Dems Who Introduced 'Abolish ICE' Bill Now Say They'll Vote Against It


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
oh my - another one for the "you can't make this shit up" file

no, this DOES NOT make up for all the BS we have seen from Ryan; but it absolutely is a fantastic move by the lame duck speaker

put this up for a vote Paul, please don't cuck this up...

Dems Who Introduced 'Abolish ICE' Bill Now Say They'll Vote Against It

After Republicans promised to bring the "abolish ICE" bill to the floor for a vote in the House, Democrats now appear to have gotten cold feet.

Several of the lawmakers who introduced the bill now say they will vote "no" if it comes up for a vote. In truth, the proposal to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency was never serious and was simply an exercise in tossing raw meat to their rabid, far-left base.

But Republicans have called them out for their political stupidity and they are backtracking as fast as they can.

Fox News:

"We know Speaker [Paul] Ryan is not serious about passing our 'Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act,' so members of Congress, advocacy groups, and impacted communities will not engage in this political stunt," Reps. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Adriano Espaillat of New York told The Hill and other news outlets. "If Speaker Ryan puts our bill on the floor, we plan to vote no and will instead use the opportunity to force an urgently needed and long-overdue conversation on the House floor."
Whoever said a House speaker had to be "serious" about passing a bill to bring it to the floor? I think Ryan was being quite magnanimous and accommodating in allowing Democrats the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is on abolishing ICE.

A major problem for the Democrats is that several potential candidates for the presidential nomination of their party backed the radical proposal.
oh my - another one for the "you can't make this shit up" file

no, this DOES NOT make up for all the BS we have seen from Ryan; but it absolutely is a fantastic move by the lame duck speaker

put this up for a vote Paul, please don't cuck this up...

Dems Who Introduced 'Abolish ICE' Bill Now Say They'll Vote Against It

After Republicans promised to bring the "abolish ICE" bill to the floor for a vote in the House, Democrats now appear to have gotten cold feet.

Several of the lawmakers who introduced the bill now say they will vote "no" if it comes up for a vote. In truth, the proposal to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency was never serious and was simply an exercise in tossing raw meat to their rabid, far-left base.

But Republicans have called them out for their political stupidity and they are backtracking as fast as they can.

Fox News:

"We know Speaker [Paul] Ryan is not serious about passing our 'Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act,' so members of Congress, advocacy groups, and impacted communities will not engage in this political stunt," Reps. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Adriano Espaillat of New York told The Hill and other news outlets. "If Speaker Ryan puts our bill on the floor, we plan to vote no and will instead use the opportunity to force an urgently needed and long-overdue conversation on the House floor."
Whoever said a House speaker had to be "serious" about passing a bill to bring it to the floor? I think Ryan was being quite magnanimous and accommodating in allowing Democrats the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is on abolishing ICE.

A major problem for the Democrats is that several potential candidates for the presidential nomination of their party backed the radical proposal.

Gee, did someone in the Democratic Party finally smarten up and realize that the American public OVERWHELMINGLY supports a stronger border and the enforcement of our existing immigration laws? It's amazing to watch these people blunder around in search of something...ANYTHING...that they can run on come November!
Let the lefty dopes run on open borders and abolishing ICE in November. It’s gotta be a winner because I heard Mrs. Mika herself claim the dimocrats need more candidates like the lying O-C babe who just won her nomination for congress in NY.
This is a hilarious new take on the old "He was for it before he was against it" , how we have "They were for it before the poll numbers showed them that it was political suicide"...

I for one really appreciate the continuous innovations in comedy that emanate from the Democrat Party.
Well, all laughter aside, the vote should be taken. Get the asswipes on record!
OF COURSE the Democrats who authored the 'End ICE' bull$hit are now declaring they will NOT vote for it.

This is what you call a 'Boomerang Back-Down'.

The short-sighted, snowflake-manipulating a$$holes had their counter-Intelligence (which describes the Democratic Party perfectly) program come full circle and bite them in the a$$ as McConnell and the GOP called their bluff.

Was not that long ago they shut down the government because they were so seriously concerned about DACA. When they learned that no one was going to allow DACA recipients to vote immediately they said forget about it. They were all over the NY candidate's socialist ideas now they are starting to back off some of them. They keep jumping on any bandwagon they think will give them an edge. Then when it does not work out they say "only kidding".
oh my - another one for the "you can't make this shit up" file

no, this DOES NOT make up for all the BS we have seen from Ryan; but it absolutely is a fantastic move by the lame duck speaker

put this up for a vote Paul, please don't cuck this up...

Dems Who Introduced 'Abolish ICE' Bill Now Say They'll Vote Against It

After Republicans promised to bring the "abolish ICE" bill to the floor for a vote in the House, Democrats now appear to have gotten cold feet.

Several of the lawmakers who introduced the bill now say they will vote "no" if it comes up for a vote. In truth, the proposal to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency was never serious and was simply an exercise in tossing raw meat to their rabid, far-left base.

But Republicans have called them out for their political stupidity and they are backtracking as fast as they can.

Fox News:

"We know Speaker [Paul] Ryan is not serious about passing our 'Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act,' so members of Congress, advocacy groups, and impacted communities will not engage in this political stunt," Reps. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Adriano Espaillat of New York told The Hill and other news outlets. "If Speaker Ryan puts our bill on the floor, we plan to vote no and will instead use the opportunity to force an urgently needed and long-overdue conversation on the House floor."
Whoever said a House speaker had to be "serious" about passing a bill to bring it to the floor? I think Ryan was being quite magnanimous and accommodating in allowing Democrats the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is on abolishing ICE.

A major problem for the Democrats is that several potential candidates for the presidential nomination of their party backed the radical proposal.

Identity politics at its finest. Assign a collection of individuals to a group, Attribute them good or bad traits according to political wind direction, and then use them as befits the needs of propaganda. Ticking time bombs and calling bluffs and all that.

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