DeSantis as President?

NFBW: Just wondering as a sidebar - are you and Correll serving in the Confederate Army together?

Correll210524-#1,055 “Lincoln lied to the American people to get himself elected. He knew that the South would rise up in rebellion. His talk of collecting tariffs and saving "The Union" were just bullshit excuses. The moment he had an excuse, he freed the slaves. If he wanted to save the union, all he had to do, was NOT run for office. He lied us into war.” END2209301033

Anymore non-sequitur bullshit?
Yep, Lincoln was a fucking tyrant. In fact, he is the asshole who started all this shit.

Anymore non-sequitur bullshit?
NFBW: You brought Lincoln and thus American presidential tyrants into it. DeSantis has the makings of being a tyrant and he wants to be president. If you oppose a Civil War tyrant like Lincoln, why might you support a Governor Culture War tyrant like Desantis?

Do you favor certain flavors of tyranny such as state tyranny over women’s reproductive organs if a woman wants to have a certain medical procedure in Florida to terminate an unwanted pregnancy? 2209301100

Ain't it funny how different things can look from the other side of the fence! When he was in the House Desantis voted against federal aid to New York after Hurricane Sandy in 2013.

Just think, what if DeSantis were President and President Biden was governor of Florida. "Federal aid to Florida after the life altering devastation of Hurricane Ian?" DeSantis would say "Forget it!" "The federal government ain't bailing you out; can't afford it!"

Floridians can thank their lucky stars that Joe Biden is President and not DeSantis! Bigly!!!
It's always different when you want something.
Why should a woman's rights be restricted just because the baby (oops) was already born? Clear?

NFBW: because at around 24 weeks after fertilization; scientifically, ethically, morally, and somewhat legally the fetus has reached a stage of viability that it can live outside the womb of his mother with or without medical professional assistance.

At live birth there is no question on the legality and constitutional rights of a new United States of America citizen at birth.

I am a viable human being, I assume you are a viable human being we have a right and duty to protect a new viable human being into our civil society.

If a woman has not decided to terminate her pregnancy before 24 weeks then she should lose that right when the fetus becomes viable.

That solution worked for 50 years on the Roe v. Wade. There was no reason to roll against precedence. END2209301256
NFBW: because at around 24 weeks after fertilization; scientifically, ethically, morally, and somewhat legally the fetus has reached a stage of viability that it can live outside the womb of his mother with or without medical professional assistance.

At live birth there is no question on the legality and constitutional rights of a new United States of America citizen at birth.

I am a viable human being, I assume you are a viable human being we have a right and duty to protect a new viable human being into our civil society.

If a woman has not decided to terminate her pregnancy before 24 weeks then she should lose that right when the fetus becomes viable.

That solution worked for 50 years on the Roe v. Wade. There was no reason to roll against precedence. END2209301256

So a woman has an unlimited right to kill a child 6 months after fertilization but not 6 months after birth? Seems kind of arbitrary.

the fetus has reached a stage of viability that it can live outside the womb of his mother with or without medical professional assistance.

Can a 6 month old baby live outside the womb without the mother's assistance?

I am a viable human being, I assume you are a viable human being we have a right and duty to protect a new viable human being into our civil society.

Protect viable but feel free to murder almost viable?

At live birth there is no question on the legality and constitutional rights of a new United States of America citizen at birth.

Are you sure? Governor Northam had a few questions about that.
So a woman has an unlimited right to kill a child 6 months after fertilization but not 6 months after birth? Seems kind of arbitrary

NFBW: The size of the fetus can harm or cause the mother’s death after 24 weeks. It is not a viable fetus until 24 weeks meaning the mother’s anatomy is providing all biological functions to keep it alive. That is why it’s the woman’s choice to terminate prior to 24 weeks if she chooses to avoid harm to her body and not take the risk of dying during childbirth. Why do you get to decide that she can’t get a medical procedure to prevent harm to herself? Who do you think you are? An Iranian morality cop? END2209301409

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