DeSantis as President?

So babies born with severe deformities can be killed after they're born?
What if it's a girl and they wanted a boy? Wrong hair/eye color?

You are absurd and irrational on top of lying. There are no newborn babies being murdered in Virginia. Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.

Abortion Laws in Virginia​

By Her Lawyer on March 21st, 2022

What You Need to Know About Virginia’s Abortion Laws​

Abortion laws can have a profound impact on a woman’s life. Here’s everything you need to know about abortion laws in Virginia.
In Virginia, a woman can get an abortion before the third trimester of pregnancy. Women with medical exceptions, such as the pregnancy posing a serious risk to their health, can get an abortion after the third trimester of pregnancy. Virginia law classifies unauthorized abortions as a Class 4 felony.
Related: How Domestic Violence Affects Divorce in Virginia

Is Abortion Legal in Virginia?​

In Virginia, abortion is legal up until the second trimester of pregnancy so long as:
  • A licensed physician or nurse practitioner performs the procedure
  • The procedure takes place in a hospital licensed by the State Department of Health (if performed during the second trimester instead of the first trimester)
  • The expecting mother provides informed written consent
Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth
Related: Virginia Child Support FAQs

Legal Penalties for Unauthorized Abortions​

Virginia law refers to unauthorized abortions as “partial birth infanticide” and defines it as “any deliberate act that (i) is intended to kill a human infant who has been born alive, but who has not been completely extracted or expelled from its mother, and that (ii) does kill such infant, regardless of whether death occurs before or after extraction or expulsion from its mother has been completed.”
Virginia considers partial-birth infanticide as a Class 4 felony and can issue the following penalties:
  • A $10,000-$50,000 fine
  • Up to 2 years of imprisonment

FAQs About Abortion Laws in Virginia​

Can individuals younger than 18 years old get an abortion in Virginia?​

Individuals younger than 18 must obtain parental consent to get an abortion in Virginia or meet with a judge who can authorize the abortion without parental consent.

How much does abortion cost in Virginia?​

The abortion pill costs $460 plus clinic fees in Virginia. Surgical abortion costs $500-$1,000 in Virginia.

Is at-home abortion legal in Virginia?​

At-home abortion is legal in Virginia through Telehealth services. Individuals interested in the at-home abortion option should visit thiswebsite.

killing a new born baby isn’t a medical decision…it’s murder
Nobody is killing new born babies unless there is a last minute medical crisis concerning the health of the mother, Toddsterpatriot is a liar flailing about in uncontrollable absurdity.

You are absurd and irrational on top of lying. There are no newborn babies being murdered in Virginia. Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.

Abortion Laws in Virginia​

By Her Lawyer on March 21st, 2022

What You Need to Know About Virginia’s Abortion Laws​

Abortion laws can have a profound impact on a woman’s life. Here’s everything you need to know about abortion laws in Virginia.
In Virginia, a woman can get an abortion before the third trimester of pregnancy. Women with medical exceptions, such as the pregnancy posing a serious risk to their health, can get an abortion after the third trimester of pregnancy. Virginia law classifies unauthorized abortions as a Class 4 felony.
Related: How Domestic Violence Affects Divorce in Virginia

Is Abortion Legal in Virginia?​

In Virginia, abortion is legal up until the second trimester of pregnancy so long as:
  • A licensed physician or nurse practitioner performs the procedure
  • The procedure takes place in a hospital licensed by the State Department of Health (if performed during the second trimester instead of the first trimester)
  • The expecting mother provides informed written consent
Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth
Related: Virginia Child Support FAQs

Legal Penalties for Unauthorized Abortions​

Virginia law refers to unauthorized abortions as “partial birth infanticide” and defines it as “any deliberate act that (i) is intended to kill a human infant who has been born alive, but who has not been completely extracted or expelled from its mother, and that (ii) does kill such infant, regardless of whether death occurs before or after extraction or expulsion from its mother has been completed.”
Virginia considers partial-birth infanticide as a Class 4 felony and can issue the following penalties:
  • A $10,000-$50,000 fine
  • Up to 2 years of imprisonment

FAQs About Abortion Laws in Virginia​

Can individuals younger than 18 years old get an abortion in Virginia?​

Individuals younger than 18 must obtain parental consent to get an abortion in Virginia or meet with a judge who can authorize the abortion without parental consent.

How much does abortion cost in Virginia?​

The abortion pill costs $460 plus clinic fees in Virginia. Surgical abortion costs $500-$1,000 in Virginia.

Is at-home abortion legal in Virginia?​

At-home abortion is legal in Virginia through Telehealth services. Individuals interested in the at-home abortion option should visit thiswebsite.

Nobody is killing new born babies unless there is a last minute medical crisis concerning the health of the mother, Toddsterpatriot is a liar flailing about in uncontrollable absurdity.
that’s what the Gov was talking about..taking a baby outside the womb and killing it
that’s what the Gov was talking about..taking a baby outside the womb and killing it
Can’t you read.

Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth

So, struth do you want the government deciding what must happen in the delivery room to save the life or body of a very distressed mother who wanted to deliver her child as much as a healthy mother and baby would, or a medical team of trained medical professionals. What do you want struth when a medical crisis arises during labor - Dic says call the cops so they can advise us what to do because the woman’s body dies not really belong to her, It belongs to you?
Can’t you read.

Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth

So, struth do you want the government deciding what must happen in the delivery room to save the life or body of a very distressed mother who wanted to deliver her child as much as a healthy mother and baby would, or a medical team of trained medical professionals. What do you want struth when a medical crisis arises during labor - Dic says call the cops so they can advise us what to do because the woman’s body dies not really belong to her, It belongs to you?
i am addressing what the former VA gov said

Ain't it funny how different things can look from the other side of the fence! When he was in the House Desantis voted against federal aid to New York after Hurricane Sandy in 2013.
No he did not.
But I can see the hive mind liberals will believe anything the "Queen bee" media tells them to.
As has been pointed out 500 times here today...
The Sandy bill was full of pork and "side bar" attachments that most Republicans voted against it for that reason.
Primarily because that year there was $64.3 Billion is funds allotted for hurricane/flood victims. Most of those funds were still available, so there was no need for additional funding - but leave it to the Democrats to ONCE AGAIN use a disaster to score political points.

Voting against the bill was the right thing to do. As there were already funds available, all Congress needed to do was pass a small legislation so that FEMA could borrow more from the EXISTING fund - WHICH EVERY REPUBLICAN SUPPORTED - but NOO... enter the spend happy Democrats to abuse the disaster to make it look like they are saving that day.

And sheep like you eat it up - EVERYTIME>

I have a better idea: what about DeSantis as President and Joe Biden an inmate of Sing Sing?

More likely, Biden in a memory care ward.

Might as well face facts now:

Come Jan. 20, 2024, our next president is going to be either Ron DeSantis or DJT again.​


There's a long list of current House and Senate GOPs who voted against Sandy relief funds.

Not enough, sadly. That had more pork than a Carolina barbecue.
i did. i directly responded to what you posted
If you are addressing what the former VA gov said in context - what is your point?

You say “the Gov was talking about..taking a baby outside the womb and killing it” which is a lie. But what is your point?

Families can decide to keep their newborn on artificial life support or not. That is not exactly killing it so you are a liar.

Or do you want Desantis to go there and decide if the newborn should be on life support or not instead of the family and their doctors making an excruciating decision that I would not wish on anybody. DEFINITELY do not want the government involved. You are sick.
If you are addressing what the former VA gov said in context - what is your point?

You say “the Gov was talking about..taking a baby outside the womb and killing it” which is a lie. But what is your point?

Families can decide to keep their newborn on artificial life support or not. That is not exactly killing it so you are a liar.

Or do you want Desantis to go there and decide if the newborn should be on life support or not instead of the family and their doctors making an excruciating decision that I would not wish on anybody. DEFINITELY do not want the government involved. You are sick.
that’s what the gov said…and yes that’s murder
that’s what the gov said…and yes that’s murder
Now if a family decides to take a brain dead loved one off life support it is murder to Trump voter / Theocrats.

Again here is VIRGINIA abortion law:

Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth
Now if a family decides to take a brain dead loved one off life support it is murder to Trump voter / Theocrats.

Again here is VIRGINIA abortion law:

Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth
you are comparing murdering a baby to pulling the plug on someone who’s a vegetable? wow
NFBW: The size of the fetus can harm or cause the mother’s death after 24 weeks. It is not a viable fetus until 24 weeks meaning the mother’s anatomy is providing all biological functions to keep it alive. That is why it’s the woman’s choice to terminate prior to 24 weeks if she chooses to avoid harm to her body and not take the risk of dying during childbirth. Why do you get to decide that she can’t get a medical procedure to prevent harm to herself? Who do you think you are? An Iranian morality cop? END2209301409
The youngest baby to survive premature birth is 21 weeks.

The mother dying during child birth? Seems with our great medical technology for the extremely rare case in which you speak, for that one case in a billion. We could keep her comfortable in the hospital, and save both the baby and the mother.

24 weeks? I guess our medical care is progressing faster than you can keep up. 21 weeks old and we can live.
and yes that’s murder
Explain how society benefits from killing a mother as she gives birth to a fetal abnormality?
not sure it does…most states allow accepts for the life of the mother
you are comparing murdering a baby to pulling the plug on someone who’s a vegetable? wow
NFBW: You replied to georgephillip in February this year that states allow exceptions for the life of the mother. Is that exception murder struth ?
The mother dying during child birth?
It happens. women die during childbirth.

The individual is supreme in America and has liberty to do whatever in pursuit of life liberty and happiness as long as there is no activity that harms another person. And the state and federal government have restraints; one of which is to not interfere with liberty and do no harm to the law abiding individual.

When it comes to individual rights that are not specifically called out in the Constitution the general protection of those rights fall to the principle that the government shall do no harm.

If a woman with an unwanted pregnancy decides she wants to avoid the risks of pregnancy and get a medical procedure to terminate the development of the fetus before she can be harmed or killed during childbirth; she should have the right to have it.

I don’t see how state governments have the authority to force a pregnant woman to be harmed during childbirth if she seeks to avoid harm.

It has to be unconstitutional and absurd that Supreme Court justices could actually rule that in certain states where a white Christianity dominated voting bloc is the norm - the voters get to decide that the government can indeed force a woman to accept harm to her own body which includes death .

DeSantis signed a law in Florida that gives a wonan the right to terminate a pregnancy by choice until 15 weeks. Is that OK with you?

Are you in favor elektra of giving states authority to force a woman to risk harm and death if she, as a law abiding citizen, decides before 24 weeks of pregnancy that she does not desire to take the risk? Do you want state governments to take away a eonn mob AB’s choice?
no…abortion isn’t murder

what the former gov of va was describing was
Not if abortion to save the life of the mother during labor or according to the exceptions listed in Virginia law.

Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth
Again here is VIRGINIA abortion law:

Abortion isn’t legal after the second trimester of pregnancy unless special circumstances regarding the expecting mother’s health arise.
Exceptions include:
  • The expectant mother may die from the pregnancy
  • The pregnancy may irremediably impair the expectant mother’s mental or physical health
  • When life support would be a necessity during child birth

no…abortion isn’t murder

what the former gov of va was describing was
The former Governor was describing the exceptions. Which one do you say is murder.

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