Dems Telling Us We Have To Pay Extra To Protect Our Troops

The money was borrowed but it was never paid back!!! Bush didn't even include these wars in the annual budgets. Where on earth did you get the idea that any of it was paid for??? What "spiget(sp)" are you referring to? Did you really believe that the bush people had been paying for it? No, they didn't.

Whatever numbnuts. We have the equipment........paid for or not. I don't think the Chinese can repossess our equipment now.....they however are welcome to try.

I can't believe you seriously feel this way. It just doesn't make sense--and hasn't made sense during these wars--to keep borrowing billions without any thought to paying it back--and not even seeing the amount as important enough to include in the budget. The whole iraq operation was a complete abuse of power which now has to be paid for, and if that means increased taxes, so be it. On the other hand, I do think the corrupt defense contractors who overspent must be held accountable and forced to repay the country the money they stole.

That doesn't sound very reasonable.

I really can't see why you feel our troops don't deserve the great equipment they have today.....I sure wish we had it when I was in.

I think you have a problem understanding what an abuse of power is.....taking over private banks and companies.....forcing them to fire their CEOs and putting your man in instead. Stealing billions from the taxpayer over fuzzy math and fake science. Spending millions to bribe Congressmen into voting for your millions of dollars to ACORN so they can ruin the economy and steal elections for you.

I really don't know where you get off bud!!!!
Oh and another neat little trick was Bush used special appropriations to HIDE the real cost of the war. You remember about once a year there would be "special" appropriations for the Pentagon? I thought that was a nice touch too.
Whatever numbnuts. We have the equipment........paid for or not. I don't think the Chinese can repossess our equipment now.....they however are welcome to try.

I can't believe you seriously feel this way. It just doesn't make sense--and hasn't made sense during these wars--to keep borrowing billions without any thought to paying it back--and not even seeing the amount as important enough to include in the budget. The whole iraq operation was a complete abuse of power which now has to be paid for, and if that means increased taxes, so be it. On the other hand, I do think the corrupt defense contractors who overspent must be held accountable and forced to repay the country the money they stole.

That doesn't sound very reasonable.

I really can't see why you feel our troops don't deserve the great equipment they have today.....I sure wish we had it when I was in.

I think you have a problem understanding what an abuse of power is.....taking over private banks and companies.....forcing them to fire their CEOs and putting your man in instead. Stealing billions from the taxpayer over fuzzy math and fake science. Spending millions to bribe Congressmen into voting for your millions of dollars to ACORN so they can ruin the economy and steal elections for you.

I really don't know where you get off bud!!!!

Didn't get 4,000 US servicemen killed and TENS of thousands with LIFE ALTERING injuries.
Billions to ACORN,

Not looking too hard I found one website claiming 780 Billion to Iraq and and another 900 Billion to the war on terror.
Cost of Iraq War 2008
Cost of War | National Priorities Project

The nice thing about the Bank Bailout is we will probably get some percentage of it back. Same in theory with any stimulus spending......

Ok, Ike's Interstate projects cost xxx dollars. The improved transportation network allowed Americans to be xxxxxxx dollars more productive. That's the thought behind the increase in deficit spending. To this point its trickling around the system and does not seem to have a grand vision. Even a TVA or CCC type of vision. None the less someone has or will make money off it and that person will pay taxes. Trick will be rolling back the spending or slowing it down to let the GDP catch and lower it as a % of national product
Hey did you FORGET to include the $800 BILLION that BUSH signed into law? You need to get either OFF or ON to some very heavy medication!

If you're talking about was $700 not $800 and only $400 of it was spent during the Bush Administration. The rest was spent this year by Obama.

Gawd you get dumber and dumber. You DO know that the budget year 2008 which BUSH signed into law ENDS in 2009 RIGHT!!!???

BUSH spent that money because HE signed it into law.

I have NEVER seen such a PSYCHOTIC est. for the cost of the war $180 billion. You are truely INSANE and COMPLETELY out of touch with reality. GET HELP AND GET IT SOON!

And you're stupid as fuck....the President (Bush) doesn't control spending...Congress does....check the Constitution dipshit. Anything that was spent since Jan. 2009 is on Obama and the Dems.
taking over private banks and companies.....forcing them to fire their CEOs and putting your man in instead.
Well, if I ask for a government hand out then they'll demand I do something like apply for 3 jobs a week in exchange. Darn bankrupt companies should at least have to do something.

In the long run letting them all fail COULD have been the right choice. Boy it was going to destabilize the next few years.
If you're talking about was $700 not $800 and only $400 of it was spent during the Bush Administration. The rest was spent this year by Obama.

