Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison

YOu can't say it, can you.

I knew it. The racism runs too deep.
I said all lives matter, that means all. But I did clarify that I don't think criminal's lives matter. If the left won't lock them up or keep them locked up, then life is better for the rest of us if police kill the criminals and I don't care if they are all black or all white. If they are no value to society then we should take them out of society. I'm fine with locking them up but since the left won't do that, they should be taken out using other means.
I said all lives matter, that means all. But I did clarify that I don't think criminal's lives matter. If the left won't lock them up or keep them locked up, then life is better for the rest of us if police kill the criminals and I don't care if they are all black or all white. If they are no value to society then we should take them out of society. I'm fine with locking them up but since the left won't do that, they should be taken out using other means.
SO say it. Say "black lives matter". YOu can even add the usually unspoken "too".

Go ahead, i'll wait.
Here is a quote from the medical examiner's report:

Guess what? Not only is that bullshit (I had the report), but the message this sends to cops? DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT ANYMORE PREVENTING CRIME PUTTING YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR THE PUBLIC. Just do what you HAVE to do.

And we see the result now with cities no longer safe to walk or drive the streets of, even in broad daylight in the middle of the day.
No, any LEO that murders a suspect

Just when did this "murder" occur? While the officer is making the arrest of a convicted serial felon whom three cops had to fight with for 15 minutes just to gain control of and get him under custody because he would not even get into their patrol car?

Remember, Floyd ended up laying face down on the street with police holding him down because of HIS actions, not the police.
Guess what? Not only is that bullshit (I had the report), but the message this sends to cops? DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT ANYMORE PREVENTING CRIME PUTTING YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR THE PUBLIC. Just do what you HAVE to do.

And we see the result now with cities no longer safe to walk or drive the streets of, even in broad daylight in the middle of the day.
You have proof the medical examiner lied on the report?
Didn't have to lie. I read the thing. It was clear that Chauvin was not the cause of Floyd's death. Maybe you just read the CNN version of the report issued to idiots like you.
Childish epithet aside, the medical examiner testified:

"My opinion remains unchanged," Baker said as his testimony concluded. "It's what I put on the death certificate last June. That's cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression."

"That was my top line then," he added. "It would stay my top line now."

A jury agreed, but you somehow you know better. Interesting. Are you a doctor? A medical examiner? A coroner?
No one glorified Floyd.

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That's cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression
That means that Floyd died of a heart stoppage because he was so hopped up of shit that the stress of resisting arrest and their getting him under control to take the bum in was more than his body could handle. That is Floyd's fault, no way an office can know you are about to OD from the drugs you took.

A jury agreed
I know from personal experience that juries are often the biggest bunch of uncaring selfish idiots in the world. No way Chauvin got a fair trial. Funny how you want a "professional" for a president, yet accept rank amateurs who yesterday were serving Cokes at a deli counter with no knowledge of the law until dragged in and forced to sit there for $50 a day deciding the lives and freedom of others.
There is a total hatred of white men in this country, white traditional Christian men that is . And it’s the very people who are in power who hate white people who also have wrecked our economy. Look at their policies it’s terrible. We are living in one of the worst economies in American history.

Blm politicians are responsible for the downfall of America, the high divorce rates, the astronomical child born out of wedlock rate, the high rate of young black kids going from school to prison it’s on them.

Curried Goats you’re being blatantly dishonest itt. Your views are a disgrace to the great Africans of history. Oh, now you don’t know what to do because like almost all white people I respect African history. So go ahead and make things up about our views, like you always do
What is YOUR definition of a Christian, I`m wondering.
White people drove Blacks out of the south with Jim Crow violence and when they came north employers wouldn`t hire them. An estimated 6,500 of them were murdered Emmitt Till style in the south. Shitstain KKK wannabes like yourself created these neighborhoods.
That means that Floyd died of a heart stoppage because he was so hopped up of shit that the stress of resisting arrest and their getting him under control to take the bum in was more than his body could handle. That is Floyd's fault, no way an office can know you are about to OD from the drugs you took.

I know from personal experience that juries are often the biggest bunch of uncaring selfish idiots in the world. No way Chauvin got a fair trial. Funny how you want a "professional" for a president, yet accept rank amateurs who yesterday were serving Cokes at a deli counter with no knowledge of the law until dragged in and forced to sit there for $50 a day deciding the lives and freedom of others.
Thanks for your opinion. Are you a doctor? Were you there during the autopsy? I'm going to stick with the sworn testimony of the medical examiner. Perhaps you should have testified at the trial for the defense. Did you talk to his lawyers to let know your expertise was available?

Do you think all juries get it wrong, or just the ones where you don't like the outcome? How should we change our centuries old jury system to meet your standards?

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