Desantis flaming out: -19 in recent FL approval

Hence the slogan…….I am going to build a wall and have Mexico deploy troops at the border
He always said Mexico didn't know how they would pay for it but they would pay for it. And they did.
A more appropriate nickname would be "Stop talking to little kids about your sex life" Or "Stop trying to get validation for your life choices from impressionable young kids" or "No one gives a shit who you're sleeping with so please keep it to yourself while at school" .

So, no family pictures should be allowed on the teachers desk or their computer desk top, as that would show how someone is sleeping with.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Who were the "3,000 voters" that did the survey? It is bullshit. The Americano is a fucking Democrat mouth piece and has no credibility. Their symbol is a fucking Puerto Rican flag for goodness sake.

They quoted Florida Watch as the pollsters. Florida Watch is a Leftest organization. Here is how they describe themselves "Florida Watch is a communications and research organization with a digital first lens. Launched in the spring of 2020, we serve as the progressive community’s in-state hub for message development, digital communications, and research."

I ask again. Who in the hell are the 3,000 voters that are attributed to the poll? Since a Progressive organization did the survey let me guess. All Democrats. Am I right or am I right?

DeSantis is very popular here in Florida. He got re-elected by a tremendous margin. In the little Florida city where I live I could easily get 3,000 voters to say he is doing a great job. We love his anti woke campaign.

What else you got Moon Bat?

Are you suffering from DeSantis Derangement Syndrome also?
You guys have an interesting definition of ”great job”.

Despite DeSantis’ claims of “tangible results,” the state’s socioeconomic indicators show a lackluster picture.

  • Florida ranks #1 in the US in housing unaffordability, with 56.5% of renters spending 30% or more of their income on housing. Years of “sweeping” money from the Sadowski Housing Trust Fund to fund other projects have resulted in the state losing out on 94,000 affordable housing units, according to the Florida Housing Coalition.
  • The state is #2 in mass shootings. On average, someone is killed with a gun every three hours in Florida. Guns are also the third-leading cause of death for Florida children ages 1–17, according to data provided by Giffords Law Center.
  • Florida is #50 in providing long-term care services and supports for elderly people among all 50 states, according to the American Association of Retired Persons.
  • It is also #41 in access to health care due to DeSantis’ refusal to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, despite having the federal funds to do it. This leaves close to a million Floridians without health care coverage.
  • When it comes to tax fairness, the Sunshine State ranks #45.
  • It also ranks #47 in unemployment benefits. Despite inflation and the higher cost of living, DeSantis refuses to increase Florida’s unemployment benefits from a maximum of $275 per week, a cap that was set in 1998. Adjusted for today’s dollars, that would come to $485 maximum per week.
  • The cost of home insurance is rising fast as the market struggles to deal with stronger hurricanes due to the climate crisis. The Sierra Club, a grassroots environmental organization in the US, assigning DeSantis a “D-” grade for his “refusal to address the climate crisis at its root, [which] has left Floridians at increased risk of more destructive and powerful storms.”
Looks like instead of winning over more people in his trek to become President he is alienating people as they watch his bumbling. Desantis is already unlikeable and now has a record of championing highly unpopular legislation. Looks like the GOP is all Trump’s if he stays out of jail.

View attachment 791936

Before this spring’s state legislative session, a majority of Floridians believed the state was on the right track (46% right track / 42% wrong track). As the session came to a close, however, 50% believe the state is headed in the wrong direction, while only 42% think it’s on the right track.

Pollsters Florida Watch and Progress Florida, collectively known as the Florida Communications and Research Hub (Hub), attribute this shift in their surveys to Floridians’ growing dissatisfaction with the agenda carried out by Gov. Ron DeSantis and legislators in Tallahassee.

“When we look back on this legislative session, it is clear Floridians do not believe that Gov. DeSantis and legislative leaders focused on the priorities they believed would improve their lives,” said Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo.


He killed the competition in a bad year for Republicans! That is all you need to know.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Who were the "3,000 voters" that did the survey? It is bullshit. The Americano is a fucking Democrat mouth piece and has no credibility. Their symbol is a fucking Puerto Rican flag for goodness sake.

