DeSantis Finally Anounces

Why were we paying $1.89 a gallon?

Because we were on COVID lockdown. Nobody was driving, nobody was going to work. Nobody was taking vacations.
Cars sat idle causing a glut in our fuel supplies.

It is great having $1.89 gas and no place to go.


How do you keep writing such award winning material with such a faulty memory?

I didn't think he'd run until after '24. He'll probably get my vote in the primary. He's Trump without the negative personality aspects

He has all the negatives of Trump except he is not a criminal. For that, I would go with him too. He's just an asshole. But so was Bush and Trump and you guys ate that up. So him being an asshole shouldn't stop him from getting the nom. But didn't he just pull a Marco Rubio?

Funny how a little thing can make someone unelectable.

He has all the negatives of Trump except he is not a criminal.

From a governing stand point he might have more negatives than Trump. Even Trump has not used the Govt to punish those who disagree with him to the extent that DeSanits has.

Though I think he would be lost as POTUS when he did not have super majorities on both sides of Congress to rubber stamp his every whim.

I am still even a little surprised how they changed Florida law specifically so he could run for POTUS.
From a governing stand point he might have more negatives than Trump. Even Trump has not used the Govt to punish those who disagree with him to the extent that DeSanits has.

Though I think he would be lost as POTUS when he did not have super majorities on both sides of Congress to rubber stamp his every whim.

I am still even a little surprised how they changed Florida law specifically so he could run for POTUS.

Florida has the benefit of being a vacation destination for the entire planet. People from all over the world go to Florida in the winter.

I went Dec and January. Paid a lot of tolls to drive around. Low on taxes? Yea but what about the tolls? When I got home I got a couple of bills with my car on camera apparently passing a toll without paying? If they say so. I think it's a scam on people with out of state plates. DeSantis is a dick. Rigged Florida elections since 2000. I don't buy it.
From a governing stand point he might have more negatives than Trump. Even Trump has not used the Govt to punish those who disagree with him to the extent that DeSanits has.
Though I think he would be lost as POTUS when he did not have super majorities on both sides of Congress to rubber stamp his every whim.
I am still even a little surprised how they changed Florida law specifically so he could run for POTUS.
So you approve of Gay Day at Disney?

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