Dems want to pack the USSC

The State Department will release an additional 1850 pages of emails recovered by the FBI from ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private ...
Investigation was inconclusive as the data was destroyed.
Wrong again

FBI Recovers Deleted Hillary Emails - The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast › fbi-recovers-deleted-hi...

The FBI has reportedly recovered both personal and work-related emails from Hillary Clinton's private computer server that she used during her time as ...
Daily Beast is a tabloid. Please link a credible site. Thank you.
They've had private servers since the Bush administration where they "lost" 10 million e-mails. That got deleted by "accident" covering the fired US attorneys, and the lead up to Iraq.
Link? You keep making weird accusations without proof. Follow the rules, leftist.
PBS: Public Broadcasting Service › washingtonweek › web-video
Missing White House Emails | Washington Week - PBS

-and Bush was using the PRIVATE RNC server for years during his time in office.

Two years later, it was revealed that potentially 22 million emails were deleted,
George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million E-mails ... › Fact Checks › Politics

Oct 11, 2016 — Roughly 22 million White House e-mails exchanged via private servers during the G.W. Bush administration were deleted
They've had private servers since the Bush administration where they "lost" 10 million e-mails. That got deleted by "accident" covering the fired US attorneys, and the lead up to Iraq.
Link? You keep making weird accusations without proof. Follow the rules, leftist.
PBS: Public Broadcasting Service › washingtonweek › web-video
Missing White House Emails | Washington Week - PBS

-and Bush was using the PRIVATE RNC server for years during his time in office.

Two years later, it was revealed that potentially 22 million emails were deleted,
Potentially? So there is no proof?
FBI Recovers Deleted Hillary Emails - The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast › fbi-recovers-deleted-hi...

The FBI has reportedly recovered both personal and work-related emails from Hillary Clinton's private computer server that she used during her time as ...
Daily Beast is a tabloid. Please link a credible site. Thank you.

FBI Investigators Recover Clinton Emails Thought To Have ...

Home Page Top Stories › sections › thetwo-way › 2015/09/23

Sep 23, 2015 — The recovered data includes personal and work-related emails that were deleted from Hillary Clinton's private computer server.
Roughly? Was this server subpoenaed? Clinton’s was.
The George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million Emails

he Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. ... by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails.
FBI Recovers Deleted Hillary Emails - The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast › fbi-recovers-deleted-hi...

The FBI has reportedly recovered both personal and work-related emails from Hillary Clinton's private computer server that she used during her time as ...
Daily Beast is a tabloid. Please link a credible site. Thank you.

FBI Investigators Recover Clinton Emails Thought To Have ...

Home Page Top Stories › sections › thetwo-way › 2015/09/23

Sep 23, 2015 — The recovered data includes personal and work-related emails that were deleted from Hillary Clinton's private computer server.
In December 2009, however, the Obama administration reported that it had recovered roughly 22 million Bush administration emails from 2003-2005. The emails had been mislabeled, not deleted

Do you ever not lie? I am tired of fact checking you. You’re a leftist. Just admit it.
In case you missed it. The highlights.
Bush used a private RNC server.
Congress subpoenaed the emails
That's when 22 million of them were accidentally deleted.
In December 2009, however, the Obama administration reported that it had recovered roughly 22 million Bush administration emails from 2003-2005. The emails had been mislabeled, not deleted

Do you ever not lie? I am tired of fact checking you. You’re a leftist. Just admit it.

Actually Bush lied. He told congress the emails were deleted, and the backup tape overwritten.

As you pointed out. After Obama got into office, they found the backup tape.

But Bush still defied a congressional subpoena for the emails on his private server.
In December 2009, however, the Obama administration reported that it had recovered roughly 22 million Bush administration emails from 2003-2005. The emails had been mislabeled, not deleted

Do you ever not lie? I am tired of fact checking you. You’re a leftist. Just admit it.

Actually Bush lied. He told congress the emails were deleted, and the backup tape overwritten.

As you pointed out. After Obama got into office, they found the backup tape.

But Bush still defied a congressional subpoena for the emails on his private server.
Mislabeled isn’t deleted. Anyway, I did not vote for Bush. He was our worst president ever so not sure what your point is, leftist? Well? What is it?
They subpoenaed the emails in 2007, and were told that 22 million of them had been erased, and the backup tape overwritten.

in 2009 the obma administration found the backup tape.

Lie after lie, obstruction after obstruction about bush's private email server.
You never read about Bush's private email server, and how he deleted 22 million emails?

But you heard about Clintons private email server, because they held 14 different Benghazi investigations.
Which of them are illegitimate and you'd prefer a Demonicrat replacement who makes decisions on what's hip politically as opposed our Constitution? Go.............
Do I have to remind you, that democratic appointed justices have received overwhelming bi-partisan support. Republicans have barely squeaked by, requiring removal of the filibuster.
Justices appointed by democrat presidents have received overwhelming bipartisan support because most Republican senators have correctly interpreted their duty to confirm justices based on the right of presidents to get confirmations based on the judicial ability of the appointee. On the other hand, Democrat senators inject politics into the process. All 3 of President Trump's appointees received the highest ratings as judges. Democrat senators just didn't like their politics.
On Thursday, the justices voted 6-3 to uphold Arizona’s voting law, which banned ballot harvesting — the practice of allowing third parties to collect absentee ballots and drop them off for counting — and invalidating votes cast in the incorrect precinct. Democrats argued that both provisions had a disparate impact on racial minorities in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

“Today’s ruling is another blow to voting rights,” tweeted Sen. Ed Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat. “We must abolish the filibuster and pass the For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Act. And we must expand the Supreme Court.”

“Can we finally stop pretending it’s radical to expand the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, and end the filibuster?” asked Robert Reich, a liberal activist and former secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. “We do these things, or we let democracy die. It’s really that simple.”

“EXPAND THE COURT OR YOU GET NOTHING,” tweeted the Nation’s Elie Mystal

The Democrat Party is at war against our democracy*.
If they can't win, they change the rules.
The Supreme Court ruled correctly that States have the right to protect their citizen's Right to Vote from the corrupt Democrat Party's election rigging crimes.
So now the Democrats want to pack the court with far left radical and racist Democrat Judges.
The Supreme Court is supposed to protect the citizens, not the corrupt Democrat Party's voter fraud crimes.
If they can get away with packing the court they will be able to get away with anything.
Don't need to pack it, just need to remove the one or two illegitimate appointees and have Joe fill the spots.
Which justices do you consider illegitimate? I could guess but I’d like to hear it from your own fingers.
You never said a thing about trump stacking it with three repigs judges.
You were pleased in fact.
Now you get upset because democrats want to even it up again.
Republicans chose to leave the court a justice short for over a year.

Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Sets Record for Longest Vacancy ...
No he didn’t. The sitting president only put one justice forward and he wasn’t acceptable to the party controlling the Senate. He was free to nominate more candidates until he came up with one acceptable to the Senate. He chose not to. Often presidents have had to no,inate multiple candidates before finding one that was acceptable to both parties.
Justices appointed by democrat presidents have received overwhelming bipartisan support because most Republican senators have correctly interpreted their duty to confirm justices based on the right of presidents to get confirmations based on the judicial ability of the appointee.
Like Judge Merick Garland?

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