DeSantis Disciples are just as big a menace to America as MAGA Republicans. we need a uniter like Vivek Ramaswamy as President Of The United States

We don't need a third worlder like Obama as president again. Enough of these people of color running for office.
Is this meant to be sarcastic? If it's not, it's still not sincere, since it's an obvious Lefty False Flag op ... "LOOK LOOK .. LOOK AT THE RACIST CONSERVATIVES! WHY, HE SAID ...."

I hope it's subtle sarcasm. But there are a lot of people here with irony deficiency anemia, so you've got to be careful.
Is this meant to be sarcastic? If it's not, it's still not sincere, since it's an obvious Lefty False Flag op ... "LOOK LOOK .. LOOK AT THE RACIST CONSERVATIVES! WHY, HE SAID ...."

I hope it's subtle sarcasm. But there are a lot of people here with irony deficiency anemia, so you've got to be careful.
A poster with a pseudonym like MAGA Macho Man probably means it.
A poster with a pseudonym like MAGA Macho Man probably means it.
Yeah, but ... think about it. About 10% of Black people are conservative in their voting habits right now, a MUCH larger percentage are in their opinions, especially on social issues, but also on questions of what needs to be done to attack the dire situation of the Black ghettoes -- things like school choice, pro-family policies, and so on.

With Hispanics the percentage is much larger.

Then there are the Asians -- the East Asians and people from the sub-continent: they come here and flourish. The know this is not a racist hell.

So any conservative with a brain, given the demographics of the US, and especially as they are changing ... knows we have GOT to pull over as many non-whites as we can.

Even just for instrumental reasons, even if non-whites make you uncomfortable ... if you want the Right to have a chance of success, you had better do your damnedest to pull away as many non-whites from the Left as possible.

Now .. along comes someone with a highly explicit -- I'm-a-rightwinger-grrrr! name ... and does his best to drive away these people with his posts.

Now ... maybe he's "sincere". We have our share of boneheads who can't get beyond their own personal prejudices, for whom politics is just expressing themselves. On the other hand ... hey, we'd do it to the Left. Why shouldn't they do it to us?
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What you express is the law of the jungle, not the rule of democracy. I love debates, because I am confident in my ability to prevail
Yes it is. I’ve never been a huge fan of Democracy. It allows too many imbeciles and fools a say in the decisions.

I don’t debate. It’s a waste of time.
Yes it is. I’ve never been a huge fan of Democracy. It allows too many imbeciles and fools a say in the decisions.

I don’t debate. It’s a waste of time.
You avoid debates you know you will lose. It is a waste of time to try to reason with you. You reject facts you do not want to believe.
You avoid debates you know you will lose. It is a waste of time to try to reason with you. You reject facts you do not want to believe
I reject debates because I know my mind will never be changed and it’s not worth my time to try to change anyone else’s. I reject opinions and ideas I don’t agree with as well as facts.
Yes it is. I’ve never been a huge fan of Democracy. It allows too many imbeciles and fools a say in the decisions.

I don’t debate. It’s a waste of time.
Yes. As Churchill said, it's the worst system in the world, except for all the others.

That's why when you create one, you try to build in as many restraints on the people the electors give power to, as you can, consistent with having a working government.

Not so easy to do, which is why we're not still under the Articles of Confederation.

It's why our Founders wanted as much power as possible to be devolved to the states.

And why we have the Second Amendment ... they anticipated Mao -- "Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun" -- and wanted to make sure the people had that ultimate fall-back political power.
No. It's not 'proof', which would be impossible in any case. And it's odd that you think white people in England ... a racist colonialist imperalist power, remember? -- would be virtuous and good, while American whites would not be.

If I wanted to talk about 'racism', I'd start by deconstructing this largely meaningless term.
I would show that the attitudes of American white conservatives re. Blacks -- the real attitudes not the pious declarations of virtue that people make when they know they're on the record -- are more or less the same as for whites on your side. Blacks don't like whites, and whites fear Blacks.

(The Asians and Hispanics on your side, not being so constrained, would have more robust attitudes to Blacks, in fact, were their real feelings to be known. I laugh when I hear the term 'rainbow coalition', knowing about the violent clashes between Latino and Black gangs in Los Angeles, and that Asians know perfectly well the race of who's been violently assaulting them recently, despite the cover-up in the mainstream media.)

I would then examine how when conservatives respond when Blacks who agree with them politically turn up. When Ben Carson entered the Republican primary for President, what was the response? When Hershell Walker entered the Republican primary for Senator in Georgia, what was the response? (Neither man was fit for office, but let that pass.)

We fell all over ourselves to welcome them! I promise you that genuine racists -- and there are some -- would not do this. The Evropa Front or whatever they call themselves these days does not have Black or Jewish members.

