DeSantis blames lack of media coverage for resurge of COVID cases

but the point i am making you always reject is - you can't talk about a topic without it being trump-centric or his bad in the end.

i promise you - there isn't a person alive who's ever known you for more than 18 seconds who is not aware of how you feel about trump. but your undying need to slam him in every post you can is the pure definition of TDS. your reaction to being told this isn't "hey, maybe i do talk about him too much" but rather I DO NOT HAVE TDS FUCK YOU more or less.

what sets me off - as you choose to put it - is that we can't talk about a topic and what local people could be doing without you waving your illustrious anti-trump boner around for all to see and understand - YOU DO NOT LIKE TRUMP.

i can reflect on the lefts leadership too and say "hey - pelosi said people do what they do" in regard to all the violence. IS THAT FUCKING HELPING? or do you not give a damn about all the violence the left is perpetuating by this non existent ANTIFA as you and the rest have been saying for years?

i have never at any point in time seen you call out the left for ANYTHING they have done that in in fact bullshit to the core. you either ignore it completely or when pushed, like now, go away and come back days later as if the questions were never put before you.

yea, i noticed every single time you've done that to me and never answered my questions ABOUT THE TOPIC - esp when it didn't coincide with our TRUMP hate.

so i will ask you again - are you simply incapable of discussing a topic and NOT trashing trump along the way?

it's a simple YES | NO question but like so many on the left, here comes war and peace as a reply to simply fuck up a direct question.

and then we wonder why we can't get the counts right.

AND BY THE WAY - the CDC just said OOPS WE FUCKED UP - and that didn't have a god damn thing to do with trump.
Thanks for the rant. Your total TDS (Trump Defense System) is duly noted. However, this thread is not about Trump. My post, referring to DeSantis as ”Trumpist” did make it about Trump. You are argument with IS however, attempting to make it about Trump.

DeSantis has a lot to answer for in the handling of the virus in Florida, starting with keeping beaches open during Spring Break.
why should i search? i've taken you to task for things like this before. ie - "BUT TRUMP or BUT OBAMA" ring that bell.

i said it once
you hated it and said STOP IT
i said fine, but you do it too, so how about we both stop it?
you said sure
i stopped it
you never did

yet here i am supposed to believe what you THINK you are doing vs. what i sat and watched for quite awhile now.

at this point you're just pissed and the only thing you're going to do is come back at me and that's fine. i suppose that's what i get for suggesting we leave trump out of it. now it's BUT CDC BUT THIS BUT THAT

the very same shit you hate you dive into so easily.


have a good weekend.
Huh? YOU brought up CDC. I don’t know WHAT your beef is exactly, because it is way out out of proportion. Meh.
This article is from May. OK, they fucked up. Unless they've been fucking up for another two months on top of that, it's irrelevant.
The numbers are what they are.

...not to mention increased hospitalization rates....
Why do you think businesses are dying? They're dying because of bad decisions made in January and February. This started at the very top. But you just parrot the same baloney over and over. Left this. Left that. If we had a President that knew how government worked. Hell, if we had a President that gave a shit, he could have kicked agencies into motion on January 22nd. But instead we get a flaccid travel restriction on China and later on Europe when it was already too late. Then what? Golfing, Tweeting, Pep rallies!! And on and on ad nauseum. When your hero was busy doing his thing, governors, mayors, and business leaders had to make the tough decisions to shut down. No one wanted to do it, but it was necessary. And it was the Trump loving governors who opened back up quickly and are now paying dearly for it. DeSantis and Kemp are going to be lucky if they make it to November.

Let me draw you a straight line. Infection rates go up and people get sick. They spread it (maybe unknowingly) to other people. Those people might have to call out of work or quarantine for at least two weeks. Workers aren't available. Companies have to shut down or operate at reduced capacity. People aren't able to spend money because they aren't traveling or they are out of work. Businesses have to shut down because there are no customers to buy their goods and services. Hospitalizations increase, as do deaths. All the while, a large section of people in this country won't even take the basic precautions to prevent the spread of the virus like wearing a mask and social distancing, and not gathering in large crowds. The tools to help end this are right in front of us..if only this section of the population could do the right thing. No..instead, each day I see them shaking their fists in the air and proclaiming on social media about liberty, freedom, The Constitution..all the while knowing that not one of them can see the bigger picture. They only know what their right wing masters tell them.

