Depleting US Strategic Oil reserves is all about election year damage control.

Well I would suggest expanding on that "excellent idea", instead of making companies pay fees, allow those leases to be taken away by a higher bidder. And I did a bit of research, couldn't really find any increased regulations, just the fact that Biden increased the fees for drilling on public land, which is great considering those fees are still laughable when compared to the checks those oil companies stroke my in-laws every month.

Nope, all I see is oil companies crying and whining because Biden hasn't come to them to ask them to increase production. And I see them somehow attempting to make the argument that Keystone would have increased domestic production, which makes no sense whatsoever.

Look, I hear all this shit about increased regulations, bad working environments, and stifling of production. Problem is, I ain't seeing it. I mean my in-laws own scrubland in Texas, inherited from two generations back, never been there. They ain't struck a lick in more than 30 years, spending the first twenty of those years sucking off disability. Early in the Obama administration fracking heated up and the money started rolling in. It got a little lean during the height of the Covid pandemic but now, well it is insane. Actually, it has caused problems in my marriage. I mean why stick around with my sorry ass when you can move back in with Mom and Dad who get thousands of dollars in their mailbox every few days. The amount of money they piss away is dumbfounding. Like lotto winners.

And then my son. He works for the number one energy research institution in the nation, probably the world. Working on his Phd, just has the dissertation and defense left, company paid for, and making well over six figures in the process. Has delivered presentations on three continents, and is a world renown expert in, wait for it "Coal". His company is rolling in the grants, now more than ever before. Trump was good for business, Biden is better. So it just ain't computing for me.
To be honest, from where I sit, all this is a huge scam. People like Joe Manchin making millions and millions of dollars on "gob", waste coal, which by all economic measures should be nothing more than filler for land reclamation and never burned for energy. Oil companies feasting on leases on public lands, and offshore too--paying pennies on the dollar in royalties, even with the Biden increases. And those energy companies are filling the media with propaganda because, as the saying goes, give them an inch they want a mile. They want that mile, they want regulations decreased, if not eliminated, so that they can externalize their cost and pad their bottom line. Do they need them to be profitable, HELL NO. They wanted Keystone so that they could take that Canadian sludge and turn it in to diesel for Mexico and Argentina, where we export now and where diesel prices are cheaper than here. America first? What a damn joke. Someone, anyone, needs to hold these companies accountable and it ain't Biden, it sure as hell isn't Trump, and I doubt anyone can overcome the ignorance, and complicity, of the American public.

What did Biden do to encourage more production last year?
It wasn't telling people "We're going to get rid of fossil fuels", was it?
Depleting the SOR is not a good idea

are GOPs supposed to ignore biden’s hostility to fossil fuel and efforts to obstruct production?
Depleting? Where did you come up with that?

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