Dems want to defund the military !

make no mistake even though some of the libbs may lie and deny they would love to divert funds from the defense and use said funds to promote their anti American marxist social justice programs !
When you're enemies are defeating themselves, just stand back and watch.

first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’

What else can one expect the enemies of America to suggest? Even as they invite and welcome in Chinese invaders, the democrats will assure us it is for our own safety. Duh?
Surely we have a nice sturdy wall we can stand them up against......
Ah here we go,keeps out illegals and doubles as a place to shoot traitors.

first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’

The US military is an enemy to the people & should be de-funded. They attack US, facilitate & allow attacks on US to force US to fund the Military Industrial Complex. The same way police force money from citizens.
first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’

The US military is an enemy to the people & should be de-funded. They attack US, facilitate & allow attacks on US to force US to fund the Military Industrial Complex. The same way police force money from citizens.

You are not an American, whether or not you were born and/or live here. Many thanks for outing yourself. I would attempt to talk you down, off the high, narrow ledge you've put yourself on, but you've already jumped off, head first.
first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’

The US military is an enemy to the people & should be de-funded. They attack US, facilitate & allow attacks on US to force US to fund the Military Industrial Complex. The same way police force money from citizens.

You are not an American, whether or not you were born and/or live here. Many thanks for outing yourself. I would attempt to talk you down, off the high, narrow ledge you've put yourself on, but you've already jumped off, head first.
USAF Bruce Ivans with US military anthrax attacked democrats & media who opposed the Military Industrial Complex war on Iraq. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks ordered forces to allow CIA Bin Laden to escape in Tora Bora to prolong wars to fleece US of our treasure.
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first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’

How is that different from diverting military funds to build that stupid wall?
The wall is not as stupid as the $10 billion spent on it, to only get 10% of a fence.

And it's even worse when you consider that Trump diverted military funds for such a non military use. Is't that what the OP is whining about?
first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’
In case you missed it, at a town hall with Biden speaking, he publicly said that we "don't" need a standing army. His string pullers in China no doubt agree with him.
first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’
In case you missed it, at a town hall with Biden speaking, he publicly said that we "don't" need a standing army. His string pullers in China no doubt agree with him.


first it was defund the police now its defund the military ! treasonous marxist dems are now calling for the defunding of our military ! something that would greatly please their Chicom allies ! Representative Barbara Lee: ‘Defund the Pentagon Budget’

The US military is an enemy to the people & should be de-funded. They attack US, facilitate & allow attacks on US to force US to fund the Military Industrial Complex. The same way police force money from citizens.
Proof positive the left is the party of the well educated.

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