desantis feuds with NBC.

I disagree with your evaluation of Biden, but if it was true, it would show just how easy it was to beat trump.
It would show how easy it is to elect even an idiot like a Joe Biden if you have collusion between Main Stream Media...Big Tech...high ranking members of the FBI and 50 plus former "intelligence" officials to hide the truth from the voters! Biden won that election not because he was the better candidate but because the fact that he WASN'T was hidden from the public!

We're stuck with a President who's unfit for office now because of what transpired back then.
It would show how easy it is to elect even an idiot like a Joe Biden if you have collusion between Main Stream Media...Big Tech...high ranking members of the FBI and 50 plus former "intelligence" officials to hide the truth from the voters! Biden won that election not because he was the better candidate but because the fact that he WASN'T was hidden from the public!

We're stuck with a President who's unfit for office now because of what transpired back then.
Quit whining. Your pathetic excuses are getting more childish by the day. Fox and every other MAGA spouted trumps praises 24/7, and he had a huge rally damn near every week. If there would have been any more MAGAs that wanted to vote for him they would have. Trump panders to his hard core base, and only his hard core base. There are no more votes for him to get. He already has all the crazies. Quit making excuses for that pig losing, and think about what the rest of the country wants.
Quit whining. Your pathetic excuses are getting more childish by the day. Fox and every other MAGA spouted trumps praises 24/7, and he had a huge rally damn near every week. If there would have been any more MAGAs that wanted to vote for him they would have. Trump panders to his hard core base, and only his hard core base. There are no more votes for him to get. He already has all the crazies. Quit making excuses for that pig losing, and think about what the rest of the country wants.
If the people had any idea how corrupt the Biden family is...if they'd known that the Hunter lap top was genuine...a large percentage of them say that they wouldn't have voted for him if they HAD known. You on the left have whined about election "interference" for the last six years but the REAL truth is that it was your side that first employed political dirty tricks with the Steele dossiers leaks and then perpetrated a complete coverup of influence peddling by your next candidate! The Democratic Party is full of sleazy people pretending to be virtuous. You're the party of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler! You say you're for the "working man" and then screw them over in favor of those who refuse to work and the coastal elites! Nancy Pelosi could give a shit about blue collar workers! She and her husband made millions on insider trading while the average working stiff's 401K took a beating! You can't name a Democrat who left office poor because they're all in on the scam. Pretend to be for the people and grab all the cash you can...THAT'S what the Democratic Party is these days!
If the people had any idea how corrupt the Biden family is...if they'd known that the Hunter lap top was genuine...a large percentage of them say that they wouldn't have voted for him if they HAD known. You on the left have whined about election "interference" for the last six years but the REAL truth is that it was your side that first employed political dirty tricks with the Steele dossiers leaks and then perpetrated a complete coverup of influence peddling by your next candidate! The Democratic Party is full of sleazy people pretending to be virtuous. You're the party of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler! You say you're for the "working man" and then screw them over in favor of those who refuse to work and the coastal elites! Nancy Pelosi could give a shit about blue collar workers! She and her husband made millions on insider trading while the average working stiff's 401K took a beating! You can't name a Democrat who left office poor because they're all in on the scam. Pretend to be for the people and grab all the cash you can...THAT'S what the Democratic Party is these days!
You bet. You poor little MAGAs have been so poorly treated by those mean old Democrats. It's just a shame and unfair that the majority of the country doesn't agree with you. You poor thing.
Yeah, if that happens, I likely will vote for him...he's accomplished a lot of his agenda, he's a lot less contentious, less of an asshole divider than trump or desantis...which will likely be your if it goes down that Biden runs, against Trump or DeSantis, I would see no other choice for me to make.
Then you're an idiot, Care! In case you don't know...YOU CAN RUN ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION! Why would you want an obviously impaired Joe Biden for another four years? Are you telling me there isn't another Democrat you could run? You know someone that doesn't have to worry about crapping themselves on a daily basis?
You bet. You poor little MAGAs have been so poorly treated by those mean old Democrats. It's just a shame and unfair that the majority of the country doesn't agree with you. You poor thing.
The majority of DEMOCRATS don't want Biden to run again!!!!! Duh?
Then you're an idiot, Care! In case you don't know...YOU CAN RUN ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION! Why would you want an obviously impaired Joe Biden for another four years? Are you telling me there isn't another Democrat you could run? You know someone that doesn't have to worry about crapping themselves on a daily basis?
Seems like your time might be better spent worrying about which clown your party will choose. Please pick the craziest candidate you got.
The majority of DEMOCRATS don't want Biden to run again!!!!! Duh?
Depends on who his opponent is. Please let it be trump or DeSantis, and how about that crazy Green woman for VP. That would be as funny as Palin was.
I take it you're not bothered by Biden selling out your interests in return for big payments to him and his family. Oh well.
Oh Jebus!


100% Fake News....and I can not believe you never bothered to research and fact check it!

You've been encircled with a right wing media that only lies to you..... :( get out, get out while you can.....!!!!
Then you're an idiot, Care! In case you don't know...YOU CAN RUN ANOTHER CANDIDATE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION! Why would you want an obviously impaired Joe Biden for another four years? Are you telling me there isn't another Democrat you could run? You know someone that doesn't have to worry about crapping themselves on a daily basis?
He's not as impaired as you think, in fact your side has continued to underestimate him which has been to his advantage, and he's been very successful in accomplishing his and the democratic agenda, without being a total neurotic divisive Trump. Sure, he's had some brain farts, and trips up stairs....

