Dems Throw in the Towel

You could be right.There is literally no other reason to vote for Trump other than spite.
1. He's not a socialist
2. He isn't Hillary
3. He didn't 'lose' $6 billion in US tax payer money
4. He did not cause 4 Americans to needlessly die
5. He is a successful business man
6. He actually LIKES this country
7. He listens to the people and wants to represent them, not RULE them
8 He doesn't take shite from people - just ask Hillary (arf, arf)

Other than # 5, and that could have been possible with a multi-million dollar loan like T-rump got, you could be talking about any one of millions of other people in this country. I was right. Spite is the only reason to vote for T-rump..
No, anyone but hillary. That is why I will vote for Trump.
Bill Clinton's cigar could beat Cruz or Trump in an election. Cruz never had a shot, he is way too creepy and Trump had potential but took the low road to Divisiveville which isn't gonna fly in the general election. After the Palin disaster you'd have thought the GOP electorate would learn... I'm sure the Dems are most grateful for the softball
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe
Of course he is finding success outside the Republican fringe, he is more of a Democrat than a Republican... He is a populist and will pick up plenty of fringe voters. Problem is he won't have strong Republican support and will get swallowed up in the general... I don't think many Dems are too scared of Trump or Cruz... Both are easy pickings.
Just the fact that Trump is where he is kicks this idea that somehow repubs will not vote him in the general.
He is one of the most divisive candidates in our history, not just for opposite party members bit for his own party. He appeals to the fridge and the protectionist extreme but there are already several prominent Rebulican party goes who have vowed not to vote for Trump. Look at how your last election nominee, Rommey, is acting... He may be popular now in the primary but the general is a who different game and I don't think somebody as divisive as Trump stands a chance unless he completely changes his tune. I doubt he will but still wouldn't put it passed him, he is playing the game and is doing really well so far
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competitive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.
So what's your excuse for the historic ass kicking you DEMs received in 2012 and 2014?
Were your negro plantation slaves too fucking busy stealing each other's garbage cans on those occasions?

And what did the Republicans get out of winning in those off years?

Nothing. Obamacare still the law. Same sex marriage now a constitutional right.

That's what's funny about the GOP. Once in awhile they get ahead, and then they do nothing with their gains.
The DEM turnout has collapsed.
The delusion that Sanders will win the nomination are literally a 'pipe dream'.The Party's over.
Democrats beware: Donald Trump is finding success well outside the Republican fringe

The reason turn out is not as high for the Dems is that there is very little difference between the two candidates, most Dems would be happy with either one. It's not that competitive. In contrast to the Republican candidates where you have stark differences and a very competitive election - that stimulates high voter turnout.
So what's your excuse for the historic ass kicking you DEMs received in 2012 and 2014?
Were your negro plantation slaves too fucking busy stealing each other's garbage cans on those occasions?

Asskicking in 2012?

Obama won in 2012.
I'm saying you believe so many conspiracy s till I can't keep up with them. Communists running Hillary? You gotta be either kidding or insane.

You are saying that the democratic - socialist (Communist) party is not running Hillary? :eek:

You use a LOT of recreational drugs, don't you?

That's right up there with FEMA Prisons when it comes to crazy conspiracy theorys.
That's right up there with FEMA Prisons when it comes to crazy conspiracy theorys.


So the idea that the party is nominating Hillary is "right up there with FEMA Prisons"

I take it you are under the influence of meth, inhalants, and other mind altering substances at this very moment..

The communist party is not nominating Hillary you twit. Your claim that they are is typically bizarre right wing lunacy.
The communist party is not nominating Hillary you twit. Your claim that they are is typically bizarre right wing lunacy.

YOU, are a drooling moron.


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