

Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I asked in Coffee Shop but didn't get much response so thought I would get some opinions out here.

Went to the dentist today and she recommended I get dentures. I take care of my teeth and they are not ugly...but dayum! I keep getting shitloads of cavities all the time. She said it was due to my health, my meds, dry mouth, and my genes. The past few years, every 6 months, I get 3 more cavities. Small ones, but still....there they are. Nothing I do is stopping this progression of my teeth going bad. I am going to another dentist next tuesday to get a second opinion. If HE says the same thing she did..then I guess I need to contemplate doing it.

So my question is....anyone here have clackers? Not partials, not implants. Full uppers and lowers and the kind ya spit in a jar at night.

I have been googling like crazy and also went to youtube and saw the immediate temps I read about that go in immediately after the teeth are pulled. Saw it all. But...I want to hear from you guys.

Anyone here willing to talk about your set of toofers and what experiences you had or have?
I asked in Coffee Shop but didn't get much response so thought I would get some opinions out here.

Went to the dentist today and she recommended I get dentures. I take care of my teeth and they are not ugly...but dayum! I keep getting shitloads of cavities all the time. She said it was due to my health, my meds, dry mouth, and my genes. The past few years, every 6 months, I get 3 more cavities. Small ones, but still....there they are. Nothing I do is stopping this progression of my teeth going bad. I am going to another dentist next tuesday to get a second opinion. If HE says the same thing she did..then I guess I need to contemplate doing it.

So my question is....anyone here have clackers? Not partials, not implants. Full uppers and lowers and the kind ya spit in a jar at night.

I have been googling like crazy and also went to youtube and saw the immediate temps I read about that go in immediately after the teeth are pulled. Saw it all. But...I want to hear from you guys.

Anyone here willing to talk about your set of toofers and what experiences you had or have?

Yes, I have them. Hope this isn't too late Gracie.

I love mine, I don't care who knows I have them. Took a few months getting used to them. Hated them during that time, but ten years later, can't believe how good they are.

My 2 cents
I've never had cavities, but I think replacing my teeth with dentures would be worth it anyway, just so I can put them in a jar for the grandkids to gawk at.
I never heard of a dentist recommending dentures just because you are getting cavities. If I were you, Gracie, I would keep my teeth until they fall out.
No clue what to tell you. I have had five cavities my entire life. After smoking for 30 years, I had some periodontitis developing, but after quitting and taking good care of my teeth, my gums are now in great condition. I would never want to give up my teeth, but I don't get three cavities every six months either.
Well...dentures are out of the question for now. I went to my old dentist and he took oodles of xrays and said I had 3 tiny of which has already been filled. On Monday, I go get the other two filled. And HE said nothing was wrong with my teeth. AND...the cavities the other dentist said I had? Are not cavities. So she was going to fill a perfectly good tooth. Which makes me suspicious. Long story and I don't want to go into it now, but suffice it to say...I think she is a crook.

Anywho...I'm keeping my teeth.
Because an accident in my teens crushed the lower half of my face, I've had dentures for more than 50 years (argh) ... No matter how good a replacement part is, it will never be as good as the original but dentures now are much better than when I first got them.

Because they can lead to really dangerous health threats, recurrent cavities are the exact reason to get dentures. Smokers are at higher risk.

You're right to get another opinion, shop around and, whatever you do, don't make your decision based on price.
A friend has a full mouth of implants and loves them. I shudder to think of what it cost her.
I asked in Coffee Shop but didn't get much response so thought I would get some opinions out here.

Went to the dentist today and she recommended I get dentures. I take care of my teeth and they are not ugly...but dayum! I keep getting shitloads of cavities all the time. She said it was due to my health, my meds, dry mouth, and my genes. The past few years, every 6 months, I get 3 more cavities. Small ones, but still....there they are. Nothing I do is stopping this progression of my teeth going bad. I am going to another dentist next tuesday to get a second opinion. If HE says the same thing she did..then I guess I need to contemplate doing it.

So my question is....anyone here have clackers? Not partials, not implants. Full uppers and lowers and the kind ya spit in a jar at night.

I have been googling like crazy and also went to youtube and saw the immediate temps I read about that go in immediately after the teeth are pulled. Saw it all. But...I want to hear from you guys.

Anyone here willing to talk about your set of toofers and what experiences you had or have?

My girl friend has dentures. Same as you, DNA and stuff. Anyway, hers work with implants and are pretty well set once they are in. I have a partial and we both have the same issue which is , we both have a sore tongue if we sleep with them in. Hers were fixed so its no longer an issue, but its still an issue with mine. I never got it fixed because its only one tooth and I only ware it when im around my peeps as it bothers them when I look all red neck and shit. Ill feel out my girl and see if I cant find out some info on hers for ya.
However, it can cause dry mouth & vomiting. Vomiting can directly damage your enamel. Dry mouth from decreased saliva can lead to ^ tooth decay. Please see your dentist if your enamel is in poor shape. Another option & possibly a better one is to talk to your doctor about going off xanax. Chronic benzodiazapine use is not recommended.
Have dentures in my future. Due to a bike accident back in highschool I have no teeth whatsoever on either side of my jaw. And the ones in front look like those of Brits circa 1800 :)
However, it can cause dry mouth & vomiting. Vomiting can directly damage your enamel. Dry mouth from decreased saliva can lead to ^ tooth decay. Please see your dentist if your enamel is in poor shape. Another option & possibly a better one is to talk to your doctor about going off xanax. Chronic benzodiazapine use is not recommended.

Um..I am not on xanax. I have a new doctor and have not taken one since I was the target to make fun of by you and your pals that were so happy to self project your own addictions on to me. And according to my new doc...I was not addicted to them because I only took it one time per day and that is not enough to get anyone hooked. But it is more fun to put it out there in a denture thread that I am a drug addict, right?

