Dershowitz and Cruz:Biden Has Violated Civil Rights Laws

You'd be first in line in the shitting-of-chickes festival if Trump did such a thing, and we all know it.

You moonbats are nothing, if not totally predictable.
If they didn't have a double standard, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

He vowed to appoint a woman. Isn’t that discrimination? Shouldn’t you be outraged?

No because he is replacing a woman who passed away with another woman, why is that a bad idea to you?

He vowed to appoint a woman. Isn’t that discrimination? Shouldn’t you be outraged?
From your link:

As the crowd began chanting "Fill That Seat!" Trump said he had not made a final choice but was inclined to choose a woman".

Where is the word "vow" in that statement? He said "inclined", and those words do not have the same meanings.

Once again, Coyote lies!
I can’t find a single post of yours objecting, so it is a logical conclusion.
A logical conclusion? Based on what?
There must be a hundred things Trump did in office that I didn't feel the need to comment on.

The fact that you think you can simply assume what I thought of Amy Coney Barrett, who has turned
out to be a John Roberts type justice based on the observations of many, says a lot about your biased prejudicial temperament.
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No because he is replacing a woman who passed away with another woman, why is that a bad idea to you?
Does the name Kamala Harris ring a bell for you?

Another black, female incredible Biden error.

There isn't anything wrong with black female appointments, per se.
But the idea that the democrats can just reach into their spare parts bag and pull out any old replacement
part, as long as her skin color is right and she pees sitting down, is the problem.

It's how you wind up with an abomination like Kanala Harris. As Obama said, you can always depend
on Joe to fuck up anything you give him to do.

He vowed to appoint a woman. Isn’t that discrimination? Shouldn’t you be outraged?
That was years ago. Maybe somebody did object.
Do not care who Biden nominates. The fact he has limited his choices shows tha he is not interested in doing what is right for the country. It shows that he has no regard for for the Supreme Court or law. He only cares about pandering for votes and making himself look good
Is freedom of choice unconstitutional?

If your choice is to discriminate in hiring on the basis of race and sex, then yes.

Or, to put it another way, if Microsoft (for example) does not have the Constitutional right to say it will only hire a white male as CEO, then the federal government doesn't have the right to say it will only hire a black female as a Supreme Court Justice.

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