desantis feuds with NBC.

Honestly, fox news being more accurate than the main stream media news, to me is laughable!

They lie more than the devil himself, who is suppose to be the father of all lies!

And now, we have some proof in court records! The whole lot at FOX News chose to lie to you, about something so sacred to our democratic republic ...they did HARM to our Nation with their lies about the election being stolen and their promotion of such, when THEY KNEW IT WAS A FLAT OUT SCAM AND LIE..... That's unforgivable! It has weakened our Nation through division, and on the World stage, Murdoch admitting under oath, for their own ratings and stock price.... Sigh.....
Wow...the histrionics! The only thing that FOX News is guilty of is chasing the wrong story of how that election was stolen! You'll never prove voter fraud. I was telling people that right from the start. Once Joe Biden was declared the winner...that ship had sailed. What FOX should have been doing was telling the American people how they had been lied to by Joe Biden, the Main Stream Media, Big Tech, the FBI and those 53 former intelligence officials and how all of the above covered up a major scandal and directly affected a Presidential race!
It not that they "drop the ball"...that would indicate a mistake! The liberal media deliberately distorts the news. They are literally the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party!
Actually you are exactly right. They think the end justifies the means.
Is the 1619 protect taught in k-12, or only an elective college course?
As far as I can find the 1619 project is limited in k -12.

I don’t want my grandchildren to be taught that the American Revolution was fought over the right to have slaves. That was the Civil War and wasn’t the only reason.

Teach my grandchildren the truth.

This nation was far from perfect in 1776 and still has a long way to go. I believe students should be taught factual history. That was they can learn from the mistakes we have made in the past.

However, people from all over the world want to come here to live. People from other countries see our nation as a land of opportunity.
Anything college level, should not be banned by government unless it is criminal in some way. Free speech is free speech and the govt shall make no law, curbing it....

And if high school seniors want to take a college course while in high school for extra credit, the governor should not use his power to censor it/ban it. The students CHOSE to take the course, as they should be the ones making their own decision, NOT the Governor...for goodness sake.

That being said, i believe porn should be banned k-12 from being in school libraries opened to all those under age...
DeSantis would not be banning it if much of the course wasn’t basically liberal propaganda. I have no problem with teaching the truth but when coloring the truth stay within the lines.



But the debates playing out now on social media and in op-eds between supporters and detractors of the 1619 Project misrepresent both the historical record and the historical profession. The United States was not, in fact, founded to protect slavery—but the Times is right that slavery was central to its story. And the argument among historians, while real, is hardly black and white. Over the past half-century, important foundational work on the history and legacy of slavery has been done by a multiracial group of scholars who are committed to a broad understanding of U.S. history—one that centers on race without denying the roles of other influences or erasing the contributions of white elites. An accurate understanding of our history must present a comprehensive picture, and it’s by paying attention to these scholars that we’ll get there.

Here is the complicated picture of the Revolutionary era that the New York Times missed: White Southerners might have wanted to preserve slavery in their territory, but white Northerners were much more conflicted, with many opposing the ownership of enslaved people in the North even as they continued to benefit from investments in the slave trade and slave colonies. More importantly for Hannah-Jones’ argument, slavery in the Colonies faced no immediate threat from Great Britain, so colonists wouldn’t have needed to secede to protect it. It’s true that in 1772, the famous Somerset case ended slavery in England and Wales, but it had no impact on Britain’s Caribbean colonies, where the vast majority of black people enslaved by the British labored and died, or in the North American Colonies. It took 60 more years for the British government to finally end slavery in its Caribbean colonies, and when it happened, it was in part because a series of slave rebellions in the British Caribbean in the early 19th century made protecting slavery there an increasingly expensive proposition.
And maybe I can really buy that nice stone bridge in Brooklyn.

It was a classic non apology apology, and she even if not doubled down, at least time and a half-downed.
Was her clarification a lie? Nope! Can he sue for defamation, damages? Nope
DeSantis would not be banning it if much of the course wasn’t basically liberal propaganda. I have no problem with teaching the truth but when coloring the truth stay within the lines.