Go fuck yourself old crone.
I asked in Coffee Shop but didn't get much response so thought I would get some opinions out here.

Went to the dentist today and she recommended I get dentures. I take care of my teeth and they are not ugly...but dayum! I keep getting shitloads of cavities all the time. She said it was due to my health, my meds, dry mouth, and my genes. The past few years, every 6 months, I get 3 more cavities. Small ones, but still....there they are. Nothing I do is stopping this progression of my teeth going bad. I am going to another dentist next tuesday to get a second opinion. If HE says the same thing she did..then I guess I need to contemplate doing it.

So my question is....anyone here have clackers? Not partials, not implants. Full uppers and lowers and the kind ya spit in a jar at night.

I have been googling like crazy and also went to youtube and saw the immediate temps I read about that go in immediately after the teeth are pulled. Saw it all. But...I want to hear from you guys.

Anyone here willing to talk about your set of toofers and what experiences you had or have?

My girl friend has dentures. Same as you, DNA and stuff. Anyway, hers work with implants and are pretty well set once they are in. I have a partial and we both have the same issue which is , we both have a sore tongue if we sleep with them in. Hers were fixed so its no longer an issue, but its still an issue with mine. I never got it fixed because its only one tooth and I only ware it when im around my peeps as it bothers them when I look all red neck and shit. Ill feel out my girl and see if I cant find out some info on hers for ya.

I have two small spots on my lower two front teeth....which are the beginnings of today I go have them filled at 1:30. And as I stated earlier....(its a long story for another time)....the dentist I went to see prior to this thread, said I had too many reconstructions and I had 2 cavities in the BACK. After doing some detective turns out this dentist has been scamming patients telling them they have cavities...when they do not...and filling perfectly good teeth just to get money from the state (medi-cal). I got a second opinion with my old dentist and after that visit, I reported the other dentist only to find out this is her MO. Well...not any more. :D

My enamel is great, btw. So I am happy about that.
I asked in Coffee Shop but didn't get much response so thought I would get some opinions out here.

Went to the dentist today and she recommended I get dentures. I take care of my teeth and they are not ugly...but dayum! I keep getting shitloads of cavities all the time. She said it was due to my health, my meds, dry mouth, and my genes. The past few years, every 6 months, I get 3 more cavities. Small ones, but still....there they are. Nothing I do is stopping this progression of my teeth going bad. I am going to another dentist next tuesday to get a second opinion. If HE says the same thing she did..then I guess I need to contemplate doing it.

So my question is....anyone here have clackers? Not partials, not implants. Full uppers and lowers and the kind ya spit in a jar at night.

I have been googling like crazy and also went to youtube and saw the immediate temps I read about that go in immediately after the teeth are pulled. Saw it all. But...I want to hear from you guys.

Anyone here willing to talk about your set of toofers and what experiences you had or have?

Between getting stomped by a mule and military injuries, I have a full set. If you do,

(1) get them all done at once on Monday, and take the week off.

(2) most people love the uppers, not so much lowers (they often hurt months later).

(3) comparative shop for pricing. If you live close to Mexico, comparison shop there. Plenty of Americans get all of their work done there because it is so much cheaper yet the work is acceptable to better. Make sure you check real references.

(4) nothing i have read about implants has caused me to regret my dentures.

(5) if anyone quotes you more than $2,500 for great dentures, go elsewhere.

Good luck.
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Oh, I would not want implants. No no no. I know people who had that done. No thanks.
My plan is to keep these as long as I can. But I will take your advice and what I read on google to have BOTH done at the same time.
However, it can cause dry mouth & vomiting. Vomiting can directly damage your enamel. Dry mouth from decreased saliva can lead to ^ tooth decay. Please see your dentist if your enamel is in poor shape. Another option & possibly a better one is to talk to your doctor about going off xanax. Chronic benzodiazapine use is not recommended.

Um..I am not on xanax. I have a new doctor and have not taken one since I was the target to make fun of by you and your pals that were so happy to self project your own addictions on to me. And according to my new doc...I was not addicted to them because I only took it one time per day and that is not enough to get anyone hooked. But it is more fun to put it out there in a denture thread that I am a drug addict, right?

Go fuck yourself old crone.

no you are a drug addict by your own admission ......remember....

ahh listen to you...vulgar mouth and funny....and your new doctor tells you what ....that you were not funny.... just proves one can doctor shop till one finds a doctor who tells one what one whats to hear

denial of addiction is a bad thing
I asked in Coffee Shop but didn't get much response so thought I would get some opinions out here.

Went to the dentist today and she recommended I get dentures. I take care of my teeth and they are not ugly...but dayum! I keep getting shitloads of cavities all the time. She said it was due to my health, my meds, dry mouth, and my genes. The past few years, every 6 months, I get 3 more cavities. Small ones, but still....there they are. Nothing I do is stopping this progression of my teeth going bad. I am going to another dentist next tuesday to get a second opinion. If HE says the same thing she did..then I guess I need to contemplate doing it.

So my question is....anyone here have clackers? Not partials, not implants. Full uppers and lowers and the kind ya spit in a jar at night.

I have been googling like crazy and also went to youtube and saw the immediate temps I read about that go in immediately after the teeth are pulled. Saw it all. But...I want to hear from you guys.

Anyone here willing to talk about your set of toofers and what experiences you had or have?

keep your teeth as long as you can

unless it is causing some major health problem

i got an upper plate not so long ago

it was the best thing i did

but if you decide to get store boughts

ask other folks with them

who did the work how they like them

last thing you want is to get a poor fitting set

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