Dems Telling Us We Have To Pay Extra To Protect Our Troops

There are no free rides. Wars cost money, to make people believe otherwisw is deceptive

So why doesn't Obama get us out like he promised?

I'll tell you why.....his anti-war rhetoric was just one big load of bullshit.

Sure he's cut back on high-tech weapons systems.....but we're still foundering in Iraq and Afghanistan 11 months after the prick took office.

WOW 11 MONTHS how many YEARS did Bush have us in Iraq/Afghnistan? Oh and by the way the Iraqi leadership says we are right on target according to THEIR time table to be OUT of Iraq. Where next if we elect another chickenhawk Republican? I predict Pakistan since the only way to keep them quite is to give them foreign aid. I would not be a BIT surprised if by early next year we will have a MAJOR rift between the US and Pakistan. So much for IRANIAN nukes. One more thing how about you tell me what weapons systems OBAMA HIMSELF cut? Missile shield, and the F-22? First of all the "MISSile shield only fuels our problems with the Russians and increases unrest in the region and the PENTAGON advised against the F-22.

Now if you want to talk about weapons systems that COULD HAVE BEEN in iraq YEARS ago were the MWRAP body armor (one called Dragon Scale which some military paid for THEMSELVES and were not alowed to use despite its great effectivness and a point defense weapon for our ground vehicles. Israel built, tested, and had ready to equip but an American defense contractor called Raythion lobbied AGAINST it until they could bring their version to Iraq. Good thing to know that our military members lives were risked for a few bucks.

So what you're saying is Obama was full of shit because the Bush plan is still in force.

We're still withdrawing on an agreement that was signed during the Bush Administration.

The way Obama made is sound he was gonna pull us out immediately. In truth he never intended of pulling us out completely. He was just gonna cut back so drastically that our troops wouldn't be able to defend themselves anymore. Clinton did the same exact thing back in 93' and look what it got us. I suspect that Obama is intentionally setting up a similar scenario.

And for your information...the MWRAP is an armored vehicle....not body armor. Soldiers wear Kevlar with chicken-plates inserted in the front and back for extra stopping protection.

So have the conservatives on this thread figured out that, despite what Bush told them, that we do in fact have to pay for these wars?

Since the main holder of the note is our future economic rival, China, we are better off starting to pay for it now.
The level of stupid that mudwhistle has put on display in thread is quite impressive.

And if I even thought you knew what in the fuck you were talking about that just might offend me.....but you don' it doesn't.
So have the conservatives on this thread figured out that, despite what Bush told them, that we do in fact have to pay for these wars?

Since the main holder of the note is our future economic rival, China, we are better off starting to pay for it now.

We gotta pay for everything.....but it's funny you bitch about paying a dime when what your Democrats are proposing will cost us an unimaginable amount for the rest of our lives.
So have the conservatives on this thread figured out that, despite what Bush told them, that we do in fact have to pay for these wars?

Since the main holder of the note is our future economic rival, China, we are better off starting to pay for it now.

We gotta pay for everything.....but it's funny you bitch about paying a dime when what your Democrats are proposing will cost us an unimaginable amount for the rest of our lives.

WTF are you talking about? Where have I "bitched about paying a dime"?

I am a pragmatist. I know everything in this country costs money. I know that when we get involved in wars it costs a lot of money.

I further think that our greatest security threat is not terrorists, but what will happen to our country when the world economic sphere shifts from Manhatten/London to China/India.

In that light, we have empowered our greatest rival. We'd be smart to pay them off now as best as we can.

It is you, that apparently lives in some sort of fantasy land where we can leave this all on the credit card.

As for Obama's policies, if we are going to spend the money, I'd rather do it here than in some shit-hole middle eastern country that, at best, will be another Saudi Arabia.
You see, its really easy...

If you don't include something in the budget, then you are really not paying for it. Conservative Economics 101
You see, its really easy...