On YouTube, there will be political videos, of a pro-American sort, which get tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. More than once, I've seen a Black person, or an immigrant, comment, expressing pro-American, conservative views. And then some genuine white racist replies, with disparaging remarks about all immigrants or all Black people. And .. there will then be literally hundreds of comments from conservatives condemning this man, welcoming the (legal) immigrant or Black person into our ranks.

Now you don't want to hear this. In your universe, we're all green-toothed sub-literate rednecks, doing whatever our fundamentalist preacher-man says. It's easier that way -- you don't have to think. Don't worry, plenty of people on my side are exactly the same.
LOL Blah…blah…blah…. Thou doth protest too much!

What the fuck has all that gibberish have to do with you bringing up Brit conservatives to prove how un-racists American conservatives are?

Did you get the irony? So, let’s try again, shall we?

Let’s see if you can respond to my question without a whole lot of gobbledygook. Think you can do that? Go
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LOL Blah…blah…blah…. Thou doth protest too much!

What the fuck has all that gibberish have to do with you bringing up Brit conservatives to prove how un-racists American conservatives are?

Did you get the irony? So, let’s try again, shall we?

Let’s see if you can respond to my question without a whole lot of gobbledygook. Think you can do that? Go
Sorry if it's too complicated for you. I could try to re-word it with simpler words and shorter sentences. Would that help? (Jeez, I thought you guys were supposed to be the clever ones, and my side just a bunch of old rednecks. But maybe you're pretending to be stupid, to spare our feelings.)
Sorry if it's too complicated for you. I could try to re-word it with simpler words and shorter sentences. Would that help? (Jeez, I thought you guys were supposed to be the clever ones, and my side just a bunch of old rednecks. But maybe you're pretending to be stupid, to spare our feelings.)
LOL. Poor retard. Trying to prove American conservatives are not racists by using Brits! :laughing0301:

Why don’t you tell us more? Maybe this time use the Aussies? :itsok:
LOL. Poor retard. Trying to prove American conservatives are not racists by using Brits! :laughing0301:

Why don’t you tell us more? Maybe this time use the Aussies? :itsok:
Nah, I gave evidence from America. You just deliberately ignored it.
It's just that you guys are wedded to your dishonest."every body but Pure Good Me is racist!" view.
Jeez, isn't there anyone on the Left here who can actually make a coherent argument?
Nah, I gave evidence from America. You just deliberately ignored it.
It's just that you guys are wedded to your dishonest."every body but Pure Good Me is racist!" view.
Jeez, isn't there anyone on the Left here who can actually make a coherent argument?
Hey, retard, talking about “cogent argument”, tell us more about how unracist the US Conservatives are using a foreign country. Never gets old. :laugh:
Hey, retard, talking about “cogent argument”, tell us more about how unracist the US Conservatives are using a foreign country. Never gets old. :laugh:
There are some intelligent Lefties. Even one or two on this board, but they tend to disappear when their rank-and-file get on, and embarrass themn.

But most cannot make any argument other than RACIST RACIST RACIST. (They're lucky it's just a two-syllable word! On the other hand, I'll bet most of them, if they had to spell it, would come out with something like "rasssis".

A great writer, Thomas Sowell, has written a good book about this issue. Leftists blame the horrible dysfunctional culture of the Black ghetto on whites. And .... they're right! Sowell explains why, in Black Rednecks and White Liberals [ Black Rednecks and White Liberals - Wikipedia ]

And the irony is, it's these little white liberal boys and girls who are helping to perpetuate the Black condition. Another great thinker spells it out in this book: Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America
["Woke Racism": Does modern antiracism operate as a dogmatic religion? ]

Patriots should click on those links, and buy those books. Leftists should NOT: you see, they're both written by Black men, and you believe Blacks cannot think for themselves, that if they disagree with you, they're just 'Uncle Toms'. Racism, anyone?
I think Ramaswami would make a great President. He's more of an American than anyone the Democrats have. I think he sincerely cares about our country. I know he's intelligent and energetic enough for the job. My only question about him is whether he will be capable of taking the media's onslaught he's sure to draw. I'm sticking with Trump for now.
We were told by the leftists Barrack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm was the great uniter.
Then we were told by the leftists You Ain’t Black *Joe is the great uniter.
Hate, anger and division has gotten progressively worse.
Anybody see a pattern here?
I guess it would be perpetual outrage, right Karen?
Leftists are outraged about what they’re told to be outraged about.
Especially around election season.
You’ll fall for it every single time.
Magaturds are outraged about what they're told to be outraged about.
Especially around election season.
You'll fall for it every time.

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