?

Have you figured out that we have to pay for Universal Health Care yet?????

The same way we pay for everything, to include wars: taxes.

Sorry you are just now figuring out that a war (which I bet you were a cheerleader for) was actually going to hit you in the wallet.

"How dare the Democrats try and pay for the war! That's our grandkid's responsibility!"

Have you figured out that we have to pay for this war yet, or not?

Have you figured out that we have to pay for Universal Health Care yet?????

The same way we pay for everything, to include wars: taxes.

Spoken like a true Lib.

There are various ways to pay for things and taxes....raising them is only one of them....but the worst one during a Recession.

Selling savings bonds....or providing incentives.

Start to incentivize the economy rather then punishing those who make it run.

That's the best way to pay for it.

Why are savings bonds a good deal and a better way?

The economy is bad now. People buy bonds and cash them in when the economy is good that way the pain is spread out rather then raising taxes and causing everyone undue suffering now.

The worst thing about new taxes is once you get a new tax you can't get rid of it. Congress will end up wasting the money once it's not needed and continue spending it on their friends and constituencies.

It's not their money so they could give a fuck.

Never...ever volunteer to give government a new tax unless you're a fucken idiot. You're just begging to get fleeced.

But this all just makes too much sense for somebody like you to grasp.
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Translation: "I got nothin', but I'll keep on blustering like I do."

No....the correct translation is I have an open enough mind and a good enough memory to have seen all of this develop....seen all of the quotes by the parties involved and looked at the big picture as opposed to being led around by the nose like a lemming.

I've learned from first hand experience not to believe everything that journalists print or publish and I know enough about how government works having worked inside it most of my be able to figure out the crap the media tells us is a bunch of bullshit.

The Drivebys have an agenda....they have no problem lying to us. Moby once said and it spells it all out "Bush doesn't need to do anything wrong to look bad..because we can just make a bunch of shit up and it will be like he actually did it!!!"

You're testimonial above is a convenient catch-all, but ultimately meaningless here. I'm surprised you're even trying to use it.

You also said this about the Dems in your first post in this thread:

...after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look...

That alone tells me you're full of shit.
Translation: "I got nothin', but I'll keep on blustering like I do."

No....the correct translation is I have an open enough mind and a good enough memory to have seen all of this develop....seen all of the quotes by the parties involved and looked at the big picture as opposed to being led around by the nose like a lemming.

I've learned from first hand experience not to believe everything that journalists print or publish and I know enough about how government works having worked inside it most of my be able to figure out the crap the media tells us is a bunch of bullshit.

The Drivebys have an agenda....they have no problem lying to us. Moby once said and it spells it all out "Bush doesn't need to do anything wrong to look bad..because we can just make a bunch of shit up and it will be like he actually did it!!!"

You're testimonial above is a convenient catch-all, but ultimately meaningless here. I'm surprised you're even trying to use it.

You also said this about the Dems in your first post in this thread:

...after years of witnessing a party that really doesn't seem to care about how they look...

That alone tells me you're full of shit.

One part of a sentence....taken out of context.....????

Your the one that's full of shit.

Want me to explain the meaning of that sentence for you?

It means the Dems don't care how bad they stupid they sound because they already have the mechanisms in place that covers up their little fibs and fuckups.

They say or do something stupid and Sunday morning the talking heads say.."Well....this is what they really meant....."

They don't care that the public is up in arms over their abuses because they figure we can't do anything to stop them. Given enough time the media will convince everyone the ream job we just got is good for us.
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Spoken like a true Lib.

There are various ways to pay for things and taxes....raising them is only one of them....but the worst one during a Recession.

I didn't say anything about raising taxes. I said we pay for things with taxes. You failure to comprehend that is patently obvious in this thread. You inability to come to grips with the fact that we have to now pay for Bush's military adventurism in Iraq and Afghanistan are patently obvious.

I'll bet you supported Iraq didn't you? What in the fuck did you think was fueling those tanks and jets?

It wasn't french-fry grease and it costs a lot of money.

Welcome to reality. Sorry you just now realized that we have to pay for Bush's political science experiment.

The economy is bad now. People buy bonds and cash them in when the economy is good that way the pain is spread out rather then raising taxes and causing everyone undue suffering now.

If Bonds were such a magic bullet, then they would have been floated long ago.
Spoken like a true Lib.

There are various ways to pay for things and taxes....raising them is only one of them....but the worst one during a Recession.

I didn't say anything about raising taxes. I said we pay for things with taxes. You failure to comprehend that is patently obvious in this thread. You inability to come to grips with the fact that we have to now pay for Bush's military adventurism in Iraq and Afghanistan are patently obvious.