I would prefer some young blood to run and Biden retire, but if he does not....he's got a strong team working for him and I would vote for him again...
He's not as impaired as you think, in fact your side has continued to underestimate him which has been to his advantage, and he's been very successful in accomplishing his and the democratic agenda, without being a total neurotic divisive Trump. Sure, he's had some brain farts, and trips up stairs....

I would prefer some young blood to run and Biden retire, but if he does not....he's got a strong team working for him and I would vote for him again...
Admit it,'d vote for a ham sandwich if it had a D next to it's name!

Anyone who thinks that Biden's "team" is a strong one either hasn't been paying attention to how the Biden Administration has FUBARED one thing after another or has a strange idea about what strong means! Name me a Cabinet member of that team that ISN'T a moron! I dare you...
Oh Jebus!


100% Fake News....and I can not believe you never bothered to research and fact check it!

You've been encircled with a right wing media that only lies to you..... :( get out, get out while you can.....!!!!
Fake news? The Biden family has raked in millions from foreign interests, Care and most of that has come from places that didn't have the best interests of the US at heart. Hunter Biden has been frantically paying back taxes off because he knows that an investigation is coming and that it will show that he hasn't declared huge amounts of income from questionable sources.

The 53 former intelligence officials now get to explain themselves. That in and of itself is going to be a hoot to watch. Clapper is going to get to tell us under oath that he was "misunderstood"! He and his little friends affected a US Presidential race and got an idiot elected. The country is suffering for it now and they need to be held to account for their lies.
Seems like your time might be better spent worrying about which clown your party will choose. Please pick the craziest candidate you got.
Nikki Haley is crazy? She was a great Governor. She was a great UN Ambassador. Unlike Kamala she earned her success...she didn't get to where she did by sleeping with a powerful man! Harris is your "fresh blood" which shows just how pathetic the Democratic brand is these days!
Admit it,'d vote for a ham sandwich if it had a D next to it's name!

Anyone who thinks that Biden's "team" is a strong one either hasn't been paying attention to how the Biden Administration has FUBARED one thing after another or has a strange idea about what strong means! Name me a Cabinet member of that team that ISN'T a moron! I dare you...
you forget so easily! Trump's incompetent admin was all replaced, several times, some within a year....two to three times.... Some within just months of hiring..... It was scary as shit, for most of us watching the bizarre circus....
So, Little Ronnie is in the outs with ABC, owned by Disney. Now he is after NBC. I guess CBS is next? That leaves.....FOX as his only media coverage? Way to go Ronnie.

So DeSantis is just supposed to bow to Andrea Mitchell and let her lies about him stand?

That may be characteristic of your typical gutless Republican but not a fighter like DeSantis. If the Republican Party was full to the brim with people like Trump and DeSantis, this would be a much better nation to live in. Perhaps after 2024 the Republicans will take over both houses of Congress and the Presidency and straighten this nation out.
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They gave a correction but wasn't good enough for the precious DeSanctimonius. :D

Sheesh, can't imagine the wuss fielding a contentious state of the union address as well as Biden did!!! :p
At best it was a half assed correction. Andrea Mitchell feels she is too damn important to actually make a real apology.
Oh Jebus!


100% Fake News....and I can not believe you never bothered to research and fact check it!

You've been encircled with a right wing media that only lies to you..... :( get out, get out while you can.....!!!!

Yea, the Biden Family are pillars of integrity.

If the people had any idea how corrupt the Biden family is...if they'd known that the Hunter lap top was genuine...a large percentage of them say that they wouldn't have voted for him if they HAD known. You on the left have whined about election "interference" for the last six years but the REAL truth is that it was your side that first employed political dirty tricks with the Steele dossiers leaks and then perpetrated a complete coverup of influence peddling by your next candidate! The Democratic Party is full of sleazy people pretending to be virtuous. You're the party of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler! You say you're for the "working man" and then screw them over in favor of those who refuse to work and the coastal elites! Nancy Pelosi could give a shit about blue collar workers! She and her husband made millions on insider trading while the average working stiff's 401K took a beating! You can't name a Democrat who left office poor because they're all in on the scam. Pretend to be for the people and grab all the cash you can...THAT'S what the Democratic Party is these days!
The people would have a good idea how corrupt the Biden family is is if the liberal media in our nation was actually the watchdog for our constitutional republic that it was supposed to be by the First Amendment.

Instead the liberal media has sold its soul to the liberal movement and has become the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.
Fake news? The Biden family has raked in millions from foreign interests, Care and most of that has come from places that didn't have the best interests of the US at heart. Hunter Biden has been frantically paying back taxes off because he knows that an investigation is coming and that it will show that he hasn't declared huge amounts of income from questionable sources.

The 53 former intelligence officials now get to explain themselves. That in and of itself is going to be a hoot to watch. Clapper is going to get to tell us under oath that he was "misunderstood"! He and his little friends affected a US Presidential race and got an idiot elected. The country is suffering for it now and they need to be held to account for their lies.
The Biden Family that y'all on the right constantly say to imply Joe Biden was part of their deals is simply bunk, you know it and I know it.

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