desantis feuds with NBC.

Suuuuuuuuuuuure you did.

What else do the voices tell you?

Do they tell you what a very, very special snowflake you are? I hope they do.

Now, run along. Go get some new decks of race cards to play. You've worn out all the ones you had.
Why would more people move to a racist state like Florida if what you said is true? Because what you say is a bald face lie, you know it, but continue to say it, because "if you say a lie enough, it might come true." As long as i am here, i wont let you get away with lying, you bitch.
No idiot, that's some "teacher" that's a FOXNEWS viewer.

I need the name of a teacher, from the school, that's been arrested or proven to haven been teaching Critical Race Theory.

All you provided is hearsay. Try again.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.......Hearsay? Like Russian Collusion or A phone call?
So, Little Ronnie is in the outs with ABC, owned by Disney. Now he is after NBC. I guess CBS is next? That leaves.....FOX as his only media coverage? Way to go Ronnie.

So your OK with disinformation as long as it's from certain media outlets ?
Yeah, if that happens, I likely will vote for him...he's accomplished a lot of his agenda, he's a lot less contentious, less of an asshole divider than trump or desantis...which will likely be your if it goes down that Biden runs, against Trump or DeSantis, I would see no other choice for me to make.
I take it you're not bothered by Biden selling out your interests in return for big payments to him and his family. Oh well.
I'll give you one more chance fake Christian...

Name one teacher from one school that's teaching so-called "woke ideology."

Answer me, or forever be labelled a reprehensible and dishonest liar.
They are seditious and I surrectionist. They are election deniers and anti-democratic.
No idiot, that's some "teacher" that's a FOXNEWS viewer.

I need the name of a teacher, from the school, that's been arrested or proven to haven been teaching Critical Race Theory.

All you provided is hearsay. Try again.
Fired over CRT: Missouri high school teacher accused of teaching "critical race theory" loses job
The decision came last week after Kim Morrison, an English teacher at Greenfield High School, read the book "Dear Martin," a young adult novel by Nic Stone. The book features a Black high school student attending predominantly white preparatory high school who falls victim to police violence.
According to the News-Leader, Morrison used a supplemental 15-question worksheet called "How Racially Privileged Are You?" as part of the book's lesson plan.
I guess this is hearsay also, hey Marceepoo?

Want to play another game.....
Suuuuuuuuuuuure you did.

What else do the voices tell you?

Do they tell you what a very, very special snowflake you are? I hope they do.

Now, run along. Go get some new decks of race cards to play. You've worn out all the ones you had.

You're an idiot.

How has the racial and ethnic makeup of Florida changed?​

In 2021, Florida was more diverse than it was in 2010. In 2021, the white (non-Hispanic) group made up 52.7% of the population compared with 58% in 2010.

Between 2010 and 2021, the share of the population that is Hispanic/Latino grew the most, increasing 4.2 percentage points to 26.8%. The white (non-Hispanic) population had the largest decrease dropping 5.3 percentage points to 52.7%.
Fired over CRT: Missouri high school teacher accused of teaching "critical race theory" loses job I guess this is hearsay also, hey Marceepoo?

Want to play another game.....
From your link...
The term "critical race theory" defines a strand of thought that appeared in American law schools in the late 1970s and which looks at racism as a system, enabled by laws and institutions, rather than at the level of individual prejudices. But critics use it as a catch-all phrase that attacks teachers' efforts to confront dark episodes in American history, including slavery and segregation, as well as to tackle racist stereotypes.

More from your link...
The decision came last week after Kim Morrison, an English teacher at Greenfield High School, read the book "Dear Martin," a young adult novel by Nic Stone. The book features a Black high school student attending predominantly white preparatory high school who falls victim to police violence.

According to the News-Leader, Morrison used a supplemental 15-question worksheet called "How Racially Privileged Are You?" as part of the book's lesson plan.

