Dems Throw in the Towel


Lets break it to you... Your candidate is a vile little man who has only got where he is by a bad election system and vile little people like you...

We all know that you like big black men pounding it into you and you are just in a state of denial... Did your lover reject you when you were young and found himself a new boyfriend...

Go Trump! You folks are getting more hateful and vile by the minute. No better reason to vote Trump.

You could be right.There is literally no other reason to vote for Trump other than spite.
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competitive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.
So what's your excuse for the historic ass kicking you DEMs received in 2012 and 2014?
Were your negro plantation slaves too fucking busy stealing each other's garbage cans on those occasions?

You seem to have a problem with following the conversation. I'm talking about this primary, which is very different than prior elections.
In 2014 your negro 'block-vote' stayed home and you lost the Senate.
In this Primary polls prove that negro voters and other registered DEMs are staying home again. You ought to ask why.
Someone delused member here claimed what happened in 2014 and the fact that the collapsing DEM voter turnout is "meaningless". That when the General happens all these missing DEM voters will suddenly materialize.
Pretty big gamble.
Trump hasn't spent enough cash on attack ads to pay for a decent steak diner yet.
When he open his vault and throws 4 billion dollars into the table to attack Hillary the Dems are going to shit themselves.
The longer bernie stays in the race the less money Hillary will have. And Bernie says he isn't going anywhere!
I can't help but laugh and laugh hard when I read this.

I have friends who are "seriously worried" that the system might run as it is supposed to and potentially elect Donal Trump.

Trump won't get my vote. Neither did Obama.

Trump will be no less POTUS than Obama is now.

My side hurts.

Thanks for the laughs.
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

Meanwhile in the real world- the GOP is in danger of collapse because the Trump doesn't represent Conservatives and a large part of his support is not even Republicans.

IF Trump is denied the candidacy, the GOP will either collapse or split- and it might do that even if he does get the candidacy.
You could be right.There is literally no other reason to vote for Trump other than spite.
1. He's not a socialist
2. He isn't Hillary
3. He didn't 'lose' $6 billion in US tax payer money
4. He did not cause 4 Americans to needlessly die
5. He is a successful business man
6. He actually LIKES this country
7. He listens to the people and wants to represent them, not RULE them
8 He doesn't take shite from people - just ask Hillary (arf, arf)

Other than # 5, and that could have been possible with a multi-million dollar loan like T-rump got, you could be talking about any one of millions of other people in this country. I was right. Spite is the only reason to vote for T-rump..
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Likely U.S. Voters say they will definitely vote against Trump if he is the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, while just 30% say they will definitely vote for him, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Forty-two percent (42%) say they will definitely vote against Clinton if she is the Democratic Party’s nominee, while 36% say they will definitely vote for her.

The wild cards are the 16% in Trump’s case and the 18% in Clinton’s who say their vote depends on who is running against them. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Our latest hypothetical matchup, released yesterday, finds Clinton leading Trump 41% to 36% among all likely voters. In late December, the two were tied.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on February 29-March 1, 2016 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. Seemethodology.

When it comes to which candidate voters trust more on key issues, Trump leads when it comes to the economy, job creation and immigration. Clinton has held her lead on social issues but has widened her advantage on the environment. The two are virtually tied now when voters are asked whom they trust more to handle national security.

Among the voters who say their vote depends on who the opposing candidate is, roughly 55% say they will definitely not vote for Trump or Clinton if he or she is that opponent.

Among Republicans, 60% say they will definitely vote for Trump if he is their nominee, while 18% say they will definitely vote against him. Another 18% say it depends on who his opponent is.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Democrats say they will definitely vote for Clinton if she’s the party’s nominee versus 12% who will definitely vote against her. Thirteen percent (13%) say it depends.

When it comes to voters not affiliated with either major party, 47% say they will definitely vote against Trump, while 40% will definitely vote against Clinton. Roughly a quarter of the voters in this group say they will definitely vote for Trump or Clinton.

Women by a better than two-to-one margin say they will definitely vote against Trump. A plurality (47%) of men say they will definitely vote against Clinton.