But the debates playing out now on social media and in op-eds between supporters and detractors of the 1619 Project misrepresent both the historical record and the historical profession. The United States was not, in fact, founded to protect slavery—but the Times is right that slavery was central to its story. And the argument among historians, while real, is hardly black and white. Over the past half-century, important foundational work on the history and legacy of slavery has been done by a multiracial group of scholars who are committed to a broad understanding of U.S. history—one that centers on race without denying the roles of other influences or erasing the contributions of white elites. An accurate understanding of our history must present a comprehensive picture, and it’s by paying attention to these scholars that we’ll get there.

Here is the complicated picture of the Revolutionary era that the New York Times missed: White Southerners might have wanted to preserve slavery in their territory, but white Northerners were much more conflicted, with many opposing the ownership of enslaved people in the North even as they continued to benefit from investments in the slave trade and slave colonies. More importantly for Hannah-Jones’ argument, slavery in the Colonies faced no immediate threat from Great Britain, so colonists wouldn’t have needed to secede to protect it. It’s true that in 1772, the famous Somerset case ended slavery in England and Wales, but it had no impact on Britain’s Caribbean colonies, where the vast majority of black people enslaved by the British labored and died, or in the North American Colonies. It took 60 more years for the British government to finally end slavery in its Caribbean colonies, and when it happened, it was in part because a series of slave rebellions in the British Caribbean in the early 19th century made protecting slavery there an increasingly expensive proposition.
Free speech is a market place of differing ideas, or thoughts....from the perspective of others.

Burning books, or banning courses because you differ or believe the author is wrong in their book,

Is not the way to go....

The book should be read, and then discussed or even bashed in discussion and torn apart for the book's falsities, and then praise and discuss its truths.


Book burning is NOT good for the market place of ideas, free thought.
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Wow...the histrionics! The only thing that FOX News is guilty of is chasing the wrong story of how that election was stolen! You'll never prove voter fraud. I was telling people that right from the start. Once Joe Biden was declared the winner...that ship had sailed. What FOX should have been doing was telling the American people how they had been lied to by Joe Biden, the Main Stream Media, Big Tech, the FBI and those 53 former intelligence officials and how all of the above covered up a major scandal and directly affected a Presidential race!
Fox News deliberately, and with malice, defamed Dominion Voting for the sake of their ratings and stock price, and fear of losing you, if they told the truth.

Justice now, requires them to pay a price for their knowing and intentional harm they put upon Dominion and Smartmatic....Smartmatic is suing also....
Use your head, Care! You can't sell influence unless you someone with power. James Biden doesn't have power. Neither does Hunter Biden. Joe Biden was the guy that the Obama Administration put in charge of Ukraine and China and both gave millions to the Biden family! You'd have to be the most naive person on the planet to believe that Joe wasn't "part of their deals"!
The name alone is influence...much like the name Trump, whether it's his kids and not him involved.... He's perceived to be involved, due to the name....

People and businesses want to be associated with a famous name....

V.P. Joe Biden was not working with his son's different (shady in some cases) imo, businesses...

This is a witch hunt going nowhere oldstyle... Its simply a dirty politics dog and pony show, paid for by my tax dime...
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You amuse me. Let me clue you in! In the Private Sector when people aren't getting the job replace them with someone who DOES! Trump is a Private Sector guy. If he had appointed Mayor Pete to be his Transportation Secretary in the midst of a supply chain crisis only to have him go on "maternity leave" for months...I guarantee you that Trump would have replaced him with someone who was going to show up and get things done!

So what's REALLY scary? Watching people get replaced with others more suited for the jobs at hand...or keeping people who are awful at their jobs? Biden doesn't get rid of anyone! Mayorkis is a joke. So is Granthem. Mayor Pete? Who's stupid enough to put someone who's nickname is "Pothole Pete" in charge of the transportation sector? Janet Yellen? Has she gotten anything right about the economy yet? Fauci? Kamala? Garland? Austin? Blinken? It's an "All Star Team" of incompetance!
Trump hires only the BEST PEOPLE! :rofl:

Best People= loyalty pledge to Trump, above pledge to the US Constitution! :(
Free speech is a market place of differing ideas, or thoughts....from the perspective of others.

Burning books, or banning courses because you differ or believe the author is wrong in their book,

Is not the way to go....

The book should be read, and then discussed or even bashed in discussion and torn apart for the book's falsities, and then praise and discuss its truths.


Book burning is NOT good for the market place of ideas, free thought.
That’s fine for historical books at the library. Text books for school children are a different matter. I seriously believe students should be thought American history with all its achievements and all its faults but there is no reason to brainwash the children into hating their nation.

