Denver post runs letter to editor suggesting Trump should be executed

She did not call for execution but did imply it, yes.

Either you are for political free speech or not.

Running a word search at USMB would probably find suggestions of such, if not outright statements, for Obama's trial execution.

Major papers in the USA did not run such letters. Nor would I ever had endorsed it if they had. I did not vote for Obama in either election and did not like him AT ALL as a president, but this? I would not have endorsed it.

This has to stop. Now.
If this were '68, he would have been shot months ago. The Secret Service is a lot better than they used to be, fortunately. It's pretty hard when he visits though. The Obamas came to Bar Harbor a few years ago on summer vacay and the town was happy to see them come....and happy to see them go. Roads closed all around their hotel and every time they ventured forth, stores and restaurants cleared for their was a nightmare. Bar Harbor has enough of a traffic problem without a Presidential visit. I'm sure the First Family finds the whole thing annoying, too, but it's how to keep everyone safe.
I'm thinking Trump's resorts lose money each time he comes, too--they must clear the golf course every time he plays, at the very least.
I agree he must be removed

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. This will not end well. I mean after "removing" Trump, what do you think will happen when half the nation discovers that less than the other half had a toddler meltdown and "removed" the president that was lawfully elected just because they didn't like him?

How do we come back from that? Do you EVER think of that---ever???
That is actually NOT the reason a lot on the left feel he needs to be removed. They have actual concerns about some of his policies, etc. Now, I never was on a political board before the 2016 campaign, so I have nothing to compare this behavior to, but it seems to me that the Republicans were equally aghast at Obama's policies and it seems a lot of the folks here still are hoping to put the lot of his administration in jail. Quite a few tried to invalidate his presidency by proving he wasn't born in the U.S. So I'm not sure it's all THAT different.
The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed

We all know if just a " thought" of taking Obama out came into play, well the FBI, CIA, S.S. would all be at your front door just for the thought but, noooo not for Trump hell the deep state says we'll help you kill him.
If he is convicted of treason, that is the punishment, isn't it?

He will only have that done in the Trump haters dreams only. He's done nothing wrong all that you believe are fkn lies to keep ppl like you trapped in the coral. Compliments of parental gov.

Only in your dreams just remember that lol.
Interesting . . .


"§2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize", with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons."

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

You can lay this right in front of the eyes of idiots they can't comprehend it.
I agree he must be removed

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. This will not end well. I mean after "removing" Trump, what do you think will happen when half the nation discovers that less than the other half had a toddler meltdown and "removed" the president that was lawfully elected just because they didn't like him?

How do we come back from that? Do you EVER think of that---ever???
That is actually NOT the reason a lot on the left feel he needs to be removed. They have actual concerns about some of his policies, etc. Now, I never was on a political board before the 2016 campaign, so I have nothing to compare this behavior to, but it seems to me that the Republicans were equally aghast at Obama's policies and it seems a lot of the folks here still are hoping to put the lot of his administration in jail. Quite a few tried to invalidate his presidency by proving he wasn't born in the U.S. So I'm not sure it's all THAT different.

But he wasn't born in the US, there's proof of that today, from his own mouth. He slips it every now and then. He was born in Kenya,

until he ran for president.

Proof: Start watching @ 5:38 in.

The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed

We all know if just a " thought" of taking Obama out came into play, well the FBI, CIA, S.S. would all be at your front door just for the thought but, noooo not for Trump hell the deep state says we'll help you kill him.
If he is convicted of treason, that is the punishment, isn't it?

He will only have that done in the Trump haters dreams only. He's done nothing wrong all that you believe are fkn lies to keep ppl like you trapped in the coral. Compliments of parental gov.

Only in your dreams just remember that lol.
I don't have any idea what he's done or hasn't done. I'm waiting to let Mueller sort that out.
I agree he must be removed

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. This will not end well. I mean after "removing" Trump, what do you think will happen when half the nation discovers that less than the other half had a toddler meltdown and "removed" the president that was lawfully elected just because they didn't like him?

How do we come back from that? Do you EVER think of that---ever???
That is actually NOT the reason a lot on the left feel he needs to be removed. They have actual concerns about some of his policies, etc. Now, I never was on a political board before the 2016 campaign, so I have nothing to compare this behavior to, but it seems to me that the Republicans were equally aghast at Obama's policies and it seems a lot of the folks here still are hoping to put the lot of his administration in jail. Quite a few tried to invalidate his presidency by proving he wasn't born in the U.S. So I'm not sure it's all THAT different.

But he wasn't born in the US, there's proof of that today, from his own mouth. He slips it every now and then. He was born in Kenya,

until he ran for president.

Proof: Start watching @ 5:38 in.

I saw it. So short of undoing everything he's done in his Presidency.....oh wait, Trump has done that already.
So what good does it do to bring up now?
I don't care where he was born, he was a damned sight better than what we've got now.
I agree he must be removed

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. This will not end well. I mean after "removing" Trump, what do you think will happen when half the nation discovers that less than the other half had a toddler meltdown and "removed" the president that was lawfully elected just because they didn't like him?

How do we come back from that? Do you EVER think of that---ever???
That is actually NOT the reason a lot on the left feel he needs to be removed. They have actual concerns about some of his policies, etc. Now, I never was on a political board before the 2016 campaign, so I have nothing to compare this behavior to, but it seems to me that the Republicans were equally aghast at Obama's policies and it seems a lot of the folks here still are hoping to put the lot of his administration in jail. Quite a few tried to invalidate his presidency by proving he wasn't born in the U.S. So I'm not sure it's all THAT different.

