DeSantis blames lack of media coverage for resurge of COVID cases

Before DeSantis designated certain nursing homes only for covid patients he did the exact same thing and thousands died.

So Cuomo has done the better job. If you look at the counts of active cases on the worldmeter Florida is number 3 behind Ca and if we keep going like we are and N.Y. keeps going like they are and of course Ca then in about 5 or 6 weeks CA will be number 1 and Florida will be number 2.
So now we're talking about "active cases" as the thing we need to manage? Why did it change over from deaths, Debbie? Because deaths are going down around the nation so it's more effective to scare the shit out of people and keep them hiding in their homes if you tell them the "cases" are increasing? How many of those "cases" are people that have such mild Covid 19 that they didn't even know they were infected? How many of those cases do the people recover at home with little to no medical care?
I read the whole article and the author isn’t disagreeing with anything I’ve said. Time and time again he cites that fact that cases and hospitalizations are growing. The notable items he was pointing out is that some hospitals are using ICU beds for COVID patients that don’t need intensive care because that’s the space they are designating for them so they are changing the way the cases are being reported.

that fact does not dismiss the fact that hospitalizations are rising and Florida just reported a record number of DEATHS.... TODAY. Pull your head out of the sand
You're the one with your head in the sand! One of the reason those hospitals are putting Covid patients in intensive care beds despite them not needing intensive care is that they get paid more money doing THAT then they would if they just sent them home!
I think I'll ask my internist to check me if for a few days when I see him in a few months for my physical. I met the deductible getting a cataract fixed, and I could use a few days rest away from the office and my wife.
That's bullshit! Almost none of New York's nursing homes have the infrastructure or the capacity to separate patients in that way! They told the Cuomo Administration that and they were ordered to take in patients or the State would take away their licenses.
Cuomos directive is written down in black and white and clearly states that nursing homes are to take patients if the have the capacity and care infrastructure. I also haven’t seen any evidence that am the spread was a result of patents returning from the hospital. Studies have shown spread coming from staff and nurses at the homes. You also don’t see any different nursing home death numbers from NY than other states, I fact I believe it is at the bottom of the list for death rate. What say you?
And there's the rub.
And Fla shutters its emergency operations center due to …. corvid.

but hey, we ALL know that hospitals are putting people in ICUs who don't need to be there because they want to make more money and they hate President Trump. I mean it's sooooooo obvious any IDIOT can see it.
Cuomos directive is written down in black and white and clearly states that nursing homes are to take patients if the have the capacity and care infrastructure. I also haven’t seen any evidence that am the spread was a result of patents returning from the hospital. Studies have shown spread coming from staff and nurses at the homes. You also don’t see any different nursing home death numbers from NY than other states, I fact I believe it is at the bottom of the list for death rate. What say you?
So let me get this honestly believe that the spread WASN'T the result of patients being returned from hospitals? What studies show the spread came from staff and not those patients? Where do you think the staff would have gotten infected in the first place? Duh?
Businesses are dying too, you moron! We've been "sucking it up" for five months now but you on the left don't care how many people's lives you destroy! You're calling for lock downs again. You might as well let Black Lives Matter loot and burn the rest of our cities if you're going to do that! There won't be enough left of our economy to save if you get your way! But you don't give two shits about you?

Why do you think businesses are dying? They're dying because of bad decisions made in January and February. This started at the very top. But you just parrot the same baloney over and over. Left this. Left that. If we had a President that knew how government worked. Hell, if we had a President that gave a shit, he could have kicked agencies into motion on January 22nd. But instead we get a flaccid travel restriction on China and later on Europe when it was already too late. Then what? Golfing, Tweeting, Pep rallies!! And on and on ad nauseum. When your hero was busy doing his thing, governors, mayors, and business leaders had to make the tough decisions to shut down. No one wanted to do it, but it was necessary. And it was the Trump loving governors who opened back up quickly and are now paying dearly for it. DeSantis and Kemp are going to be lucky if they make it to November.

