Dems Veronica Escobar/Jackson Lee Committed Perjury During Impeachment Hearing - 'Schiff Parody'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Adam Schiff was NAILED for intentionally attempting to present a fictional account of the phone all between the President and the Ukraine PM - a false account he authored - as evidence of a crime against President Trump during an Impeachment hearing Schiff was chairing in the House Intel Committee not long ago. The criminal attempt to manufacture / present faux criminal 'evidence' was immediately exposed, and the leftist MSM and Schiff scrambled to claim what Schiff had read was a 'parody' meant in humor.

Yesterday 2 Hose Democrats were quickly exposed for engaging in their own 'parodies', intentionally giving a false account of what was said by the President during his telephone call with the Ukraine PM.

'Rep. Escobar said President Trump told President Zelensky, "I want you to do me a favor though."


Rep. Jackson Lee quoted Trump saying, "I would like you to do a favor though."


'What Trump actually said was "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot." The full quote makes it clear that Trump was asking the president of Ukraine to do "our country" a favor.'

Even CNN, the primary liberal surrogate faux news propaganda pusher for the Democrats, had to report Escobar and Jackson lied before Congress:

"Facts First: Trump is correct that the call was misquoted during today's debate over the articles of impeachment in the House Judiciary committee."

WORDS HAVE MEANING AND MATTER....and these 2 lying bi@tches attempted to again push their intentional LIE, which is the basis for their entire Impeachment of the President! Even in the very last hearing prior to a vote on Impeachment Democrats are FORCED TO LIE in an attempt to justify their assault on the Constitutional, on the choice made by Americans in a democratically held election in 2016, and - as NADLER previously said himself - an attempt to strip Americans of their right to choose their own leaders / President.

Both Speaker Pelosi and Nadler have said that allowing the American people to do so is 'Dangerous' because they have proven - according to Democrats - that they can not be trusted to make the 'right' choice.

On the eve of their admitted political act of voting to remove a United States President from office, despite having no crime / no evidence / no witnesses, these 2 Democrats demonstrated 1 last time that the Democrats have to manufacture a crime by presenting fictional parodies as 'evidence' to complete their coup.

Wow, CNN Admits Democrats Lied About Trump's Ukraine Call


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