desantis feuds with NBC.

trump will trash him.
Already has...repeatedly.

Biden sniffing woman close up shot.jpg
I'm going to chalk it up as you conceding that there's no such thing and you were lying all along.

Thank you.
Jesus said not to share our pearls with pigs. He was talking about liars like you. I'll take his advice and ignore you going forward. Good luck, you need it.
You mean the state that wants to send teachers and librarians to prison if they mention that racism exists, or talk about any other topic that TheParty disapproves of?

You are one screwed up little fascist.
Do you parrot what your masters tell you to say all the time, or do you actually think sometimes for yourself. Idiots like you are the reason why your states are all fucked up, and more people are leaving those blue states to come to Florida.

Are you saying that the people, white, black, brown and yellow coming to Florida are a bunch of racists? I guess it is better to be a racist of all colors and be free than slaves to the Demofascist party.

But from April 2020 to April 2021, almost 330,000 people moved to Florida, equal to roughly 903 people moving to the state each day. The thousands of people moving in are part of a national trend of citizens leaving blue states for red states.

Why Are People Moving to Florida? - James Madison Institute
Jesus said not to share our pearls with pigs. He was talking about liars like you. I'll take his advice and ignore you going forward. Good luck, you need it.
I'll give you one more chance fake Christian...

Name one teacher from one school that's teaching so-called "woke ideology."

Answer me, or forever be labelled a reprehensible and dishonest liar.
What is your specific complaint regarding Florida's curriculum?

Are you equally outraged that a monolithic number of school children in Chicago and Baltimore can't perform basic reading and math?

We both know the answer to that. You couldn't care less. You don't care about people; you care about the party. For you, the party/state is everything and nothing else and nobody else matters.
But they they would be just like Marcee there, stupid as fuck. so yeah, he loves dem folks just like he am.
I'll give you one more chance fake Christian...

Name one teacher from one school that's teaching so-called "woke ideology."
All of them in woke public education...

Critical race theory curriculum in K-12 schools is going 'horribly wrong,' teachers say
Critical race theory originated in the family of critical studies and seeks to promote what its adherents believe is a pervasive and inescapable racist legacy in the U.S. legal system. The theory has been packaged to children in K-12 schools and teaches them that America is a fundamentally racist country.
An Illinois high school history teacher, Frank McCormick, told "Fox & Friends" that he decided to blow the whistle on what was being taught at his school because parents are being "gaslit into this lie that CRT does not exist in [K-12] education."
It sounds like you're all-in on Biden if he's the 24' nominee, right?
Yeah, if that happens, I likely will vote for him...he's accomplished a lot of his agenda, he's a lot less contentious, less of an asshole divider than trump or desantis...which will likely be your if it goes down that Biden runs, against Trump or DeSantis, I would see no other choice for me to make.
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Yeah, if that happens, I likely will vote for him...he's accomplished a lot of his agenda, he's a lot less contentious, less of an asshole divider than trump or desantis...which will likely be your if it goes down that Biden runs, against Trump or DeSantis, I don't see any other choice for me to make.
Yeah, sure he is....

If you can't debate what I say or what any liberal says, just admit it. There's no point in making up crazy stories about what you wish I'd said. That only makes you look even more dishonest and desperate.
I just debated what you said, and showed proof, now if you dont like "FACTS", then i recommend calling me a racist then run away like spoiled little child, who got caught in a lie.

Did you not see the teacher named from the Illinois school? Fuck off and die you racist prick, you arent good enough to shine my shoes, worthless motha fucka....
No idiot, that's some "teacher" that's a FOXNEWS viewer.

I need the name of a teacher, from the school, that's been arrested or proven to haven been teaching Critical Race Theory.

All you provided is hearsay. Try again.

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