Gawd you get dumber and dumber. You DO know that the budget year 2008 which BUSH signed into law ENDS in 2009 RIGHT!!!???

BUSH spent that money because HE signed it into law.

I have NEVER seen such a PSYCHOTIC est. for the cost of the war $180 billion. You are truely INSANE and COMPLETELY out of touch with reality. GET HELP AND GET IT SOON!

And you're stupid as fuck....the President (Bush) doesn't control spending...Congress does....check the Constitution dipshit. Anything that was spent since Jan. 2009 is on Obama and the Dems.

Hey douchbag the PRESIDENT signs or VETOS all spending bills and he sure as FUCK wasn't complaining about it.
If you're talking about was $700 not $800 and only $400 of it was spent during the Bush Administration. The rest was spent this year by Obama.

Gawd you get dumber and dumber. You DO know that the budget year 2008 which BUSH signed into law ENDS in 2009 RIGHT!!!???

BUSH spent that money because HE signed it into law.

I have NEVER seen such a PSYCHOTIC est. for the cost of the war $180 billion. You are truely INSANE and COMPLETELY out of touch with reality. GET HELP AND GET IT SOON!

And you're stupid as fuck....the President (Bush) doesn't control spending...Congress does....check the Constitution dipshit. Anything that was spent since Jan. 2009 is on Obama and the Dems.

You really CAN'T be this stupid.......The FY budget ending in 2009 was PASSED AND SIGNED into law by BUSH, Obama had ZERO to do with it. Now if you actually want to bring up the powers of Congress and the President then you are going to have a REAL hard time explaining why SO MANY things didn't get done when the Republicans controlled BOTH houses of Congress AND the WH.
The military is rebuilt. They have more new equipment then they ever had while I was in. And most of it was spent during the last 3 years. Alot of it is still waiting stateside to be shipped over to the Middle East.

Now the spiget has been shut off. Now it's trillions for health care and Global Warming legislation...payoffs to the U.N. and bribes to Democrats not willing to go along with the crowd on bills. $20 billion to a Brazilian oil company, Billions to ACORN, $140 billion to foreign banks via AIG. A huge slush fund in the form of a Stimulus bill to the tune of $900 billion and another on the way.

Shut the fuck up about Bush being a big spender. All you're doing is passing gas.

The money was borrowed but it was never paid back!!! Bush didn't even include these wars in the annual budgets. Where on earth did you get the idea that any of it was paid for??? What "spiget(sp)" are you referring to? Did you really believe that the bush people had been paying for it? No, they didn't.

Whatever numbnuts. We have the equipment........paid for or not. I don't think the Chinese can repossess our equipment now.....they however are welcome to try.

Oh and golly quite a retort here. Do we have all this equipment you claim we do? I kinda doubt it. One thing IS for sure dessert sand doesn't mesh well with military equipment. Helicopters, Humvees, Tanks, Jet fighters, and support equipment of EVERY SORT has been in theater for FAR TOO LONG just like our military men and women.
Well Mudd I have lost a few thousand brain cells arguing with the most ignorant poster I have found ANYWHERE on the ENTIRE INTERNET EVER!!!
Well Mudd I have lost a few thousand brain cells arguing with the most ignorant poster I have found ANYWHERE on the ENTIRE INTERNET EVER!!!

Yeah...I'm sure you're 100 percent correct in that assumption. [sarcasm intended]

I guess you haven't been around here long enough to know different.

Wonder why you folks on the left always call people you disagree with ignorant, stupid, moronic.

Why can't it be a case of a misunderstanding rather then all of the fucken insults.

I think it's because you don't have any answers.....just fucken the typical brainwashed Lib that you are.
The DEMS have already screwed up the nations finances , worse than they were, and they continue on their BS ways to steal whatever the citizens have left.

They also want to TAX WALL STREET, 150 BILLION/Yr to be used for Job Creation....WTF?
Are they NUTZ or what? I thought that was in the Stimulus Package?

I think the USA has the most screwed up, greedy, self centered, scheming bastad, politicians on the planet.
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Cost of the Iraq war approaching $1TRILLION and the costs for giving the BEST ongoing care for our wounded soldiers will go FAR beyond $1TRILLION. The injuries they have received are LIFE CHANGING, frome missing limbs to MASSIVE brain injuries they will require and DESERVE the BEST treatment in the world. There are also SEVERE psycological illness that are often NOT diagnosed or are treated as LESS than "real" physical injuries but can be EVERY BIT as debilitating. Add to the physical and psycological injuries; serious financial problems, serious marital problems often resulting in divorce at numbers NEVER before seen in the military, foreclosure of their HOMES, children that have suffered abuse by spouses overwhelmed by the absence of their husbands/wives and last but OBVIOUSLY not least SUICIDE rates at all time highs likely due to too much time in the field and not nearly enough leave time to recover and prepare for further deployment.

