Dershowitz and Cruz:Biden Has Violated Civil Rights Laws

He still said it would be a woman. No different than Biden. Point is they can nominate who they want.

Very different from Biden to anyone who doesn't consider "it's a Democrat doing it, so that makes it RIGHT!" the only guiding principle in existence.

Trump was talking about a nomination he was going to make the next week (which means he'd already vetted, interviewed, and decided). Biden is talking about a nomination he hasn't even started working on, because the current Justice hasn't stepped down yet.
Democrats rightly blocked Brown’s confirmation because they saw her, the Associated Press reported in 2005, “as a ‘conservative judicial activist who ignores the law in favor of her own political views.’”

based on her record on the California Supreme Court where she exhibited ‘a strong, persistent, and disturbing hostility toward affirmative action, civil rights, the rights of individuals with disabilities, workers’ rights, and the fairness of the criminal justice system.

Translation: "They were right to block her, because she wasn't OUR kind of black!"
Good god you are abjectly STUPID. He said when Biden WAS a senator he objected to a black lady as a Federal Judge.
Poorly constructed sentence. He needs to put down the pipe when posting.
What does this have to do with a SC nomination (that hasn't even been announced yet), Sarge?

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