I'll bet you supported Iraq didn't you? What in the fuck did you think was fueling those tanks and jets?

It wasn't french-fry grease and it costs a lot of money.

Welcome to reality. Sorry you just now realized that we have to pay for Bush's political science experiment.

The economy is bad now. People buy bonds and cash them in when the economy is good that way the pain is spread out rather then raising taxes and causing everyone undue suffering now.

If Bonds were such a magic bullet, then they would have been floated long ago.

The Dems in Congress want to raise our taxes. That's why they weren't floated.

And you must think you're talking to a fucken idiot. When you say taxes are the answer that means new taxes or more tax increases.

You are one dumb motherfucker.
Republicans have been voting against the troops for years. John McCain has one of the worst voting records in congress.

Bush and the Republicans never included the cost of either war in their budget for his entire administration.

For some reason, Republicans don't understand that war costs money.

They have become the party of fools.

They support tax cuts for the rich, which means the cost of the wars are moved to the people who are least likely able to pay for it.

They defend health care companies skimming billions off insurance policies.

They say "No government health-care" on the same damn sign that says, "Don't touch my Medicare".

They don't even know that Iraq has become a religious theocracy and either killed or drove the majority of their Christian citizens out of the country.

Like I said, The Republican Party is the "Party of Fools".

Party of fools vs. the Party of the Foolish.

Oh and......remember.......we shouldn't be telling these people how to run their lives.

That's something Obama wants to do to us, but I think we shouldn't be doing it to the Iraqis.

Good one. Then why did we "flatten their country"?

We tell gays how to live.

Like I said, "the Party of fools".
The Dems in Congress want to raise our taxes. That's why they weren't floated.

Stop right there. The GOP was in control of the house, senate, and executive branch from 200-2006. Bush was the President until 2008. He never once proposed a war bond. In fact, Bush went to great lengths to shield the American people from the realization that they would have to pay for these wars (which has been covered at length here).

And you must think you're talking to a fucken idiot.

At least you got one thing right on this thread.
So let me guess the way to pay for the war is to NOT pay for the war......Fuckiing genius.

Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Better to spend on OUR social problems than IRAQS!!!
Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Oh please! We still have to get started paying back the billions and billions that bush borrowed for iraq. You fail to acknowledge that--just try to keep blaming the administration that hasn't been in office for a year yet. Bush should have increased taxes when he started the Iraq war--but he was afraid he wouldn't get reelected--just like his father didn't when he said he would have to raise taxes to pay for the persian gulf war.

Hasn't been in office for a year yet......????

Bush caught hell after 7 months for 9/ want me to cut this fucker more slack then him?????

And for your information....Bush had most of it paid back but when the Dems took over congress in 2007 they started spending like naked sailors in a whorehouse in Tiajuana. They doubled the deficit in the first year and have now raised the deficit from it's low-point in Dec 31, 2006 of $280 billion to it's current level of somewhere around $1,400,000,000,000.00. And that's even without health care being included.

Oh, by the way, His father raised taxes because the Democrats in Congress gave him the choice between doing something he felt meant something or being called a do-nothing President. He was just stupid enough to say "Read My Lips". Eventually blamed him for their tax increases and for doing nothing. So he was still fucked. Just goes to show you...never trust a Democrat.

Well FUCK Bush was on VACATION for SIX of those seven months.
Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Oh please! We still have to get started paying back the billions and billions that bush borrowed for iraq. You fail to acknowledge that--just try to keep blaming the administration that hasn't been in office for a year yet. Bush should have increased taxes when he started the Iraq war--but he was afraid he wouldn't get reelected--just like his father didn't when he said he would have to raise taxes to pay for the persian gulf war.

Hasn't been in office for a year yet......????

Bush caught hell after 7 months for 9/ want me to cut this fucker more slack then him?????

And for your information....Bush had most of it paid back but when the Dems took over congress in 2007 they started spending like naked sailors in a whorehouse in Tiajuana. They doubled the deficit in the first year and have now raised the deficit from it's low-point in Dec 31, 2006 of $280 billion to it's current level of somewhere around $1,400,000,000,000.00. And that's even without health care being included.

Oh, by the way, His father raised taxes because the Democrats in Congress gave him the choice between doing something he felt meant something or being called a do-nothing President. He was just stupid enough to say "Read My Lips". Eventually blamed him for their tax increases and for doing nothing. So he was still fucked. Just goes to show you...never trust a Democrat.