You want to know why we can't get back to something approaching normal in order to save businesses and our economy?...Quite simply, it's people like you that prevent it. Soon as the bulk of you start taking this seriously, maybe the numbers will go down.
What a crock this entire post is! Trump let each individual Governor make the call on shut downs. His reasoning was that a one size fits all Federal approach was ridiculous when the situation on the ground in a State like New York and a State like Kansas are TOTALLY different!

A "flaccid" travel restriction? Seriously? Democrats from Biden lambasted Trump for imposing the restriction that he DID place on China! They called him a racist for doing so! Then you have the balls to turn around and act like Trump should have imposed stricter travel restrictions? That takes a SPECIAL kind of cluelessness!

As for the reason we can't get back to something approaching normal? It isn't conservatives shaking their fists in the air and demanding the right to make others sick! It's people asking why we chose to shut down our entire economy and have young healthy people self quarantine along with the elderly and the infirm? What we're seeing right now is what we should have seen five months ago! Younger and healthier people being exposed to a virus...building resistance to the virus and making it safer for the elderly and the infirm when they DID come out of self quarantine! We're no better off right now than we were back in March and it's because we listened to the "experts" tell us that we all needed to hide in our homes! So seven months later we're STILL trying to move past this months where businesses across the country have been getting their asses kicked! To draw YOU a straight line!!!! They can't take much more of this! The ones that haven't gone out of business are teetering on the edge.
Yet again you’re just pulling shit out of your ass. Do some research instead of just making up “Dems are bad” talking points.
I've never made a "Dems are bad" talking point! I simply pointed out how badly Andrew Cuomo's policies affected the elderly trapped in New York nursing homes and the board's liberals rose up in righteous wrath! How DARE I pick on Cuomo! He's a darling of the left! He got things wrong like nobodies business throughout this whole thing...but he's off limits for criticism because HE opposes Donald Trump! (eye roll)
What a crock this entire post is! Trump let each individual Governor make the call on shut downs. His reasoning was that a one size fits all Federal approach was ridiculous when the situation on the ground in a State like New York and a State like Kansas are TOTALLY different!

A "flaccid" travel restriction? Seriously? Democrats from Biden lambasted Trump for imposing the restriction that he DID place on China! They called him a racist for doing so! Then you have the balls to turn around and act like Trump should have imposed stricter travel restrictions? That takes a SPECIAL kind of cluelessness!

As for the reason we can't get back to something approaching normal? It isn't conservatives shaking their fists in the air and demanding the right to make others sick! It's people asking why we chose to shut down our entire economy and have young healthy people self quarantine along with the elderly and the infirm? What we're seeing right now is what we should have seen five months ago! Younger and healthier people being exposed to a virus...building resistance to the virus and making it safer for the elderly and the infirm when they DID come out of self quarantine! We're no better off right now than we were back in March and it's because we listened to the "experts" tell us that we all needed to hide in our homes! So seven months later we're STILL trying to move past this months where businesses across the country have been getting their asses kicked! To draw YOU a straight line!!!! They can't take much more of this! The ones that haven't gone out of business are teetering on the edge.
Trump hadn't choice but to let each governor make the call. It is up to the states. Yet, despite that, he encouraged and supported anti quarantine protests, and refused to support the governors and municipal leaders who attemped to mandate masks and limit gatherings.
This is another talking point that gets repeated...they did not call Trump a racist for instituting a temporary travel ban on China.

Cuomo got hit at the very beginning of the pandemic, before we knew much about the virus. He now seems to be handling it well.

DeSantis is in a better position to make better public health decisions, shouldn't he do so then?
Trump hadn't choice but to let each governor make the call. It is up to the states. Yet, despite that, he encouraged and supported anti quarantine protests, and refused to support the governors and municipal leaders who attemped to mandate masks and limit gatherings.
What he supported was trying to get our economy back up and running as soon as possible!

