Dems Throw in the Towel

Some Dem's are in denial, others are freaking out. They never considered a GOP candidate might peel away Democrats and independents.

With a 61% disapproval rating and 54% of the electorate indicating they would never vote for Trump...I think the 'freaking' you're hearing is among republicans.

They're fucked if they run the man. They're fucked if they don't.
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….

Peace? Where?
Both supported by Clinton, untill it was politicaly advantagouse to not support, and blubber a river how bad bush was.that right there along with all the others,indicates a real lack of integrity, their turn coat actions cost lives and money.
The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.

which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….

Peace? Where?
Both supported by Clinton, untill it was politicaly advantagouse to not support, and blubber a river how bad bush was.that right there along with all the others,indicates a real lack of integrity, their turn coat actions cost lives and money.

HRC is a flawed candidate. No doubt. The CIA cooking the intel didn’t help but she should have known better.
All factors indicate that HRC will wax The Donald by nearly 20 po points and give the Dems a six seat majority in the Senate.

Yet the stupid far right yells that Trump can win when they know he can't.

Lets break it to you... Your candidate is a vile little man who has only got where he is by a bad election system and vile little people like you...

We all know that you like big black men pounding it into you and you are just in a state of denial... Did your lover reject you when you were young and found himself a new boyfriend...
Time to remove the garbage.
Permanent Ignore.

Must have touched a nerve there... Do you dream of sex with other men often...

How do you cope with the guilty... Oh yeah, you vote Trump...
Bill Clinton's cigar could beat Cruz or Trump in an election. Cruz never had a shot, he is way too creepy and Trump had potential but took the low road to Divisiveville which isn't gonna fly in the general election. After the Palin disaster you'd have thought the GOP electorate would learn... I'm sure the Dems are most grateful for the softball
Some Dem's are in denial, others are freaking out. They never considered a GOP candidate might peel away Democrats and independents.

With a 61% disapproval rating and 54% of the electorate indicating they would never vote for Trump...I think the 'freaking' you're hearing is among republicans.

They're fucked if they run the man. They're fucked if they don't.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe
Couple of problems with your post.

1. Clinton was running against 1 opponent in these primaries. Trump was running against several who split the vote.

2. The percentages you list are of the people who showed up at the polls. You need to look at the total number of Democrats and Republicans who showed. Just for numbers sake, if 5000 Dems showed up, but 100,000 Republicans show at the polls, those percentages mean even less.

I don't know the exact numbers, but it sounds like there have been far more voters in the Republican primaries vs. the Democrat primaries.
Bill Clinton's cigar could beat Cruz or Trump in an election. Cruz never had a shot, he is way too creepy and Trump had potential but took the low road to Divisiveville which isn't gonna fly in the general election. After the Palin disaster you'd have thought the GOP electorate would learn... I'm sure the Dems are most grateful for the softball
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe
Of course he is finding success outside the Republican fringe, he is more of a Democrat than a Republican... He is a populist and will pick up plenty of fringe voters. Problem is he won't have strong Republican support and will get swallowed up in the general... I don't think many Dems are too scared of Trump or Cruz... Both are easy pickings.
Primary Turnout Means Nothing For The General Election

Indeed history suggests that there is no relationship between primary turnout and the general election outcome. You can see this on the most basic level by looking at raw turnout in years in which both parties had competitive primaries. There have been six of those years in the modern era: 1976, 1980, 1988, 1992, 2000 and 2008.
only 34% of whites and 28% of other minority voters say they will definitely vote for Trump, along with 10% of blacks.

easy loss for Trump in a general election , ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Primary Turnout Means Nothing For The General Election

Indeed history suggests that there is no relationship between primary turnout and the general election outcome. You can see this on the most basic level by looking at raw turnout in years in which both parties had competitive primaries. There have been six of those years in the modern era: 1976, 1980, 1988, 1992, 2000 and 2008.

History, have you not been paying attention this election is nothing like previous elections. Tissue?
Bill Clinton's cigar could beat Cruz or Trump in an election. Cruz never had a shot, he is way too creepy and Trump had potential but took the low road to Divisiveville which isn't gonna fly in the general election. After the Palin disaster you'd have thought the GOP electorate would learn... I'm sure the Dems are most grateful for the softball
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe
Of course he is finding success outside the Republican fringe, he is more of a Democrat than a Republican... He is a populist and will pick up plenty of fringe voters. Problem is he won't have strong Republican support and will get swallowed up in the general... I don't think many Dems are too scared of Trump or Cruz... Both are easy pickings.
The turnout by REPs so far with half the Primaries over, which Trump won most of, is the total number of REP voters who turned out in all the Primaries last election cycle.
Basic simple logic says Rubio, Cruz and Kasich didn't get those record number of votes or they would have won more than a few States.
The vast majority of REPs who voted voted for Trump.
Dems are becoming used to the fact their next President will be Trump.
which really means that if you vote dimocrap you will be getting the same old crap we've had for the past 7 years.....but then i guess some people are happy with crap....

Yeah, high stock market, peace, unemployment down, deficit reduced….

Peace? Where?
Both supported by Clinton, untill it was politicaly advantagouse to not support, and blubber a river how bad bush was.that right there along with all the others,indicates a real lack of integrity, their turn coat actions cost lives and money.

HRC is a flawed candidate. No doubt. The CIA cooking the intel didn’t help but she should have known better.

She did, she lied.
Bill Clinton's cigar could beat Cruz or Trump in an election. Cruz never had a shot, he is way too creepy and Trump had potential but took the low road to Divisiveville which isn't gonna fly in the general election. After the Palin disaster you'd have thought the GOP electorate would learn... I'm sure the Dems are most grateful for the softball
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe
Of course he is finding success outside the Republican fringe, he is more of a Democrat than a Republican... He is a populist and will pick up plenty of fringe voters. Problem is he won't have strong Republican support and will get swallowed up in the general... I don't think many Dems are too scared of Trump or Cruz... Both are easy pickings.
Just the fact that Trump is where he is kicks this idea that somehow repubs will not vote him in the general.
unemployment down...but millions of the unemployed are no longer being reported
Unemployed has always been defined as those who are not working, but looking for work. Availability has been part of the definition since 1967.

So your claim is that there are millions of people who are available and looking for work who no longer are being reported.

What do you mean by "reported?" By whom, to whom? And what's your evidence that millions of people who are available and looking are not being counted as unemployed

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