Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison

Just now reading about this. It’s outrageous that the officer that killed Ashley Babbet ( who had no priors) is a free man writing books and being lauded on talk shows as some kind of left wing hero and the other guy is in prison for the death of a career criminal high on fentanyl. But we allow this two tiered justice system.
No, murder isn't allowed. It's very much illegal. In pretty much any justice system.
You didn’t “wake up your wife”…..Like Paul Pelosi would, with your blown out asshole you woke up your Mandingo fuck-boy and you know it.

but, but, but…”we hate the death penalty”
hahaha….Nobody sane takes you wackos seriously.

Just now reading about this. It’s outrageous that the officer that killed Ashley Babbet ( who had no priors) is a free man writing books and being lauded on talk shows as some kind of left wing hero and the other guy is in prison for the death of a career criminal high on fentanyl. But we allow this two tiered justice system.
You mean the Babbet that was repeatably warned to cease her violent, unlawful breach of the capital?...who thought her white female privilege would allow her to attempt to murder, loot and plunder?

The other (again white) guy with a history of kneeling on the necks of Black people which was forbidden by police policy, cost the city 8 million dollars or more and had no remorse for committing mean that "other guy."
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What are the odds on whether or not some dark jungle savage stabbed him?

The white savage put his knee on the back of a mans neck until he died. So who cares if he got shanked? He should have got his ass done like Bogs did in Shawshank.

That's what he gets for stopping a violent, black, criminal. Smart white cops ignore black crime and just collect their checks and benefits. Really smart white cops don't work in blue jurisdictions.
Smart cops today arrive at a crime scene just in time to put up crime scene tape and search for evidence. They are cautious, just like a cop with a week to go until he retires.

Note: I admire honest cops who do their job professionally and are willing to put their life on the line if necessary, but in many big blue cities it does seem the bad guys often get off free and the cops get little support. These cities, given a choice, will all too often support the criminals and leave the cops hung out to dry. It’s hard to blame cops in those cities for becoming more reactive than proactive.
Actually she has her own podcast and she's becoming more and more outspoken against the establishment so I guess that bothers you for some reason..... I'm proud of her for doing a Ralph Nader and standing up to Dc
That nut doesn't bother me. Because she's not speaking out against the establishment. I know who is and they ain't on Fox.
You mean the Babbet that was repeatably warned to cease her violent, unlawful breach of the capital?...who thought her white female privilege would allow her to attempt to murder, loot and plunder?

The other (again white) guy with a history of kneeling on the necks of Black people which was forbidden by police policy, cost the city 8 million dollars or more and had no remorse for committing mean that "other guy."
You sound like a trained animal.
The republican party made it so a white cop thought he could put his knee on the neck of a black man for over 9 minutes and get away with it.
Not once but numerous times and he always got off scott free. When criminals get away with crimes they always get bolder ;especially if they carry a badge.

Minneapolis agrees to nearly $9 million settlement in two 2017 cases showing Derek Chauvin kneeling on the necks of unarmed Black people​

MARISA SARNOFFApr 14th, 2023, 5:59 pm
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Black lives in prison never mattered to you. Neither did white lives in prison.
Well, you got me on that. You're right. I'm sick of lefties letting all the criminals out to commit more crimes, whether they are black or white. I don't really give a crap about prisoners dying because it's just one less person let right back out on the streets.

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