So you on the left blame Trump for not imposing the power of the Federal Government...but then turn around and admit that it's up to the States? You might want to bring some of your liberal cronies up to speed on that, Coyote!
This is another talking point that gets repeated...they did not call Trump a racist for instituting a temporary travel ban on China.

Cuomo got hit at the very beginning of the pandemic, before we knew much about the virus. He now seems to be handling it well.

DeSantis is in a better position to make better public health decisions, shouldn't he do so then?
What did they call him, Coyote? You know as well as I do that they were inferring that was EXACTLY what he was!
I heard this report and almost fell out of my chair. DeSantis who went all in on Trumps ignore, avoid and reopen strategy is now blaming the media for not covering the virus... I thought it was a joke... Nope, he is really trying to use that narrative. What’s wrong with these people and how are they being elected?

I think it's time for Floridians to start circulating a recall petition.
What a crock this entire post is! Trump let each individual Governor make the call on shut downs. His reasoning was that a one size fits all Federal approach was ridiculous when the situation on the ground in a State like New York and a State like Kansas are TOTALLY different!

A "flaccid" travel restriction? Seriously? Democrats from Biden lambasted Trump for imposing the restriction that he DID place on China! They called him a racist for doing so! Then you have the balls to turn around and act like Trump should have imposed stricter travel restrictions? That takes a SPECIAL kind of cluelessness!

As for the reason we can't get back to something approaching normal? It isn't conservatives shaking their fists in the air and demanding the right to make others sick! It's people asking why we chose to shut down our entire economy and have young healthy people self quarantine along with the elderly and the infirm? What we're seeing right now is what we should have seen five months ago! Younger and healthier people being exposed to a virus...building resistance to the virus and making it safer for the elderly and the infirm when they DID come out of self quarantine! We're no better off right now than we were back in March and it's because we listened to the "experts" tell us that we all needed to hide in our homes! So seven months later we're STILL trying to move past this months where businesses across the country have been getting their asses kicked! To draw YOU a straight line!!!! They can't take much more of this! The ones that haven't gone out of business are teetering on the edge.

No one called him a racist. Stop repeating this lie. He and, again, people like you are the reason we can't break out of this virus cycle. After what we've learned about the virus and what it does to the body, you think that it would have been wise to expose younger people sooner? As soon as the safeties were taken off around Memorial Day, these kids started gathering in packs..and spreading the virus. Now we're in a worse boat than we were in March. We're no better off now because people just can't do the right thing.
I think it's time for Floridians to start circulating a recall petition.

Forget Floridians, that ignoramus in Georgia needs to be hauled out of that office in handcuffs. What he's doing (after stealing the election) is straight up incompetence.
What a crock this entire post is! Trump let each individual Governor make the call on shut downs. His reasoning was that a one size fits all Federal approach was ridiculous when the situation on the ground in a State like New York and a State like Kansas are TOTALLY different!

A "flaccid" travel restriction? Seriously? Democrats from Biden lambasted Trump for imposing the restriction that he DID place on China! They called him a racist for doing so! Then you have the balls to turn around and act like Trump should have imposed stricter travel restrictions? That takes a SPECIAL kind of cluelessness!

As for the reason we can't get back to something approaching normal? It isn't conservatives shaking their fists in the air and demanding the right to make others sick! It's people asking why we chose to shut down our entire economy and have young healthy people self quarantine along with the elderly and the infirm? What we're seeing right now is what we should have seen five months ago! Younger and healthier people being exposed to a virus...building resistance to the virus and making it safer for the elderly and the infirm when they DID come out of self quarantine! We're no better off right now than we were back in March and it's because we listened to the "experts" tell us that we all needed to hide in our homes! So seven months later we're STILL trying to move past this months where businesses across the country have been getting their asses kicked! To draw YOU a straight line!!!! They can't take much more of this! The ones that haven't gone out of business are teetering on the edge.
People travel you know... there should be a coordinated effort despite the differing situations accross this country. Trump pushed responsibly to governors so he could do just that.... dodge responsibility for the bad and take credit for the good. That’s not a surprise.
I've never made a "Dems are bad" talking point! I simply pointed out how badly Andrew Cuomo's policies affected the elderly trapped in New York nursing homes and the board's liberals rose up in righteous wrath! How DARE I pick on Cuomo! He's a darling of the left! He got things wrong like nobodies business throughout this whole thing...but he's off limits for criticism because HE opposes Donald Trump! (eye roll)
you continue to misrepresent Cuomos directive and ignore the points I’ve been making. That’s you propagating a fake narrative. Why don’t you address the points I’ve made?
People travel you know... there should be a coordinated effort despite the differing situations accross this country. Trump pushed responsibly to governors so he could do just that.... dodge responsibility for the bad and take credit for the good. That’s not a surprise.

