Deputy on Duty at Portland Did Nothing

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Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
/----/ So the deputy took a job thinking he'd never have to put himself in the line of fire. That's why many want Veterans and retired Police guarding our children and not some sniveling coward who was looking for an easy job and a paycheck.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
/----/ So the deputy took a job thinking he'd never have to put himself in the line of fire. That's why many want Veterans and retired Police guarding our children and not some sniveling coward who was looking for an easy job and a paycheck.
i'd love to say we need more info but they found him "in position" (ie, cowering in a corner) the entire time the shootings took place and he never fired a shot and never went in to save even 1 life. those we do put in these positions need to have a history showing this isn't likely to happen. no one knows what they'll do in that situation until you're in one but this guy went out as likely this centuries greatest coward. he's going to have to live with that.

NRA’s Dana Loesch Claims CNN Town Hall Attendees Rushed Stage Screaming “Burn Her”

israel - their sherriff, was all over dana in this meeting saying she did nothing and is doing nothing to protect the kids while the entire time he FUCKING KNEW his deputy did in fact do less than nothing.

that man needs to go next.

and if CNN is putting these kids up to all this, they lose all protection as a media / news outlet because they are simply not.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
Let REAL men step and defend our children and teachers. Not some pajama boy who is the new man that liberals adore. Just shows again what FEMINAZI's have done to promote their agenda, thus turning boys into cowards. Then bitch when there is a shooting and no MAN steps up to the plate.


except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
/-----/ The first picture emerged Friday of the Florida deputy assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who allegedly hid on-campus during last week's mass shooting.
More on this:
His office also gave the finally approval for his gun background check application.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
/----/ So the deputy took a job thinking he'd never have to put himself in the line of fire. That's why many want Veterans and retired Police guarding our children and not some sniveling coward who was looking for an easy job and a paycheck.
i'd love to say we need more info but they found him "in position" (ie, cowering in a corner) the entire time the shootings took place and he never fired a shot and never went in to save even 1 life. those we do put in these positions need to have a history showing this isn't likely to happen. no one knows what they'll do in that situation until you're in one but this guy went out as likely this centuries greatest coward. he's going to have to live with that.

NRA’s Dana Loesch Claims CNN Town Hall Attendees Rushed Stage Screaming “Burn Her”

israel - their sherriff, was all over dana in this meeting saying she did nothing and is doing nothing to protect the kids while the entire time he FUCKING KNEW his deputy did in fact do less than nothing.

that man needs to go next.

and if CNN is putting these kids up to all this, they lose all protection as a media / news outlet because they are simply not.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
Let REAL men step and defend our children and teachers. Not some pajama boy who is the new man that liberals adore. Just shows again what FEMINAZI's have done to promote their agenda, thus turning boys into cowards. Then bitch when there is a shooting and no MAN steps up to the plate.


View attachment 178502
Says the big man who is to scared to visit London. #wuss
Spooks watched London Bridge terrorists load van before massacre but did nothing
British spooks stood by and watched as the London Bridge killers loaded their van and set off to launch their atrocity.

Ringleader Khuram Butt, a former disciple of jailed hate preacher Anjem Choudary, had been on MI5’s radar since mid-2015 as a “subject of interest”.
I am ex military, I don't ever put myself in a position that can compromise me or my family. I don't go to places where a lot of people go, because those are prime targets, especially when I am restricted from being able to protect myself, but then have to rely on some government agency that will most likely fail to protect...You want to take the chance, go for it, turd.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
Let REAL men step and defend our children and teachers. Not some pajama boy who is the new man that liberals adore. Just shows again what FEMINAZI's have done to promote their agenda, thus turning boys into cowards. Then bitch when there is a shooting and no MAN steps up to the plate.


View attachment 178502
Says the big man who is to scared to visit London. #wuss
Spooks watched London Bridge terrorists load van before massacre but did nothing
British spooks stood by and watched as the London Bridge killers loaded their van and set off to launch their atrocity.

Ringleader Khuram Butt, a former disciple of jailed hate preacher Anjem Choudary, had been on MI5’s radar since mid-2015 as a “subject of interest”.
I am ex military, I don't ever put myself in a position that can compromise me or my family. I don't go to places where a lot of people go, because those are prime targets, especially when I am restricted from being able to protect myself, but then have to rely on some government agency that will most likely fail to protect...You want to take the chance, go for it, turd.
Scaredy cat.
Ah, nice of you to call me a scardy cat, those that died on the bridge in London, they are ??????????
It's simple. The police are the symbol of the superego. They have more experience with violence mastered, controlled, and turned into courage than the unwieldy hormones of youth seeking pleasure as discharge.
#9 fails to have studied the narrow, tall windows of monasteries, built to thwart arrows as the scholars studied and wrote. Some of the more libidinal types avoid going back to school due to a primal knowledge envy, that is to say, an envy of power, which requires only two entities, unlike jealousy.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
Mean while Peterson's boss was on CNN ripping into Dan Loesch about her views.
Oh the irony.
The Trump curse continues.
except resign/retire after it was over.

Deputy on duty stayed outside Florida school as shooting unfolded, sheriff says

dallas is also putting a police substation in some schools and i think that's a good start. they can help with a lot of things and whoever is there will be able to build relationships with the kids first hand in a positive environment vs. on the streets and only in a negative light. this needs to be happen or at least start trying to see how it can work.

but this deputies "inaction" is going to have people saying SEE THAT WON'T WORK and they'd be right. for this time. but in so making a statement like this you bypass the great work officers and law enforcement does every day and pretends that all would react the same way. yet another way we can argue and scream and in the end, change nothing.

and we can't keep doing this to each other.
Mean while Peterson's boss was on CNN ripping into Dan Loesch about her views.
Oh the irony.
The Trump curse continues.
she picked up a lot of supporters the last few days in how she's handled herself against the mob.
...if his kid was in there, you know dam well he would've gone in there fast!
...also--the fire alarm went off--that should've alerted him that something was wrong
...does anyone know if he has kids?? if you got kids, you would think you would be more inclined to get in there--I know I would...probably even if I wasn't armed

this guy failed--after Columbine, every cop should be READY for a shooting--anytime--anywhere...they should be ready to go at ANY thing different/unusual/out of place/etc
Closing since this is like the 20th thread that's been posted on this topic
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