We are far from perfect but people from many different nations are interested in moving to our nation for the freedoms and opportunities we offer.

Teach our high school students the truth but don’t go making up stories about how the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery.

Meatball Ron doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell to becoming President.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllRepublicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS
If he is running against Harris or Biden he wins by a landslide!

And I am not voting for the fucker!
I didn’t think there was a bigger puss than Trump… turns out fat boy Desantis is a bigger puss. What a joke.
That’s fine for historical books at the library. Text books for school children are a different matter. I seriously believe students should be thought American history with all its achievements and all its faults but there is no reason to brainwash the children into hating their nation.

We are far from perfect but people from many different nations are interested in moving to our nation for the freedoms and opportunities we offer.

Teach our high school students the truth but don’t go making up stories about how the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery.

How big of a theme is this theory in 1619? From reading your first first link earlier in the thread it sounded like the book had lots of other things discussed and this theory about the revolution cause was just a teeny tiny part?

And it most certainly should be brought up as a theory.... It is NOT to make you or children feel bad... This book is not a school text book for k-12, and never has been.

Since Britain abolished slavery in England in 1772, it was a POSSIBLE reason for the South to worry they would do the same in America. Anyone could come to that possibility.....of being an underlying cause for the South to join the Patriots who wanted their free! :D.

It turned out the British did not abolish slavery in the Caribbean for another 60 years.... So the argument against such a possibility that the southern states were concerned on what would happen to them and their slaves can be argued against, but only in HINDSIGHT..... now we know the Brits did not ban slavery in their islands in the Caribbean for another 60 years after they abolished it at home. But would the slave owners in America know that, at the time....know how to see the future? I think not.

It's worthy of discussion and in depth study on it.

It's worth the argument....

Banning a book because you disagree on a point made in it, is still wrong, wrong, wrong imo.

Our minds need exercise and stretching beyond George Washington admitting to his father, he cut down the cherry tree.... don't ya think? College is for exercising the mind imo.
The name alone is influence...much like the name Trump, whether it's his kids and not him involved.... He's perceived to be involved, due to the name....

People and businesses want to be associated with a famous name....

V.P. Joe Biden was not working with his son's different (shady in some cases) imo, businesses...

This is a witch hunt going nowhere oldstyle... Its simply a dirty politics dog and pony show, paid for by my tax dime...
Were millions of dollars paid to the Biden family by those foreign entities? If so...and we both know that WAS the case...then this was a perfect example of influence peddling! You calling it a "witch hunt" and a "dog and pony show" isn't going to change that!
Joe Biden lied when he said he knew nothing about his son's business dealings and had nothing to do with them. He knew all about them. He discussed them with Hunter and Hunter's partners. He had meetings with the people involved in these deals. He was PAID a percentage of the money the Biden family took in! You have multiple people involved in those business deals that have stated that Joe Biden was "The Big Guy" and you've got an email stating that 10% was being held for "The Big Guy"! So was that money paid to Joe Biden? Did he declare said money on his taxes? Hunter Biden didn't declare the money that HE was making on his taxes...hence his scramble to pay back taxes NOW before he's charged with tax evasion! If Hunter wasn't declaring stands to reason that Joe wasn't either because neither of them wanted a paper trail showing what they'd been up to.
Trump hires only the BEST PEOPLE! :rofl:

Best People= loyalty pledge to Trump, above pledge to the US Constitution! :(
Biden seems to only hire idiots, what's your point? I'm still waiting for you to show me a Biden Cabinet member who isn't a complete failure at their job...yet they're all still working in the Biden Administration!
Biden seems to only hire idiots, what's your point? I'm still waiting for you to show me a Biden Cabinet member who isn't a complete failure at their job...yet they're all still working in the Biden Administration!

To be fair Garland is doing exactly what they want him to do, gun for political opponents of the administration.
Neither is denying a single news company preferential treatment until they come clean.

Why are you upgrading this to a legal issue?
Marty, are you seriously suggesting that Mitchell should only state what baby crying and whining DeSanctimoniuos wanted her to say?

Why are we even arguing about this? If DeSanctimonius wants to play his childish games to get your support, then so be it. Again, this in my book, is a black mark against him and shows he ain't mature enough and ready for the Big game....

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