you continue to misrepresent Cuomos directive and ignore the points I’ve been making. That’s you propagating a fake narrative. Why don’t you address the points I’ve made?
A fake narrative? Tens of thousands of New Yorkers DIDN'T die in nursing homes? The Cuomo administration DIDN'T want elderly patients taken from hospitals and put back into nursing homes? Cuomo was so fucking clueless that when he was first asked by a reporter about what was happening in nursing homes with the patients being put back into that population he didn't even know what the reporter was talking about!
A fake narrative? Tens of thousands of New Yorkers DIDN'T die in nursing homes? The Cuomo administration DIDN'T want elderly patients taken from hospitals and put back into nursing homes? Cuomo was so fucking clueless that when he was first asked by a reporter about what was happening in nursing homes with the patients being put back into that population he didn't even know what the reporter was talking about!
Seniors all over the country died in nursing homes. It tends to happen a lot. The correlation you are trying to draw to give Cuomo responsibility for those deaths is total fake news and I just explained the reasons why. Care to address any of those reasons directly instead of ignoring them to repeat the same crap you’ve been repeating?
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

Yup and they have only had 4,520 deaths here in Florida which is my home state.

I doubt the morgues are overflowing.
Freezer trucks are reported to be going to Texas and Arizona morgues... icu with no beds left in Miami and other hospitals getting close to capacity in Florida. 600 nurses being sent in.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet you don't post the evidence and link for it.

You talk a lot, but don't back it up when challenged.

You have a gun at your head, preventing you from posting the evidence?
I posted links to reports showing ICU bed shortages in Florida and Freezer trucks being sent to morgues in Texas and Arizona. Proof I wasn’t lying. You may apologize now

Kinda funny they would need freezer trucks for 3,582 dead in Texas. I'd say the press if full of shit.
Why don’t you call a couple morgues in the areas the reports reference and check it out. You’re just making assumptions at this point. And I really don’t understand this effort that people like you are putting into trying to minimize and discredit this thing... people are actually getting sick and dying. Why wouldn’t you take the safer approach in situations like this? Your narratives only promote dangerous actions
Conservatives are making this effort to minimize the severity of the pandemic and discredit factual reporting about the pandemic because they’re afraid Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic will cost Trump a second term.
Well said... it’s pretty pathetic that they’d do this during a pandemic isn’t it?!
A fake narrative? Tens of thousands of New Yorkers DIDN'T die in nursing homes? The Cuomo administration DIDN'T want elderly patients taken from hospitals and put back into nursing homes? Cuomo was so fucking clueless that when he was first asked by a reporter about what was happening in nursing homes with the patients being put back into that population he didn't even know what the reporter was talking about!
Seniors all over the country died in nursing homes. It tends to happen a lot. The correlation you are trying to draw to give Cuomo responsibility for those deaths is total fake news and I just explained the reasons why. Care to address any of those reasons directly instead of ignoring them to repeat the same crap you’ve been repeating?
So let me see how this works? You get to ignore the fact that it was Cuomo's policies that put infected Covid 19 patients BACK into the midst of the most vulnerable part of our population but I have to address your excuses for him? This is something that Cuomo OWNS and he's going to have to live with. He killed people with policies that made no sense at all and what's worse...he didn't even know that those policies were in effect! Perhaps if he'd spent less time playing media personality with his idiot brother (ie Q-Tip Boy!) then he would have had a better handle on it and all of those thousands of elderly people trapped in New York State nursing homes would have had a chance at surviving this epidemic!

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