Let me draw you a straight line. Infection rates go up and people get sick. They spread it (maybe unknowingly) to other people. Those people might have to call out of work or quarantine for at least two weeks. Workers aren't available. Companies have to shut down or operate at reduced capacity. People aren't able to spend money because they aren't traveling or they are out of work. Businesses have to shut down because there are no customers to buy their goods and services. Hospitalizations increase, as do deaths. All the while, a large section of people in this country won't even take the basic precautions to prevent the spread of the virus like wearing a mask and social distancing, and not gathering in large crowds. The tools to help end this are right in front of us..if only this section of the population could do the right thing. No..instead, each day I see them shaking their fists in the air and proclaiming on social media about liberty, freedom, The Constitution..all the while knowing that not one of them can see the bigger picture. They only know what their right wing masters tell them.

You want to know why we can't get back to something approaching normal in order to save businesses and our economy?...Quite simply, it's people like you that prevent it. Soon as the bulk of you start taking this seriously, maybe the numbers will go down.
And there's the rub.
and what was the rub when it was fine to gather in masses to protest?

y'all are so fucked in the head and the only thing more fucked up is when you get all whiny about no one believing your bullshit.
I read the whole article and the author isn’t disagreeing with anything I’ve said. Time and time again he cites that fact that cases and hospitalizations are growing. The notable items he was pointing out is that some hospitals are using ICU beds for COVID patients that don’t need intensive care because that’s the space they are designating for them so they are changing the way the cases are being reported.

that fact does not dismiss the fact that hospitalizations are rising and Florida just reported a record number of DEATHS.... TODAY. Pull your head out of the sand
so you agree they keep changing the way this is being reported.

too fuckin funny. suddenly it's a good thing we can't count.
You're the one with your head in the sand! One of the reason those hospitals are putting Covid patients in intensive care beds despite them not needing intensive care is that they get paid more money doing THAT then they would if they just sent them home!
Haha ohh ok you got it all figured out. Probably has nothing to do with trying to safely care for contagious people. I bet the doctors and nurses on salary are all in on the conspiracy and just not saying anything. You’re not actually trying to be convincing are you?
Haha ohh ok you got it all figured out. Probably has nothing to do with trying to safely care for contagious people. I bet the doctors and nurses on salary are all in on the conspiracy and just not saying anything. You’re not actually trying to be convincing are you?

go argue with the CDC. they just admitted they fucked up. came after trump called for all the data, didn't it?
So let me get this honestly believe that the spread WASN'T the result of patients being returned from hospitals? What studies show the spread came from staff and not those patients? Where do you think the staff would have gotten infected in the first place? Duh?
Yet again you’re just pulling shit out of your ass. Do some research instead of just making up “Dems are bad” talking points.
i do it all the time and you know this. i take things far deeper than most and work my ass off to be fair to both sides when a logical (not emotional) argument is presented. while we've not always agreed, we have in fact agreed on many issues.

but i have always maintained your biggest issue is trump. most all of our discussions go back to your hate for trump. when i say "wow you sure to rag on trump a lot" you get very defensive and go back on the attack as if you don't rag on trump a lot.

simple fact is, you do. now - this issue is about desantis and COVID media coverage. i have provided % of ICU beds open in Florida, stats from people i know in the health care field in that state, and have gone after the topic of this thread OF WHICH trump was not a part of it.

til you decided you needed to show us yet again you don't like him.

so - in this very thread i have stuck to the issue and discussed IT. not trump.

care to try and come at me with truth, not vague perception? and i ask again - can you ever talk about an issue without your raging on trump.
Let me sum it up, and then you think about it.

I referenced “Trumpist”, referencing Desantis, once, which seems to have set you off. As does any reference to Trump it would seem. But sometimes it is relevant. DeSantis is a die hard Trump supporter. His political vs public health handling of the epidemic reflects the often conflicting “guidance” and rhetoric from the White House. Thus the one word descriptor is totally apt.
Let me sum it up, and then you think about it.