It continues....
Morrison was reportedly called into the principal's office back in February after a rash of complaints from parents over her curriculum.

"That first meeting, when [the principal] showed me that she had a copy of the handout and she wanted to know the context, she said the people she's hearing from said that this is CRT," Morrison told the News-Leader. "I said 'Well, it's not CRT. I don't know what CRT is because I didn't go to law school and we didn't cover it in grad school. This isn't it.'"

Morrison was reportedly called into the principal's office for a second time in mid-March, a few days ahead of a school board meeting.

"[The principal] was still fielding complaints," Morrison told the News-Leader "That's when I got concerned that my conversation with her two weeks prior hadn't resolved anything."

So we have a bunch of white racist parents hysterical over the made up Critical Race Theory claims, it basically concludes...
After meeting with the school's superintendent, Chris Kell, Morrison was told that her contract would not be renewed for the following year.

"Your decision to incorporate the worksheet associated with the novel 'Dear Martin,' due to the content and subject matter," read a letter from the superintendent.

Kell told the News-Leader that the school board is unlikely to change its decision on the matter.

"I would think at this point it is a done deal. It was a board vote," Kell said. "They are the ones that do the hiring, the non-renewals. It was their vote."

Kell also noted that Morrison's firing was the first time that accusations of critical race theory had been pinned on a teacher in the district.

"We have the best interests of our students, our community, our staff," he said. "That's why we are here. We are trying to provide that school district that everybody can be proud of. In a situation like this, it comes down to a school board vote at this point. I don't feel like we teach critical race theory in our district."

Morrison, for her part, said she was "deeply saddened" by the development, noting that "if this is how they terminate teachers – without asking questions, without speaking to the teacher – then no one is secure."

"And if they are opposed to broadening, to examining, their viewpoints," she added, "they are not doing students any good."

Here's why you, and many other racist whites, are in these hysterics over false claims about Critical Race Theory...

That said, I ask you, what is Critical Race Theory? I'll help you, you can't define it, because what it is, is not what you think it is because you're lying about it.

Carry on.
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So why are you all so fixated on the racial makeup of Florida? It's just weird. It has nothing to do with anything I said, but apparently conservatives can't let any opportunity to toss race cards pass them by.
Oh shut up you racist bitch. Down here i Florida, we respect each other, you know the word that the brown turd Obammy couldnt spell.
He was an idiot, now is VP is even more an idiot.
From your link...

More from your link...

It continues....

So we have a bunch of white racist parents hysterical over the made up Critical Race Theory claims, it basically concludes...

Here's why you, and many other racist whites, are in these hysterics over false claims about Critical Race Theory...

That said, I ask you, what is Critical Race Theory? I'll help you, you can't define it, because what it is, is not what you think it is because you're lying about it.

Carry on.
And to think that Martin Luther King Jr, once said


And all you fuckers ever do is bring up the color of peoples skin, or whether they are a man or woman, or wealthy or poor. That is the Marxist way. Have you always been a Marxist fool?
And to think that Martin Luther King Jr, once said


And all you fuckers ever do is bring up the color of peoples skin, or whether they are a man or woman, or wealthy or poor. That is the Marxist way. Have you always been a Marxist fool?
What is Critical Race Theory?
Like what Don Lemon said "You can google it". There is a websight that explains it in great detail and wants you to join it. I mean you are black, and racist, who hates America, you are a perfect subject for that theory.
Sir, the definition was in the link you posted, and I typed it in my response to you earlier.

Yet, by your response here, it's clear that you have some other definition, which is not what it actually is.

So, as I expected, you're a liar, and you got nuthin'.

Good day sir!

Sir, the definition was in the link you posted, and I typed it in my response to you earlier.

Yet, by your response here, it's clear that you have some other definition, which is not what it actually is.

So, as I expected, you're a liar, and you got nuthin'.

Good day sir!

That wasn't nice. You knew asking him to define Critical Race Theory would make his head explode, and you did it anyway.

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