But he wasn't born in the US, there's proof of that today, from his own mouth. He slips it every now and then. He was born in Kenya,

until he ran for president.

Proof: Start watching @ 5:38 in.

I saw it. So short of undoing everything he's done in his Presidency.....oh wait, Trump has done that already.
So what good does it do to bring up now?
I don't care where he was born, he was a damned sight better than what we've got now.

In what way was he "a damned sight better"?

If you mean he was easier on the eyes, I'll give ya that, anything else? Any other category where he was better than Trump?

I can't care if a president looks like the giant turd that Chet was turned into in "Weird Science", as long as he's doing the best he

can for America. Obama is not a man like that. He's a "Community Organizer" aka: Shit Stirrer.

Obama corrupted and weaponized many bureaus of the US government. It will take a while to cut the cancer out of those, and the Federal judiciary.
The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed

We all know if just a " thought" of taking Obama out came into play, well the FBI, CIA, S.S. would all be at your front door just for the thought but, noooo not for Trump hell, the deep state says we'll help you kill him.
If he is convicted of treason, that is the punishment, isn't it?

No, you're just dumb enough to believe what MSM tells you it is. In others words, most of you Trump hating rejects are like that. lol
The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed

We all know if just a " thought" of taking Obama out came into play, well the FBI, CIA, S.S. would all be at your front door just for the thought but, noooo not for Trump hell the deep state says we'll help you kill him.

Too bad it never says that or even comes close to implying it.

What idiot wrote this shit article and why did you post it without reading the "letter" in question first?

Kinda dumb, don't you think?
The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed

We all know if just a " thought" of taking Obama out came into play, well the FBI, CIA, S.S. would all be at your front door just for the thought but, noooo not for Trump hell the deep state says we'll help you kill him.
If he is convicted of treason, that is the punishment, isn't it?

He will only have that done in the Trump haters dreams only. He's done nothing wrong all that you believe are fkn lies to keep ppl like you trapped in the coral. Compliments of parental gov.

Only in your dreams just remember that lol.
I don't have any idea what he's done or hasn't done. I'm waiting to let Mueller sort that out.

I just can not get use to your new avatar LOL.
The reaction to the Post letter shows just how unhinged and unknowledgeable are the alt righties. They believe conspiracy theories, threaten those they don't like, and simply don't act like normal citizens in the American republic.
The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.

Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed

We all know if just a " thought" of taking Obama out came into play, well the FBI, CIA, S.S. would all be at your front door just for the thought but, noooo not for Trump hell the deep state says we'll help you kill him.
Executed legally for treason. A bit different than assassination. Kissing Putin's ass in front of the whole world is not exactly what we expect of a President.
I agree he must be removed

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. This will not end well. I mean after "removing" Trump, what do you think will happen when half the nation discovers that less than the other half had a toddler meltdown and "removed" the president that was lawfully elected just because they didn't like him?

How do we come back from that? Do you EVER think of that---ever???
That is actually NOT the reason a lot on the left feel he needs to be removed. They have actual concerns about some of his policies, etc. Now, I never was on a political board before the 2016 campaign, so I have nothing to compare this behavior to, but it seems to me that the Republicans were equally aghast at Obama's policies and it seems a lot of the folks here still are hoping to put the lot of his administration in jail. Quite a few tried to invalidate his presidency by proving he wasn't born in the U.S. So I'm not sure it's all THAT different.

But he wasn't born in the US, there's proof of that today, from his own mouth. He slips it every now and then. He was born in Kenya,

until he ran for president.

Proof: Start watching @ 5:38 in.

I saw it. So short of undoing everything he's done in his Presidency.....oh wait, Trump has done that already.
So what good does it do to bring up now?
I don't care where he was born, he was a damned sight better than what we've got now.

In what way was he "a damned sight better"?

If you mean he was easier on the eyes, I'll give ya that, anything else? Any other category where he was better than Trump?

I can't care if a president looks like the giant turd that Chet was turned into in "Weird Science", as long as he's doing the best he

can for America. Obama is not a man like that. He's a "Community Organizer" aka: Shit Stirrer.

Obama corrupted and weaponized many bureaus of the US government. It will take a while to cut the cancer out of those, and the Federal judiciary.

I disagree with all of that (except that Trump is kinda homely).
You and I both want what is best for America and an approach to world leadership that makes the world a more peaceful and prosperous place. We just have very different ideas of how to get there.
I was ready for Republican policies once Trump was elected, whether or not I liked them, but not the helter skelter foreign policy and the shit stirring that he has consistently done to turn this country into "us vs. thems." That is more than I will silently swallow. Obama was not perfect and I rolled my eyes at him plenty, but at least I knew from day to day where he was coming from and what his overall goals and strategy were. He is a thoughtful man who wanted Americans to have access to medical care and less exposure to gun violence. He wants the justice system to treat blacks equally and he will call it out when it doesn't. He wanted to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons, and he did. He knew enough to ignore North Korean provocation (look what we've accomplished now--nothing).

There's nothing wrong with being a "Community Organizer" either, btw. At least he's got beliefs. Trump just built casinos that went bankrupt.

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