I referenced “Trumpist”, referencing Desantis, once, which seems to have set you off. As does any reference to Trump it would seem. But sometimes it is relevant. DeSantis is a die hard Trump supporter. His political vs public health handling of the epidemic reflects the often conflicting “guidance” and rhetoric from the White House. Thus the one word descriptor is totally apt.
but the point i am making you always reject is - you can't talk about a topic without it being trump-centric or his bad in the end.

i promise you - there isn't a person alive who's ever known you for more than 18 seconds who is not aware of how you feel about trump. but your undying need to slam him in every post you can is the pure definition of TDS. your reaction to being told this isn't "hey, maybe i do talk about him too much" but rather I DO NOT HAVE TDS FUCK YOU more or less.

what sets me off - as you choose to put it - is that we can't talk about a topic and what local people could be doing without you waving your illustrious anti-trump boner around for all to see and understand - YOU DO NOT LIKE TRUMP.

i can reflect on the lefts leadership too and say "hey - pelosi said people do what they do" in regard to all the violence. IS THAT FUCKING HELPING? or do you not give a damn about all the violence the left is perpetuating by this non existent ANTIFA as you and the rest have been saying for years?

i have never at any point in time seen you call out the left for ANYTHING they have done that in in fact bullshit to the core. you either ignore it completely or when pushed, like now, go away and come back days later as if the questions were never put before you.

yea, i noticed every single time you've done that to me and never answered my questions ABOUT THE TOPIC - esp when it didn't coincide with our TRUMP hate.

so i will ask you again - are you simply incapable of discussing a topic and NOT trashing trump along the way?

it's a simple YES | NO question but like so many on the left, here comes war and peace as a reply to simply fuck up a direct question.

and then we wonder why we can't get the counts right.

AND BY THE WAY - the CDC just said OOPS WE FUCKED UP - and that didn't have a god damn thing to do with trump.
Talking about Trump?
here we go again. you will never talk the issues, just bitch around on people.

fine - the CDC fucked up. care to talk bout how AND ONLY HOW the CDC fucked up or could you go 3 posts w/o slamming trump along the way?

your move chief. i'm game to leave his ass out. i've done it before and you refused so i know i can do it. ie - back to the "but obama / but other guy" crap you said you never wanted to see again. i agreed to stop, you never did. are we headed to another one of those situations?
here we go again. you will never talk the issues, just bitch around on people.

fine - the CDC fucked up. care to talk bout how AND ONLY HOW the CDC fucked up or could you go 3 posts w/o slamming trump along the way?

your move chief. i'm game to leave his ass out. i've done it before and you refused so i know i can do it. ie - back to the "but obama / but other guy" crap you said you never wanted to see again. i agreed to stop, you never did. are we headed to another one of those situations?
Topic, as you pointed out is DeSantis and Florida. But, it is ok to bash CDC, but not ok even the lightest mention of Trump? Seriously? And you are a liar. I often discuss the subject with bringing Trump in, except when it is relevant. Do a search.
Topic, as you pointed out is DeSantis and Florida. But, it is ok to bash CDC, but not ok even the lightest mention of Trump? Seriously? And you are a liar. I often discuss the subject with bringing Trump in, except when it is relevant. Do a search.
why should i search? i've taken you to task for things like this before. ie - "BUT TRUMP or BUT OBAMA" ring that bell.

i said it once
you hated it and said STOP IT
i said fine, but you do it too, so how about we both stop it?
you said sure
i stopped it
you never did

yet here i am supposed to believe what you THINK you are doing vs. what i sat and watched for quite awhile now.

at this point you're just pissed and the only thing you're going to do is come back at me and that's fine. i suppose that's what i get for suggesting we leave trump out of it. now it's BUT CDC BUT THIS BUT THAT

the very same shit you hate you dive into so easily.


have a good weekend.
here we go again. you will never talk the issues, just bitch around on people.

fine - the CDC fucked up. care to talk bout how AND ONLY HOW the CDC fucked up or could you go 3 posts w/o slamming trump along the way?

your move chief. i'm game to leave his ass out. i've done it before and you refused so i know i can do it. ie - back to the "but obama / but other guy" crap you said you never wanted to see again. i agreed to stop, you never did. are we headed to another one of those situations?

This article is from May. OK, they fucked up. Unless they've been fucking up for another two months on top of that, it's irrelevant.
The numbers are what they are.

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