Clinton has struggled to gain the support of those under 40 in the Democratic primaries to date. Among these voters, 39% say they will definitely vote for her, compared to 22% who will definitely vote for Trump.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of blacks say they will definitely vote for Clinton, but just 30% of whites and 37% of other minority voters agree. Still, only 34% of whites and 28% of other minority voters say they will definitely vote for Trump, along with 10% of blacks.

Interestingly, voters in their respective parties are more likely to consider both Clinton and Trump to be moderates.

More Democrats than ever now support Clinton’s bid for their party’s presidential nomination.


Still, only 34% of whites and 28% of other minority voters say they will definitely vote for Trump, along with 10% of blacks.

34% of whites huh? Donnie is screwed.

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.


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The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
all facts

deal with it.
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
all facts

deal with it.
there are 'facts'......and then there are facts.....but dimwits are too gullible to tell the difference....
The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
all facts

deal with it.
there are 'facts'......and then there are facts.....but dimwits are too gullible to tell the difference....

high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced…all facts

deal with it.
which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
all facts

deal with it.
there are 'facts'......and then there are facts.....but dimwits are too gullible to tell the difference....

high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced…all facts

deal with it.

there are facts and there are facts that don't make any difference to RW's .. ;)
Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
all facts

deal with it.
there are 'facts'......and then there are facts.....but dimwits are too gullible to tell the difference....

high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced…all facts

deal with it.

there are facts and there are facts that don't make any difference to RW's .. ;)

Its one of the reasons that so many on the left claim racism. You can show right wing lunatics the facts all day long; they just reject them and make excuses. The metrics have been the same for nearly 30 years. If unemployment was 7% in 1997, nobody said, “but that 7% is an illusion due to people having stopped looking for work or this or that or the other.” If it was an illusion then, it is an illusion now but the recognized level of unemployment is and was what is reported.

Only for the last 7 years are we to believe that the books are cooked and its all lies….
which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….
lol......are you happy in your little self-delusional world....?
all facts

deal with it.
there are 'facts'......and then there are facts.....but dimwits are too gullible to tell the difference....

high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced…all facts

deal with it.
So you like the job the repub house and Senate have done.

Lets break it to you... Your candidate is a vile little man who has only got where he is by a bad election system and vile little people like you...

We all know that you like big black men pounding it into you and you are just in a state of denial... Did your lover reject you when you were young and found himself a new boyfriend...

Go Trump! You folks are getting more hateful and vile by the minute. No better reason to vote Trump.

You could be right.There is literally no other reason to vote for Trump other than spite.

Oh there are other reasons, but spite is just the sweet icing on the cake.

In reality though, spite has to be the only reason someone would vote for Mrs. Tulza Clinton.

Lets break it to you... Your candidate is a vile little man who has only got where he is by a bad election system and vile little people like you...

We all know that you like big black men pounding it into you and you are just in a state of denial... Did your lover reject you when you were young and found himself a new boyfriend...

Go Trump! You folks are getting more hateful and vile by the minute. No better reason to vote Trump.

You could be right.There is literally no other reason to vote for Trump other than spite.

Oh there are other reasons, but spite is just the sweet icing on the cake.

In reality though, spite has to be the only reason someone would vote for Mrs. Tulza Clinton.

Lots of reason to vote for Clinton or Bernie, but you have already dismissed them, so I won't bother with a lost cause such as you.
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

I agree with you that Bernie Sanders just got ran over by a steam roller and they need to take him back to the nursing home now.

But you're final assessment that the Republican party is going to win with a Donald Trump nominee couldn't be farther from the TRUTH.

30-50% of the Republican party will never cast a vote for Donald Trump, they will be voting for Hillary Clinton. A very good article disclosing this is here:
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Trump and his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population, or 23 million voters, Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needed 46% of this block to win the White House. Even the Republican Latino block stated months ago that they wouldn't support a Trump nominee. 4.5 first time Latino voters just recently registered to vote to cast a vote against Trump. Trump is polling at a Negative 80% with this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So Trump starts off with a Republicans and Latino's DEFICIT at 39.5 million votes..

Then add in WOMEN the largest voting block in this country today at 54% whom are going to be voting heavily for the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history, along with all the other minority groups.

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night.

No Democrats haven't thrown in the towel they just figured out who can kick Donald Trump's ass in the voting booth, and made the correct choice with Hillary Clinton.


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