Under Bush and the REPUBLICAN congress there was MORE pork both by #s and by $s. But you are still the stupid fucker who thinks that the war cost $180 billion. And you are soooo honest as to ignore the $800 BILLION Bush signed into law bringing HIS last year deficit spending to $1,080,000,000,000.00 but I'm sure you just want to IGNORE or flat out LIE to try to hide that FACT!
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Did you think ELVES paid for the foreign adventures instigated by our civilian government? How old are you? Did you turn 18 during the last 8 years? Raising taxes to PAY for war used to be standard OPs, but that was sound fiscal management, kind of a pay as you go kind of thing, as quaint and silly as it may sound to you. Meanwhile, "just to???!" really?

First of all it helps if you declare war first....then you can raise taxes all you want for it.

Second of all you really haven't been listening to a friggen thing I've been saying.

Sure...all of this cost money and has to be paid for.....but the Dems give us the impression that health care reform isn't gonna cost an extra dime yet the war somehow is gonna be a drag on the economy and taxes must be raised through the roof because of it. I've learned two things in my life.....nothing is free and that the government is always gonna be a total mess. They can't do anything efficiently.

I have to wait 6 months just to get the doc to stick a finger up my ass at the VA these days. If I need surgery I can put that off for at least a year or two. There's your socialized medicine for you.

Increasing taxes during are a recession will do only one thing.....raise unemployment....and thus decrease revenue.

This is economics 101.

There are better ways to pay for a war.

But let's say for argument sake the new surge costs $200 billion over the next few years.....and health care reform will cost $900 billion in the first year......which one can we afford?

Well we really aren't in a position to afford anything thanks to the Dems and Obama but which bitter pill is easier to swallow?

And for your information...I'm a retired Army Vet. I spent seven months being shot at in Somalia in 93'. I've been in during the terms of Democrat Presidents and Republican Presidents and I can tell the difference it makes to this country and the military.

Some of us actually experienced things in our lives rather then just watched it in the news like most of you folks. I don't need a motherfucken lecture from kids who've led sheltered lives and think hardship is not having broadband service.


$200 billion over 5 YEARS? Well let's see......$10 BILLION per month X 60 would equal $600 BILLION MORE!!
Mud do you REALLY think that repeating your FLAT OUT INSANE lies of the cost of the war will convince us they are anywhere NEAR the true #s?
Mud all anyone has to do is look at your TOTALLY BS cost of the war at $180 billion. After seeing that guttershit come our of your head NOBODY will EVER beleive anything you spew.
So let me guess the way to pay for the war is to NOT pay for the war......Fuckiing genius.

Knock off the Drama Queen routine.

Democrats have no problem spending cash we don't have by the trillions for their social programs....some of which many of us don't even want.......but when it comes to asking to supply the troops what they need to win Obama's stupid clusterfuck of a war......well we've just got to empty our pockets.....and they aren't ashamed to say it out loud.

The suggestion is so insulting just thinking of it makes me want to fill their fucken asses full of hot lead.

Oh please! We still have to get started paying back the billions and billions that bush borrowed for iraq. You fail to acknowledge that--just try to keep blaming the administration that hasn't been in office for a year yet. Bush should have increased taxes when he started the Iraq war--but he was afraid he wouldn't get reelected--just like his father didn't when he said he would have to raise taxes to pay for the persian gulf war.

Reality check here. Billions is not TRILLIONS, ok? I know you can't really comprehend the difference between the two numbers because no one has ever seen a billion or trillion of anything and it all just means "really big number" with no real difference between the two.

But let's try to compare whether billions each year needed for a war is actually comparable to TRILLIONS needed every year for NEW domestic spending they decided to undertake knowing full well we were in a war already, ok? And let's keep in mind that Bush did leave Obama with a pretty much done deal in Iraq and all that's left there is to wrap things up and get out. WAR is finite and so is the bill for it. The domestic spending is NOT but is intended to be FOREVER. Meaning we will never be free of that bill.

If you wanted to count to a billion it would take you 32 years to do that -with no break, no sleep. Long time and unlikely you would actually do it -but it actually exists within the realm of possibilities -the fact it is still extremely unlikely notwithstanding.

But if you want to count to a trillion, no chance in hell its going to happen. Zero, zip. Because it would take 32 THOUSAND YEARS to do it -and in case you didn't know this, no human being will ever come close to living anywhere long enough to come anywhere close to counting that high.