So tell me exactly WHO should pay these costs. Our children and grand/great grand children or the people who can MOST afford the sacrifice during these economic times.

Bush is the ONLY President in history to not raise taxes to pay for the war effort but in fact, gave massive tax BREAKS to the wealthiest Americans.

Since Reagan's "Top down" or "Trickle down" economics which resulted in TRIPILEING of our national debt we have LOST millions of manufacturing jobs. The WEALTHY didn't do their part, they HID their money in secret Swiss bank accounts to avoid ANY taxes or built factories and made jobs in FOREIGN countries SCREWING their fellow AMERICANS. Now if those tax cuts for companies and individuals were DIRECTLY tied to making jobs HERE for AMERICANS then I would be o.k. with that but they DON'T and THAT is why our manufacturing jobs are GONE never to return.
Well Mudd I have lost a few thousand brain cells arguing with the most ignorant poster I have found ANYWHERE on the ENTIRE INTERNET EVER!!!

Yeah...I'm sure you're 100 percent correct in that assumption. [sarcasm intended]

I guess you haven't been around here long enough to know different.

Wonder why you folks on the left always call people you disagree with ignorant, stupid, moronic.

Why can't it be a case of a misunderstanding rather then all of the fucken insults.

I think it's because you don't have any answers.....just fucken the typical brainwashed Lib that you are.

$180 billion and $1 TRILLION is NOT a misunderstanding it is a blatant attempt to attack the Dems for expecting SOMEONE of this generation to pay for the war.

Bush unabashidly kicked the cost of the Iraq war down the road and you question the DEMS!!!??? Un-freakin-beleivable. Someone HAS to pay, should it be the ULTRA-WEALTHY or future generations who will be lucky to pay the INTREST on the debt GWB left us with from the war.
If the war is not paid for, its costs "will devour money that could be used to rebuild our economy by fixing our broken health care system, expanding educational opportunities and job training possibilities, attacking our long term energy problems and building stronger communities," they said.

Says it all.

Yup, there are a good many people in this country who think those things are important and want to see them get funded. We've had to go along with a foreign policy direction we didn't agree with that is also a large drain on the treasury, so guess what...
There are no free rides. Wars cost money, to make people believe otherwise is deceptive
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There are no free rides. Wars cost money, to make people believe otherwisw is deceptive

So why doesn't Obama get us out like he promised?

I'll tell you why.....his anti-war rhetoric was just one big load of bullshit.

Sure he's cut back on high-tech weapons systems.....but we're still foundering in Iraq and Afghanistan 11 months after the prick took office.
There are no free rides. Wars cost money, to make people believe otherwisw is deceptive

So why doesn't Obama get us out like he promised?

I'll tell you why.....his anti-war rhetoric was just one big load of bullshit.

Sure he's cut back on high-tech weapons systems.....but we're still foundering in Iraq and Afghanistan 11 months after the prick took office.

WOW 11 MONTHS how many YEARS did Bush have us in Iraq/Afghnistan? Oh and by the way the Iraqi leadership says we are right on target according to THEIR time table to be OUT of Iraq. Where next if we elect another chickenhawk Republican? I predict Pakistan since the only way to keep them quite is to give them foreign aid. I would not be a BIT surprised if by early next year we will have a MAJOR rift between the US and Pakistan. So much for IRANIAN nukes. One more thing how about you tell me what weapons systems OBAMA HIMSELF cut? Missile shield, and the F-22? First of all the "MISSile shield only fuels our problems with the Russians and increases unrest in the region and the PENTAGON advised against the F-22.

Now if you want to talk about weapons systems that COULD HAVE BEEN in iraq YEARS ago were the MWRAP body armor (one called Dragon Scale which some military paid for THEMSELVES and were not alowed to use despite its great effectivness and a point defense weapon for our ground vehicles. Israel built, tested, and had ready to equip but an American defense contractor called Raythion lobbied AGAINST it until they could bring their version to Iraq. Good thing to know that our military members lives were risked for a few bucks.
The level of stupid that mudwhistle has put on display in thread is quite impressive.

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