DeSantis Disciples are just as big a menace to America as MAGA Republicans. we need a uniter like Vivek Ramaswamy as President Of The United States

LOL Blah…blah…blah…. Thou doth protest too much!

What the fuck has all that gibberish have to do with you bringing up Brit conservatives to prove how un-racists American conservatives are?

Did you get the irony? So, let’s try again, shall we?

Let’s see if you can respond to my question without a whole lot of gobbledygook. Think you can do that? Go

You don’t even have proof American conservatives are racist . There’s no need to Un prove it.
All you have is what your groomers have groomed you to believe.
You don’t even have proof American conservatives are racist . There’s no need to Un prove it.
All you have is what your groomers have groomed you to believe.
There are undoubtedly people who would call themselves 'conservatives', and who do have beliefs on things that would generally mark them as 'conservative', who also are 'racists' by anyone's definition. (However, note that words don't 'have' meanings: we give them meanings by the way we use them. And the term 'racism' is now almost meaningless, because of the way it's been used. But let's assume we could agree on a definition.)

There is a spectrum of 'racism'.

People on the extreme end believe that people of the race(s) they don't like -- call it 'Race X' -- are all bad, inferior in morals, degenerate, whatever, perhaps inferior in intelligence. The more educated of them may have pseudo-scientific reasons for it: "It's their genes".

They see the world in terms of 'my race' vs 'Race X'. The Nazis and the KKK.

These people may or may not have an extended rationale for their belief, and they may say, "Oh, there are one or two good ones, but most of them are...."

And in practice, if you are of 'Race X', they see you as an enemy, or at least as a despised inferior, based on your race alone.

At the other end, are people who make a conscious effort never to pre-judge someone based on their race. They believe all people should be treated equally under the law.

They don't attribute what may be statistically-true facts about the behavior of 'Race X', to any particular member of 'Race X' until person exhibits that behavior.

They see the behavior of the first group (above) as abhorrent. As for any negative but statistically true generalizations about 'Race X', they will not attribute them to some internal, unchanging feature, like genes, but put them down to 'the environment'.

Human tribal groups tend not to get along when they're in proximity to each other. So we can find aspects of 'racist' thinking and behavior everywhere: in Northern Ireland, in the attitude of Protestants towards Catholics; In England, of the English towards the Irish; in Italy, of northern Italians towards southern Italians. Of various peoples toward Poles. Of Croats towards Serbs. And we could go on and on.

Most whites in the US are in the middle of these two extremes ('racism' and 'anti-racism'), and have been for several decades. That is, whites are perfectly aware of the high Black violent crime rate [despite the mass media's attempt to cover it up], poor Black academic performance, widespread welfare dependency.

But they don't have well worked out explanations for these things... they haven't hardened this knowledge into a racist narrative about Blacks.

Whites do fear Blacks, in general, and for good reason. No white in their right mind would voluntarily live in the middle of a Black ghetto, or walk through one at night. Of course, white liberals have to pretend this is not true for them, but we can dismiss that pretence with an impolite smile.

Most whites believe in equality before the law. Few of them think "the South was right'. Most people don't have well-thought out explanations for all aspects of social reality -- they have attitudes, emotions, some of which may be contradictory.

Although most whites are not at either end of the 'racism'/'anti-racism' spectrum, there are some who, in their spontaneous actions, edge close to the 'racist' end.

So, I notice some people here, when the crazy California $5000 000 per person reparations proposal was mentioned, posted things like "it will all be spent on drugs". Well, yes, a lot of it would be. But when you say something like that, you are saying, in effect, every Black person would spend it on drugs. That is, all Black people are alike, and like their worst examples.

The Left has made the term largely meaningless now, which is a pity, because there is real phenomenon which needs a word to describe it. But now, when used by a Leftist, it just means "someone whose poltical views I don't like but can't refute with logical arguments."

So, like the little boy who cried 'Wolf', when we come across examples of the real thing, no serious person will pay any attention to Leftist crise of 'Racist!" even when they might be true.

The Left use to be the people who were alert to issues of injustice in society. It's to their credit that they played the leading role in the struggle for Black rights during the 20th Century. But they've now trampled on that legacy. And they've made it almost impossible to discuss, in a rational way, group differences, social issues involving race, even acadmic subjects like IQ.

Too bad.
There are some intelligent Lefties. Even one or two on this board, but they tend to disappear when their rank-and-file get on, and embarrass themn.

But most cannot make any argument other than RACIST RACIST RACIST. (They're lucky it's just a two-syllable word! On the other hand, I'll bet most of them, if they had to spell it, would come out with something like "rasssis".

A great writer, Thomas Sowell, has written a good book about this issue. Leftists blame the horrible dysfunctional culture of the Black ghetto on whites. And .... they're right! Sowell explains why, in Black Rednecks and White Liberals [ Black Rednecks and White Liberals - Wikipedia ]

And the irony is, it's these little white liberal boys and girls who are helping to perpetuate the Black condition. Another great thinker spells it out in this book: Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America
["Woke Racism": Does modern antiracism operate as a dogmatic religion? ]

Patriots should click on those links, and buy those books. Leftists should NOT: you see, they're both written by Black men, and you believe Blacks cannot think for themselves, that if they disagree with you, they're just 'Uncle Toms'. Racism, anyone?
Blah…blah… tell us more about how un-racists American conservatives are by using foreign examples. Never gets old. :laughing0301:
Got nuthin', huh? But ... you believe ALL whites are racists, right? Or at least all whites who don't agree with you politically.

Or do you believe the descendants of Englishmen who landed in North America had some sort of evil magic spell put on them, making them racists but not the relatives they left behind? Of course you don't!

Your counterparts in the UK , Ireland, in Europe, in Australia and New Zealand always scream RACIST!!!! at their fellow countrymen.

Germans are uneasy about letting a million Muslims into their country? RACISTS!!! Swedes are having regrets about all those Somalis, now making life so interesting -- with the bombings and shooting -- in their previously bland and boring social-democratic paradise? RACISTS!!

An Australian conservative government blocks the growing fleet of asylum seekers by sending them to an island? RACISTS!!! [ A Nine-Year Obscenity: The Australia-NZ Resettlement Deal| Countercurrents ]

A Conservative government in the UK (headed by an Indian) tries to stop the flood of boats coming over the Channel by sending them to Rwanda? RACISTS!!! and on and on and on .. RACIST RACIST RACIST! [ The truth is out: Britain’s immigration system is racist, and always has been. Now let's fix it | Diane Abbott ]

So, patriots, take note: we could have the son of immigrants from India heading the Republican Party, as our Conservative fellow-thinkers in the UK do ... and these little white boys and girls will still scream RACIST RACIST RACIST!

Of course, the very fact that they choose this particular epithet is proof that they lying and they know it. If we really were racists, we'd exult in the epithet! (There are actual racist groups around -- miniscule, but they're there -- and they're perfectly happy to be called 'racists' -- that's what they call themselves!

If you call a socialist a socialist, they're pleased. If you call a liberal, a liberal, they' don't get upset. If you call a patriot a patriot, he'll say 'sure'.

It's only when you call someone something that they're not, something that they in fact oppose, that the epithet can have any power. If I called our Lefty friends here 'paedophiles', that would make them angry, because they're not (most of them).

Oh well. I think we've got a bunch of low-information teenagers on this Board. There are some intelligent Leftists who are adults and who can make a serious argument ... I hope the baby-minds don't crowd them out.


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