Ok, you think it serves us better to dwell on the fact that Bush AND the Democrat controlled Congress spent billions on a war in Iraq that the Democrat controlled Congress voted to OVERWHELMINGLY approve (and backtracking now and pretending they didn't is just partisan but phony ass POLITICS). But let's take a real look at what is driving the budget deficits TODAY -because it sure as hell isn't BUSH! And let's stop this ludicrous nonsense that Clinton left Bush a surplus -because SORRY he left a larger deficit than the one he had when he came to office too! That surplus bullshit is just that -total bullshit and a big Democrat lie still being repeated to this day. Right along with the lie that they own the history of the Republican party and the Republican party owns that of the Democrat party and they MIRACULOUSLY switched histories and principles at the VERY same time! Only the ignorant will fall for that but Democrats are counting on that number to be substantial after our public school system gets done with them. But to move on....

President Bush expanded the federal budget from the $350 billion budget deficit he was handed to an historic high of $500 billion through 2008. President Obama has added $2.5 TRILLION in just his first six months. Sorry, but there is no close second to this "accomplishment". This is something that has put bankruptcy as a VERY real outcome for the nation. Something your favorite whipping boy Bush never did. These facts can be found from numerous reliable sources including government sources as well as several media sources including separate editions of the Washington Post and LA Times.

President Bush created a Medicare drug entitlement that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama and the most seriously considered Democrat proposal for a new government health care bill is estimated to cost $2.5 TRILLION dollars in the first ten years of government outlays. And let's get real -the CBO has never once gotten the cost of government entitlement programs right and has consistently ended up lowballing by a factor of 4-6. Which means the real cost is far more likely to cost $10-15 TRILLION. At no time should you forget the REAL difference between a billion and a trillion and go back to deluding yourself that there is no substantial difference between a billion and a trillion. The difference between the two is MIND BOGGLINGLY HUGE.

So here is just a tiny BIT of why our budget deficits are out of control under a Democrat Congress and Democrat President:

President Bush increased federal spending on education by 58 percent more than the rate of inflation over the course of 8 years. That rate will double under Obama next year.

President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already increased THAT rate of spending by 20% in his first year. Just imagine what it will be by the end of year 4 of his administration. It doesn't really matter -we are fast approaching the point where we can't pay for any of this bullshit anyway.

President Bush oversaw a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt because of a mutual agreement on White House policy between the incoming and outgoing Presidents - President Obama’s budget will add an additional $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016. Again, keep in mind the major differences between "billion" and "trillion".

Time to start living in THIS reality where Obama is President and fully responsible for what HE does. Not a former President who hasn't had a thing to do with ANY of Obama's decisions since leaving office. Bush's billions can't hold a candle to Obama's TRILLIONS. And frankly, we'd be better off by far if we were only beholden for those billions instead of Obama's trillions. Several generations to come will end up footing the real bill for what Obama has done to this country. Just don't hold your breath waiting for any of them to thank him -or any of us - for it either.
Republicans have been voting against the troops for years. John McCain has one of the worst voting records in congress.

Bush and the Republicans never included the cost of either war in their budget for his entire administration.

For some reason, Republicans don't understand that war costs money.

They have become the party of fools.

They support tax cuts for the rich, which means the cost of the wars are moved to the people who are least likely able to pay for it.

They defend health care companies skimming billions off insurance policies.

They say "No government health-care" on the same damn sign that says, "Don't touch my Medicare".

They don't even know that Iraq has become a religious theocracy and either killed or drove the majority of their Christian citizens out of the country.

Like I said, The Republican Party is the "Party of Fools".

Party of fools vs. the Party of the Foolish.

Oh and......remember.......we shouldn't be telling these people how to run their lives.

That's something Obama wants to do to us, but I think we shouldn't be doing it to the Iraqis.

Good one. Then why did we "flatten their country"?

We tell gays how to live.

Like I said, "the Party of fools".

I know alot of people that have been in Iraq. We didn't flatten it.

We're the only country that it pays to pick a fight with because once we beat your ass into a surrender we rebuild your country at our own expense.

We aren't telling gays how to live....but it seems that they feel we have to change our lives to accommodate them. That's what same-sex marriage means. They already have the same legal rights as hetero couples.....but somehow they've figured out an angle to cause a point of contention. I think it's intentional....just to cause trouble....and the Democrat latched onto the issue without even saying a word. Obama himself is against same-sex marriage. Yet you probably think he's all for it.

You're probably one of those that thinks Obama is trying to help the poor...when in fact he's just trying to help his financial supporters. Fleecing the Treasury for every cent he can and sending it out of the country.

How's it feel to be a member of the party of the foolish.
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