Depraved Hollywood Finally Goes Insane - Beastiality; DeCaprio Raped By Bear

Ya know, I was sitting at home on Thanksgiving thinking to myself, 'What Hollywood / the movies have been missing is a great 'Bear-Rapes-Man' movie...I would pay money in theaters to see that!'

"The new movie 'REVENANT' features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio!"

Obviously overcome by his animalistic homosexual other-species affection / attraction and lost for Leonardo DeCaprio, which overpowers his hunger and his instincts to defend himself and his territory, the bear decides to bend DeCaprio over and HUMP rather than EAT his ass.

And we're not talking about a 'wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am! Oh, no! This bear makes DeCaprio his 'sex slave':

"The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling.

"He is raped -- twice!"

Again... :wtf:

But the BEST part of this story is the RELEASE DATE!

"FOX has given the movie an award-qualifying release on Christmas Day."

What better way to celebrate the Christmas Holiday ... to spend CHRISTMAS DAY ... than paying $12 bucks a pop to see De Caprio get his brains F*ed out TWICE by a bear?!

...time for California ... or at least Hollywood ... to drop into the ocean as a result of a large, over-due earthquake...

Makes me wonder why all of you Conservatives believe this crap so easily.

No, Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t get raped by a bear in that movie

But, again, there was no rape in the sequence whatsoever. Ask anyone who attended DiCaprio and Inarritu’s post-screening Q&A, moderated by Martin Scorsese. When asked about the bear attack sequence, DiCaprio referred to the grizzly as a mother bear, protecting her cubs who were spotted in that particular edge of the forest by our bearded tracker.

STOP bursting their RW sexual fantasies bubble!
"...and an uptight liberal lesbian would know that HOW?"
uneasy 65 if that's not calling Jill a lesbian nothing is. post# 61.

Daws01, I completely understand and acknowledge your inability to fully comprehend the English language, but please explain, in your small Liberal mind, how ASKING someone how an 'uptight liberal lesbian' would know something is CALLING them that? Please point out in my EXACT quote that YOU posted where I say 'Jillian, you are an uptight liberal lesbian'?!

I am not responsible for your false assumptions and false accusations. Please refrain from doing so in the future...that means don't do it anymore, just so you will understand. :p
point out where I was lying, not where you was I was.
I already did - post #22. YOU claimed YOU were NOT the one who initiated discussion about 'a woody' over a 'bear rape', and Post 22 clearly shows that you WERE!

You can rant, rave, justify, spin, and make all the excuses you want but there it is in black and white.
Who started this thread? :eusa_drool:
Who started this thread? :eusa_drool:
If you're going to 'butt into' the conversation, try to stay on topic. We weren't talking about who started the thread but about Daws01 lying about how HE brought up the concept of 'getting a woody' over the idea of being raped by a bear.
Makes me wonder why all of you Conservatives believe this crap so easily.

No, Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t get raped by a bear in that movie

But, again, there was no rape in the sequence whatsoever. Ask anyone who attended DiCaprio and Inarritu’s post-screening Q&A, moderated by Martin Scorsese. When asked about the bear attack sequence, DiCaprio referred to the grizzly as a mother bear, protecting her cubs who were spotted in that particular edge of the forest by our bearded tracker.

Party Pooper! Now I am certainly not going to see this movie! :mad:
Liberals will protest the movie because they are no lesbian bear rape scenes

LOL- really amusing since this whole thread is based upon a lie on a Conservative gossip site- and the subsequent moral outrage by Conservatives.....about something that never happened but had Conservatives throbbing with excitement over.
I can feel your disappointment that your thread turned out to be total crap- and can sense your sexual frustration at being wrong.....again.

Syriusly, I don't want you feeling ANYTHING of mine, and I recommend you stick to speaking for yourself because you SUCK trying to speak for me. If you are looking for someone with built up sexual frustration, though, you might want to check out Daws01. He was talking about 'a woody' in regards to 'bear rape'. :p
The real question is, what will Liberal DiCaprio fuck, or suck on, in his next Hollywood extravaganza?


Well lets see- the last one that DiCaprio 'fucked' or 'sucked' on screen was this young lady


I can see why that would have you very upset.
...throbbing with excitement over.
What's with you Liberals talking about 'woody's' and 'throbbing with excitement' over the idea of 'bear rape'?! You keep accusing Conservatives of such things, but YOU keep bringing such ideas up and using such terms/phrases.

Sorry I got you guys so hot and bothered by a report that turned out to be false... sheesh. :p
Who started this thread? :eusa_drool:
If you're going to 'butt into' the conversation, try to stay on topic. We weren't talking about who started the thread but about Daws01 lying about how HE brought up the concept of 'getting a woody' over the idea of being raped by a bear.

I thought we were talking about who got so excited about the concept of a bear rape that he started a whole thread about it- buying Drudge's lie hook and sinker
...throbbing with excitement over.
What's with you Liberals talking about 'woody's' and 'throbbing with excitement' over the idea of 'bear rape'?! You keep accusing Conservatives of such things, but YOU keep bringing such ideas up and using such terms/phrases.

Sorry I got you guys so hot and bothered by a report that turned out to be false... sheesh. :p

LOL- what is it with you Conservatives who get so excited about the idea of a bear rape on screen that you start a whole thread on it- buying Drudge's lie like it were a Trump claim.
Why the uproar? Isn't this what Liberal men want?

The new movie 'REVENANT' features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio!

The explicit moment from Oscar winning director Alejandro Inarritu has caused maximum controversy in early screenings. Some in the audience escaped to the exits when the Wolf of Wall Street met the Grizzly of Yellowstone.

The story of rural survivalism and revenge reaches new violent levels for a mainstream film.

The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling.

"He is raped -- twice!"

Not to be outdone, DiCaprio rips open a horse and sleeps naked in its carcass!

For director Inarritu, 'BIRDMAN' was just the appetizer.

FOX has given the movie an award-qualifying release on Christmas Day.

He get attacked not raped.

Survival, the cavity of an animal is warmer than wars

You slipped a few gears there.

You sound like you write for a rag tabloid.
"...and an uptight liberal lesbian would know that HOW?"
uneasy 65 if that's not calling Jill a lesbian nothing is. post# 61.

Daws01, I completely understand and acknowledge your inability to fully comprehend the English language, but please explain, in your small Liberal mind, how ASKING someone how an 'uptight liberal lesbian' would know something is CALLING them that? Please point out in my EXACT quote that YOU posted where I say 'Jillian, you are an uptight liberal lesbian'?!

I am not responsible for your false assumptions and false accusations. Please refrain from doing so in the future...that means don't do it anymore, just so you will understand. :p
being defensive again.... you inferred with all the subtlety of a baseball bat to the testicles that Jill was a lesbian.
all the badly theatrical semantics does not change that.
own it.

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