If you don't include something in the budget, then you are really not paying for it. Conservative Economics 101

LOL. And when you include "part time jobs" in your employment numbers, unemployment goes waaaayyyyy down.
You see, its really easy...

If you don't include something in the budget, then you are really not paying for it. Conservative Economics 101

LOL. And when you include "part time jobs" in your employment numbers, unemployment goes waaaayyyyy down.

They also included contract workers who already have a job....and overtime as jobs saved or created. 4 hours of overtime equals one job saved or created.

Fuzzy math is what they live off of.
So have the conservatives on this thread figured out that, despite what Bush told them, that we do in fact have to pay for these wars?

Since the main holder of the note is our future economic rival, China, we are better off starting to pay for it now.

Conservatives don't seem to get it. Bush used all of those tax rebates to get re-elected, while borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese--who have a much larger military and more fire power than we have.
So have the conservatives on this thread figured out that, despite what Bush told them, that we do in fact have to pay for these wars?

Since the main holder of the note is our future economic rival, China, we are better off starting to pay for it now.

Conservatives don't seem to get it. Bush used all of those tax rebates to get re-elected, while borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese--who have a much larger military and more fire power than we have.

Well, at least the ones who supported this war don't get it.

The fiscal and paleo-cons get it.

Nice that Iraq has only managed to empower Iran and China.
You see, its really easy...

If you don't include something in the budget, then you are really not paying for it. Conservative Economics 101

That's not just a conservative trick, because it was used by Clinton, also.
So have the conservatives on this thread figured out that, despite what Bush told them, that we do in fact have to pay for these wars?

Since the main holder of the note is our future economic rival, China, we are better off starting to pay for it now.

Conservatives don't seem to get it. Bush used all of those tax rebates to get re-elected, while borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese--who have a much larger military and more fire power than we have.

Well, at least the ones who supported this war don't get it.

The fiscal and paleo-cons get it.

Nice that Iraq has only managed to empower Iran and China.

You're living in some kind of alternative Universe.

Iran has been allowed to enpower themselves....and Russia has been helping them along the way.

China loaned us some cash but Obama went over to ask for more and they told him to stop trying to pass Cash & Tax....and expensive Health Care legislation as a condition. They're worried about their investment. They think Obama is trying to render the dollar worthless....and they're right. They don't want him pulling all of these stunts to ruin the economy so he can rebuild it.

Figure the odds on him listening to them.
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Conservatives don't seem to get it. Bush used all of those tax rebates to get re-elected, while borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese--who have a much larger military and more fire power than we have.

Well, at least the ones who supported this war don't get it.

The fiscal and paleo-cons get it.

Nice that Iraq has only managed to empower Iran and China.

You're living in some kind of alternative Universe.

Iran has been allowed to enpower themselves....and Russia has been helping them along the way.

China loaned us some cash but Obama went over to ask for more and they told him to stop trying to pass Cash & Tax....and Health Care legislation as a condition.

Figure the odds on him doing that.

SOME CASH???? They pretty much financed all of the tax rebates, as well as the war, and then bush went to them to finance the bank bailout. BUSH DID THAT!!! Do you people get newspapers down in Tennessee? And, as far as Russia goes, we seem to be doing a lot better with them than we did when bush was in office. They seem to understand now that Iran is a problem.
You see, its really easy...

If you don't include something in the budget, then you are really not paying for it. Conservative Economics 101

LOL. And when you include "part time jobs" in your employment numbers, unemployment goes waaaayyyyy down.

They also included contract workers who already have a job....and overtime as jobs saved or created. 4 hours of overtime equals one job saved or created.

Fuzzy math is what they live off of.

The worst part of the fuzzy math is the notion that without the stimulus bill NONE of these jobs (getting past whether they even exist at all or not) would have ever happened. In reality since government is actually a poor source for creating sustainable jobs in the first place, had this money been spent by the private sector in the private sector -not only would FAR MORE JOBS have been created -they would have been sustainable jobs as well. Government make-work projects don't work to get a country out of a recession and hey, we already found that out under FDR when his make-work projects didn't do a damn thing for unemployment numbers or getting us out of a depression. Common sense is NOT so common since those in Congress claim to be normal yet should KNOW we cannot SPEND our way out of a recession - because when those bills come due, it will result in a double dipped recession and possibly outright depression instead.

