Depraved Hollywood Finally Goes Insane - Beastiality; DeCaprio Raped By Bear

point out where I was lying, not where you was I was.
I already did - post #22. YOU claimed YOU were NOT the one who initiated discussion about 'a woody' over a 'bear rape', and Post 22 clearly shows that you WERE!

You can rant, rave, justify, spin, and make all the excuses you want but there it is in black and white.
false never said that
what was what? the debunked bear rape question or you needing to propagandize?

Be calm duhs, take your meds and a few deep breaths. I started out by acknowledging that this could all be consensual.

And the bear never called you, did he?

Director, "OK - which one of you guys wants to be assfucked by a bear?"
Liberal Actor DiCaprio, "Me Me Me!!!!!"

I mean really. Isn't this what most Liberal men aspire to be? Aren't you caring and loving people always alleging, what goes on in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom? Finally, one of you is showing the world what really goes on behind those closed doors.

Be proud. Wave your rainbow flags! This is the poster child of your whole Liberal movement!
point out where I was lying, not where you was I was.
I already did - post #22. YOU claimed YOU were NOT the one who initiated discussion about 'a woody' over a 'bear rape', and Post 22 clearly shows that you WERE!

You can rant, rave, justify, spin, and make all the excuses you want but there it is in black and white.
false never said that

yeah, but the troll sockpuppet is a compulsive liar.
Director, "OK - which one of you guys wants to be assfucked by a bear?"
Liberal Actor DiCaprio, "Me Me Me!!!!!"

I mean really. Isn't this what most Liberal men aspire to be? Aren't you caring and loving people always alleging, what goes on in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom? Finally, one of you is showing the world what really goes on behind those closed doors.

Be proud. Wave your rainbow flags! This is the poster child of your whole Liberal movement!

oh nooooooo!!!!!!! how horrible!!!! normal people think you should stay out of people's personal business.

point out where I was lying, not where you was I was.
I already did - post #22. YOU claimed YOU were NOT the one who initiated discussion about 'a woody' over a 'bear rape', and Post 22 clearly shows that you WERE!

You can rant, rave, justify, spin, and make all the excuses you want but there it is in black and white.
never denied starting IT
" sounds like the op got raging wood when he read that!"
so where am I lying?
him being sexually mature doesn't appear particularly likely.
...and an uptight liberal lesbian would know that HOW?

i'm not the one who's uptight. you need to stop projecting, troll.

Jill, why so pissed? I never said YOU were an uptight liberal lesbian. I just asked you how would one know. Did I accidently 'hit to close to home' or something? :p

awww... poor little trollboy.

are you even older than 12? because my pet rabbit is sharper than you are.
him being sexually mature doesn't appear particularly likely.
...and an uptight liberal lesbian would know that HOW?

i'm not the one who's uptight. you need to stop projecting, troll.

Jill, why so pissed? I never said YOU were an uptight liberal lesbian. I just asked you how would one know. Did I accidently 'hit to close to home' or something? :p
BullShit alert

...and an uptight liberal lesbian would know that HOW? uneasy 65
if that's not calling Jill a lesbian nothing is. post# 61.
Why the uproar? Isn't this what Liberal men want?

The new movie 'REVENANT' features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio!

The explicit moment from Oscar winning director Alejandro Inarritu has caused maximum controversy in early screenings. Some in the audience escaped to the exits when the Wolf of Wall Street met the Grizzly of Yellowstone.

The story of rural survivalism and revenge reaches new violent levels for a mainstream film.

The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling.

"He is raped -- twice!"

Not to be outdone, DiCaprio rips open a horse and sleeps naked in its carcass!

For director Inarritu, 'BIRDMAN' was just the appetizer.

FOX has given the movie an award-qualifying release on Christmas Day.

Most Liberal men seem to have a variety of problems, rejecting actual masculinity being the prime problem. This whole Metrosexual horsecrap and shaving their chests and legs and being reduced to being smooth like a cross between a little boy and a woman.

They might as well just go the whole hog and physically get castrated, because they're sans balls already, thanks to the Politically Correct crowd combined with the men-hating militant Feminists.
This post is full of win! :lmao:

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