Deportations separate families


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
i am sick to death of hearing this rhetoric.:mad:

Illegal immigration separate families and deportations re-unites families. Amnesty re-unites families. If our government enforced our immigrations laws we would not have the problem and cost of securing the border and deportations. Being here illegally is not a crime but entering illegally is a crime so being here illegally is a crime and the punishment is deportations. Most of the 400,000 deportations under Obama was at the border and not inland. Amnesty do not solve any immigration problems. Illegal immigration is a criminal act and illegal aliens are criminals. Illegal aliens are foreign invaders and the government responsibility is to protect us from foreign invaders. We do not have the funding to do so? But we have funding to protect other countries from foreign invaders. Most of those invaders are Mexicans and they are low educated and low wage earners and all of them are not picking lettuce so that my family can have lettuce on the table. And they take more out of the system then they contribute to the system. I have lost faith in all areas of our government to do it’s job. Democrats were not pandering to Hispanic, Republicans would.
If the illegal aliens stayed in their home countries, and did not disrespect our laws (and us), they wouldn't have any problem with family separation. I'd simply say > Not our problem. And why can't they ALL just go back together. The they'd all be together, in their home country (where they belong).

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