The phony stimulus bill that largely went to pay off Democrat supporters was a dreadful, inefficient and ultimately ineffective use of OUR money. And still the arrogant idiots in DC think another round of massive government spending even more money we don't have and are increasingly unlikely to ever have -is just what we need. And it will only be siphoned off to Democrat supporters and districts once again -this Congress is BLATANTLY and unapologetically CORRUPT. And should be thrown out of office.

At some point it becomes undeniable what they are really up to when they keep right on adding to their nonstop spending spree -that spending us into bankruptcy is actually a goal of theirs because that fits with their much broader agenda. Which is not and never has been about the best interests of this nation. It is about their party's best interests and bankrupting the country would actually work to cement and more permanently entrench their power. Doing so would result in more people looking to government and becoming financially dependent on government -and a government-dependent people are far more likely to vote for the very party that did it and then promises to dole out a tiny sliver more back to them. And ALWAYS claiming to do so only at the expense of the "rich" because class warfare is a NECESSARY Democrat and liberal tool and they will NEVER stop using it. Democrats constantly accuse some group of fellow Americans of being the nation's enemy -ones that must be destroyed by force of government. As if it is only THEIR country and whichever group they deem the "enemy" have fewer rights as Americans than they do. The "rich" are a perennial favorite and routine standby and will always be dragged out by Democrats. Even when there are no rich people left -except themselves of course. Because these are the people who will ALWAYS exempt themselves from that which they ram down the throats of everyone else. Those in power always makes sure to vote themselves the most comfortable package at OUR expense -while we are denied those same benefits at all times.

Everything about this administration is a hoax and nothing is being done for the reasons given to the public -whether discussing cap-and-trade, global warming, stimulus bill -or health care reform. A monstrosity of a bill that is CALLED "health care reform" but in reality has NOTHING to do with health, care or reform. Even the Congressional Budget Office says the Democrats' 2,000+ page atrocity will make premiums RISE even faster than they are and will ADD massively to health care costs. AND in addition, it takes phony juggling of the numbers to try and hide from the most ignorant in this country that this bill will actually cost more than 2 TRILLION dollars as a low ball estimate -even more money we don't have and never will! (To say nothing of the fact that no entitlement has EVER come in for less than 4 times the original estimate and often many times more than that - and neither will this. It will end up costing many more times than the phony estimates being tossed around -which are already OUTRAGEOUS considering we are BROKE and don't have the money!) It only adds to the rate we will become bankrupt as a nation. And still the Democrats WANT this and are intent on ramming it down our throats in spite of the fact the majority of people OPPOSE IT. They don't care what WE THE PEOPLE want, they don't care this will do the exact opposite of what they CLAIM were their goals -and intend to FORCE this on us all anyway.

Which begs the question -if it doesn't achieve their stated goal of bringing down overall health care costs, lowering premiums and streamlining the health care system, then why favor a bill that will undeniably do the exact opposite? They want it because it is about expanding the control and power of government over YOU. And at the expense of YOUR freedoms which will be forfeited to government. Which has been their REAL goal all along and with these bills that do the exact opposite of their pretend goals, can no longer be denied. This is all about stripping WE THE PEOPLE of power and handing it over to GOVERNMENT. If government controls your health care, it controls YOU -right down to what you are allowed to eat and how long you are allowed to stay in the shower. If government controls these things and can (and will) punish you for not eating what they want you to eat and for not getting out of the shower when they want you to -then you aren't a free person and this will no longer be a free country.

FREEDOM is only an illusion if government punishes you for not exercising your "freedoms" the way those in POWER want you to.
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Well, at least the ones who supported this war don't get it.

