Dems Worry That Tulsi Is Leaving The Plantation

Gabbard is not going to get the nomination, but frankly, I don't see why so many leftists are upset with her. Her domestic policy is basically the same as Bernie's and she doesn't want us bogged down in a bunch of overseas wars and conflicts to enrich American corporations at home. Sounds pretty mainstream among the left to me, but the powers that be have deemed her an enemy, so the sheep will follow

Two words: Jill Stein.

We've seen this movie before.
A woman scorned. Gabbard has stated she won't run 3rd Party but recently announced her intention not to pursue another term - her 5th - in the House. She's putting all her cards on her prez campaign and seems to have distanced herself - announcing she finds the current House Dem shenanigans to be "partisan" - from the loony-left that controls her party.

Tulsi Gabbard is having a moment, and the party is getting nervous

Is Tulsi Gabbard planning to run a third-party presidential campaign? And if she does, will it help President Trump win reelection?
In the never-ending cycle of Democratic angst over the 2020 election, those are today’s leading worries...

Gabbard, an Iraq veteran who has staked her campaign on her opposition to “endless” “regime-change wars,” responded by calling Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”

How about a 3rd party run with her and Justin Amash on the same ticket!

Is Amash going to get on board with some sort of socialized medicine? Will Gabbard support Amash's libertarian economic views? Pretty doubtful.

That is what makes them the perfect team...they would have to compromise on things and meet in the middle.
Nah ... dueling pistols at 30 paces.
A woman scorned. Gabbard has stated she won't run 3rd Party but recently announced her intention not to pursue another term - her 5th - in the House. She's putting all her cards on her prez campaign and seems to have distanced herself - announcing she finds the current House Dem shenanigans to be "partisan" - from the loony-left that controls her party.

Tulsi Gabbard is having a moment, and the party is getting nervous

Is Tulsi Gabbard planning to run a third-party presidential campaign? And if she does, will it help President Trump win reelection?
In the never-ending cycle of Democratic angst over the 2020 election, those are today’s leading worries...

Gabbard, an Iraq veteran who has staked her campaign on her opposition to “endless” “regime-change wars,” responded by calling Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”

How about a 3rd party run with her and Justin Amash on the same ticket!

Is Amash going to get on board with some sort of socialized medicine? Will Gabbard support Amash's libertarian economic views? Pretty doubtful.
A majority of the public supports single payer, the aristocracy will never allow the will of the people to prevail, that's just not how things are done in america.

Well, while one of them goes for a more robust healthcare plan the other will be trying to dismantle medicare.
The aristocracy always prevails over the people, we know.
Gabbard is not going to get the nomination, but frankly, I don't see why so many leftists are upset with her. Her domestic policy is basically the same as Bernie's and she doesn't want us bogged down in a bunch of overseas wars and conflicts to enrich American corporations at home. Sounds pretty mainstream among the left to me, but the powers that be have deemed her an enemy, so the sheep will follow

Two words: Jill Stein.

We've seen this movie before.
We have indeed, if you represent the people you must be quashed.
I wouldn't put much into Gabbard saying she won't run for a second term. If she doesn't get the nomination and doesn't run 3rd party I think she'll run for a second term if she thinks she will win a re-election. She could also if she can gain enough supporters it will give her leverage to be able to cut a deal with the DNC in exchange for her supporting whoever the candidate ends up being.

If she were to run 3rd party I think it would hurt the democrats especially if Warren ends up being the nominee. I don't think it will have much of an impact on TRUMP winning re-election.
Tulsi is the only moonbat in DC that looks sane at all. The rest belong in an asylum.

This one is my fav....

And…if there was the slightest doubt that they are insane, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion
Gabbard is not going to get the nomination, but frankly, I don't see why so many leftists are upset with her. Her domestic policy is basically the same as Bernie's and she doesn't want us bogged down in a bunch of overseas wars and conflicts to enrich American corporations at home. Sounds pretty mainstream among the left to me, but the powers that be have deemed her an enemy, so the sheep will follow

Exactly, well stated. She is the perfect liberal Democrat on every single issue as far as I’ve seen... The only issue that she differs on is on the unjust neverending wars, namely the regime change wars.
Even the "endless wars" meme is a far Left thing. Both Sanders and Warren go on about it.

And cut and run Democrat Donald Trump.

No, the never ending wars is a republican democrat thingy.
Gabbard is not going to get the nomination, but frankly, I don't see why so many leftists are upset with her. Her domestic policy is basically the same as Bernie's and she doesn't want us bogged down in a bunch of overseas wars and conflicts to enrich American corporations at home. Sounds pretty mainstream among the left to me, but the powers that be have deemed her an enemy, so the sheep will follow
When all else fails progressives bring up Russia... lol
Gabbard isn't going anywhere.
She has to protect her "right" to murder her baby if she forgets to take her pill.
Gabbard is not going to get the nomination, but frankly, I don't see why so many leftists are upset with her. Her domestic policy is basically the same as Bernie's and she doesn't want us bogged down in a bunch of overseas wars and conflicts to enrich American corporations at home. Sounds pretty mainstream among the left to me, but the powers that be have deemed her an enemy, so the sheep will follow

"lefitsts" are not upset with her. Corporatists are. You note that yourself.
Crater-face is a Putin puppet. She wants to be like Jill Stein.

Washington redskin,
Be say’n.....

Gabbard isn't going anywhere.
She has to protect her "right" to murder her baby if she forgets to take her pill.

As opposed to killing babies if the stock market isn't doing well enough?
A woman scorned. Gabbard has stated she won't run 3rd Party but recently announced her intention not to pursue another term - her 5th - in the House. She's putting all her cards on her prez campaign and seems to have distanced herself - announcing she finds the current House Dem shenanigans to be "partisan" - from the loony-left that controls her party.

Tulsi Gabbard is having a moment, and the party is getting nervous

Is Tulsi Gabbard planning to run a third-party presidential campaign? And if she does, will it help President Trump win reelection?
In the never-ending cycle of Democratic angst over the 2020 election, those are today’s leading worries...

Gabbard, an Iraq veteran who has staked her campaign on her opposition to “endless” “regime-change wars,” responded by calling Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”

How about a 3rd party run with her and Justin Amash on the same ticket!

Is Amash going to get on board with some sort of socialized medicine? Will Gabbard support Amash's libertarian economic views? Pretty doubtful.
A majority of the public supports single payer, the aristocracy will never allow the will of the people to prevail, that's just not how things are done in america.
No conservative/libertarian supports single payer dumbass
A woman scorned. Gabbard has stated she won't run 3rd Party but recently announced her intention not to pursue another term - her 5th - in the House. She's putting all her cards on her prez campaign and seems to have distanced herself - announcing she finds the current House Dem shenanigans to be "partisan" - from the loony-left that controls her party.

Tulsi Gabbard is having a moment, and the party is getting nervous

Is Tulsi Gabbard planning to run a third-party presidential campaign? And if she does, will it help President Trump win reelection?
In the never-ending cycle of Democratic angst over the 2020 election, those are today’s leading worries...

Gabbard, an Iraq veteran who has staked her campaign on her opposition to “endless” “regime-change wars,” responded by calling Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.”

How about a 3rd party run with her and Justin Amash on the same ticket!

Is Amash going to get on board with some sort of socialized medicine? Will Gabbard support Amash's libertarian economic views? Pretty doubtful.

That is what makes them the perfect team...they would have to compromise on things and meet in the middle.
Like that would solve anything… Shut the fuck up

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