Depraved Hollywood Finally Goes Insane - Beastiality; DeCaprio Raped By Bear

sounds like the op got raging wood when he read that!
No, unlike sick Liberals like yourself, I find such content repulsive and disgusting.

We get proof each day that Liberalism is a mental illness.
who's we? you got ted cruz in your pocket.
here's an idea, don't watch the movie......or is that not melodramatic enough for you?

I have no intention of watching the film.

The point is, this is an illustration as to how sick and perverted Liberals have succeeded in making a previous normal society. That something as utterly twisted as bestiality is considered OKAY to be shown in a mainstream film. Even just perhaps 10 years ago, that scene would have been chopped or the film wouldn't have been given a Classification Rating.

Bestiality has always been in included in the illegal film-making world, because that's where all the sick perverts hang-out.

Of course, you being a Liberal, I don't expect you to even understand this on any level, having zero morals and decency.
false assumption ...
` any sexually mature adult would agree with me ...
Not after YOU were the one talking about getting a 'woody' over a bear rape. that wouldn't enter any mature, sane adult's mind....but it didn't stop YOU from going there. Flame on, D! (And I mean that in ever sense of the word :p )
i'm NOT THE ONE with sexual issues...

That's right, Daws - proudly profess your 'interests' and 'preferences!

Mrs. Daws agrees with him....we might call Mrs. Daws something like, oh I don't know....Fido or Rover or Snoopy or Deputy Dawg.

what perverted thoughts for a good Christian, you folks are more fascinated with "aberrant sex" then the people who practice it.

Ya know, I was sitting at home on Thanksgiving thinking to myself, 'What Hollywood / the movies have been missing is a great 'Bear-Rapes-Man' movie...I would pay money in theaters to see that!'

"The new movie 'REVENANT' features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio!"

Obviously overcome by his animalistic homosexual other-species affection / attraction and lost for Leonardo DeCaprio, which overpowers his hunger and his instincts to defend himself and his territory, the bear decides to bend DeCaprio over and HUMP rather than EAT his ass.

And we're not talking about a 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am! Oh, no! This bear makes DeCaprio his 'sex slave':

"The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling.

"He is raped -- twice!"

Again... :wtf:

But the BEST part of this story is the RELEASE DATE!

"FOX has given the movie an award-qualifying release on Christmas Day."

What better way to celebrate the Christmas Holiday ... to spend CHRISTMAS DAY ... than paying $12 bucks a pop to see De Caprio get his brains F*ed out TWICE by a bear?!

...time for California ... or at least Hollywood ... to drop into the ocean as a result of a large, over-due earthquake...

you're mentally ill.

otherwise why are you obsessing?
` any sexually mature adult would agree with me ...
Not after YOU were the one talking about getting a 'woody' over a bear rape. that wouldn't enter any mature, sane adult's mind....but it didn't stop YOU from going there. Flame on, D! (And I mean that in ever sense of the word :p )
and you be wrong on both counts
btw sanity in something you don't have a clue about.
Ya know, I was sitting at home on Thanksgiving thinking to myself, 'What Hollywood / the movies have been missing is a great 'Bear-Rapes-Man' movie...I would pay money in theaters to see that!'

"The new movie 'REVENANT' features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio!"

Obviously overcome by his animalistic homosexual other-species affection / attraction and lost for Leonardo DeCaprio, which overpowers his hunger and his instincts to defend himself and his territory, the bear decides to bend DeCaprio over and HUMP rather than EAT his ass.

And we're not talking about a 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am! Oh, no! This bear makes DeCaprio his 'sex slave':

"The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling.

"He is raped -- twice!"

Again... :wtf:

But the BEST part of this story is the RELEASE DATE!

"FOX has given the movie an award-qualifying release on Christmas Day."

What better way to celebrate the Christmas Holiday ... to spend CHRISTMAS DAY ... than paying $12 bucks a pop to see De Caprio get his brains F*ed out TWICE by a bear?!

...time for California ... or at least Hollywood ... to drop into the ocean as a result of a large, over-due earthquake...

you're mentally ill.

otherwise why are you obsessing?
him and his friend .... seem as if it got them hot ....
Hilarious. This movie isn't even out yet and a scene with a bear attack is being described as bestiality. The fact that Drudge Report is the only source for this should tell you everything you need to know. Apparently some people will believe anything as long it is politically expedient. Looks like a pretty cool survival movie to me.
Not after YOU were the one talking about getting a 'woody' over a bear rape. and you be wrong on both counts
btw sanity in something you don't have a clue about.

So you are saying you did NOT bring up 'getting a woody' over the idea of a bear rape?

LIAR! DAWS01 - Post #22: "sounds like the op got raging wood when he read that!"

In the immortal words of W. C. Fields, "Now go away. boy, you bother me."
Ya know, I was sitting at home on Thanksgiving thinking to myself, 'What Hollywood / the movies have been missing is a great 'Bear-Rapes-Man' movie...I would pay money in theaters to see that!'

"The new movie 'REVENANT' features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio!"

Obviously overcome by his animalistic homosexual other-species affection / attraction and lost for Leonardo DeCaprio, which overpowers his hunger and his instincts to defend himself and his territory, the bear decides to bend DeCaprio over and HUMP rather than EAT his ass.

And we're not talking about a 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am! Oh, no! This bear makes DeCaprio his 'sex slave':

"The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling.

"He is raped -- twice!"

Again... :wtf:

But the BEST part of this story is the RELEASE DATE!

"FOX has given the movie an award-qualifying release on Christmas Day."

What better way to celebrate the Christmas Holiday ... to spend CHRISTMAS DAY ... than paying $12 bucks a pop to see De Caprio get his brains F*ed out TWICE by a bear?!

...time for California ... or at least Hollywood ... to drop into the ocean as a result of a large, over-due earthquake...

He might be a bear, but he IDENTIFIES as a gay human.

Vanity Faire will have the bear on it's cover next month for exceptional bravery.

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