The fiscal and paleo-cons get it.

Nice that Iraq has only managed to empower Iran and China.

You're living in some kind of alternative Universe.

Iran has been allowed to enpower themselves....and Russia has been helping them along the way.

China loaned us some cash but Obama went over to ask for more and they told him to stop trying to pass Cash & Tax....and Health Care legislation as a condition.

Figure the odds on him doing that.

SOME CASH???? They pretty much financed all of the tax rebates, as well as the war, and then bush went to them to finance the bank bailout. BUSH DID THAT!!! Do you people get newspapers down in Tennessee? And, as far as Russia goes, we seem to be doing a lot better with them than we did when bush was in office. They seem to understand now that Iran is a problem.

I guess when you kiss their ass they seem to like it.
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Conservatives don't seem to get it. Bush used all of those tax rebates to get re-elected, while borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese--who have a much larger military and more fire power than we have.

Well, at least the ones who supported this war don't get it.

The fiscal and paleo-cons get it.

Nice that Iraq has only managed to empower Iran and China.

You're living in some kind of alternative Universe.

Iran has been allowed to enpower themselves....and Russia has been helping them along the way.

China loaned us some cash but Obama went over to ask for more and they told him to stop trying to pass Cash & Tax....and expensive Health Care legislation as a condition. They're worried about their investment. They think Obama is trying to render the dollar worthless....and they're right. They don't want him pulling all of these stunts to ruin the economy so he can rebuild it.

Figure the odds on him listening to them.

If you can't connect the dots and figure out how borrowing a shit-ton of money and empowering the Shi'tes in Iraq (not to mention eliminating their most feared rival) hasn't been the greatest gift to China and Iran we could ever give, then I can't help you.

BTW, China has loaned us more than "some cash".
So why doesn't Obama get us out like he promised?

I'll tell you why.....his anti-war rhetoric was just one big load of bullshit.

Sure he's cut back on high-tech weapons systems.....but we're still foundering in Iraq and Afghanistan 11 months after the prick took office.

WOW 11 MONTHS how many YEARS did Bush have us in Iraq/Afghnistan? Oh and by the way the Iraqi leadership says we are right on target according to THEIR time table to be OUT of Iraq. Where next if we elect another chickenhawk Republican? I predict Pakistan since the only way to keep them quite is to give them foreign aid. I would not be a BIT surprised if by early next year we will have a MAJOR rift between the US and Pakistan. So much for IRANIAN nukes. One more thing how about you tell me what weapons systems OBAMA HIMSELF cut? Missile shield, and the F-22? First of all the "MISSile shield only fuels our problems with the Russians and increases unrest in the region and the PENTAGON advised against the F-22.

Now if you want to talk about weapons systems that COULD HAVE BEEN in iraq YEARS ago were the MWRAP body armor (one called Dragon Scale which some military paid for THEMSELVES and were not alowed to use despite its great effectivness and a point defense weapon for our ground vehicles. Israel built, tested, and had ready to equip but an American defense contractor called Raythion lobbied AGAINST it until they could bring their version to Iraq. Good thing to know that our military members lives were risked for a few bucks.

So what you're saying is Obama was full of shit because the Bush plan is still in force.

We're still withdrawing on an agreement that was signed during the Bush Administration.

The way Obama made is sound he was gonna pull us out immediately. In truth he never intended of pulling us out completely. He was just gonna cut back so drastically that our troops wouldn't be able to defend themselves anymore. Clinton did the same exact thing back in 93' and look what it got us. I suspect that Obama is intentionally setting up a similar scenario.

And for your information...the MWRAP is an armored vehicle....not body armor. Soldiers wear Kevlar with chicken-plates inserted in the front and back for extra stopping protection.


My post was unclear I know what MWRAP is.
No I mentioned body armor DIRECTLY AFTER MWRAP and did not make clear that they are TOTALLY different items. You off course NEVER refuted my claim that some soldiers bought their OWN "Dragon Scale" and were told they could not use it.

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