They quoted Florida Watch as the pollsters. Florida Watch is a Leftest organization. Here is how they describe themselves "Florida Watch is a communications and research organization with a digital first lens. Launched in the spring of 2020, we serve as the progressive community’s in-state hub for message development, digital communications, and research."

I ask again. Who in the hell are the 3,000 voters that are attributed to the poll? Since a Progressive organization did the survey let me guess. All Democrats. Am I right or am I right?

DeSantis is very popular here in Florida. He got re-elected by a tremendous margin. In the little Florida city where I live I could easily get 3,000 voters to say he is doing a great job. We love his anti woke campaign.

What else you got Moon Bat?

Are you suffering from DeSantis Derangement Syndrome also?
God you sound desperate.


He killed the competition in a bad year for Republicans! That is all you need to know.

DeSantis is the 2nd most popular politician in the country behind our beloved President Trump.
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So, no family pictures should be allowed on the teachers desk or their computer desk top, as that would show how someone is sleeping with.
Are the rules applied to everyone regardless of who they are sleeping with?
Again, students, especially younger children, have a connection to the teacher they are more open to learning. To know the teacher is a human with a life outside of the classroom makes the students more able to relate to them. My sister taught 3 and 4 grade for 30 years, was one of 8 teachers of the year finalist in NC. She was so good they took her out of the classroom and had her teaching other teachers how she taught math. Connecting with the students was a huge part of it. If a teacher is not going to do that, you might as well just have them learning on the computer with bot.
Why do the children need to know the sex of their spouse? Why is that so important to the teachers? Especially the gay ones apparently.
I think for most people the sex of their spouse is vital to them. I take it you are not married?
It’s important to me. Why it would be important to anyone else let alone a group of young children is beyond me. It’s not important to me that anyone else knows the sex of my spouse either. Its definitely not important to me that a group of young children know.

Either way the law being called the “dont say gay“ bill is bullshit. And I know you know that.
So, no family pictures should be allowed on the teachers desk or their computer desk top, as that would show how someone is sleeping with.
Can a straight person have family pictures but a gay person can’t? No? So the Domt say gay bill isn’t targeting gay people in anyway. Just like I said from the start.
While it's WAY too early to be prognosticating for 2024, DeSantis is just confirming for me what I already knew about him. He's not ready for the big stage. He is popular with a section of Republican DONORS, who are mind numbingly desperate for anyone who can take down Trump. DeSantis was the only logical candidate who could do that. The rest of the Republican field are just pretenders and also-rans. The first negative words out of their mouth about Trump..and they're all done. But Ron is proving to not be as popular outside the state of Florida as everyone thought he would be. And he looks inept and confrontational. He got embarrassed by Disney and his anti-gay and anti-trans rantings are starting to turn independents off.

He should have waited until 2028 and honed his message. He would have had a much better shot.
Trump is going eat him alive. :)..that is, if the rest of the Republican field doesn't do it first. Those other candidates..aren't gunning for Trump, they're gunning for Ron.
Dumb fuck Ron fails to realize that his anti gay etc rants are pissing off millions of Republicans who have family & friends who are gay & aren't particularly impressed with his anti woke bullshit.

DeSantis is a straight up asshole. Being "ready" has nothing to do with it, he is what he is.
Dumb fuck Ron fails to realize that his anti gay etc rants are pissing off millions of Republicans who have family & friends who are gay & aren't particularly impressed with his anti woke bullshit.

DeSantis is a straight up asshole. Being "ready" has nothing to do with it, he is what he is.

Not a single anti gay rant.
Looks like instead of winning over more people in his trek to become President he is alienating people as they watch his bumbling. Desantis is already unlikeable and now has a record of championing highly unpopular legislation. Looks like the GOP is all Trump’s if he stays out of jail.

View attachment 791936

Before this spring’s state legislative session, a majority of Floridians believed the state was on the right track (46% right track / 42% wrong track). As the session came to a close, however, 50% believe the state is headed in the wrong direction, while only 42% think it’s on the right track.

Pollsters Florida Watch and Progress Florida, collectively known as the Florida Communications and Research Hub (Hub), attribute this shift in their surveys to Floridians’ growing dissatisfaction with the agenda carried out by Gov. Ron DeSantis and legislators in Tallahassee.

“When we look back on this legislative session, it is clear Floridians do not believe that Gov. DeSantis and legislative leaders focused on the priorities they believed would improve their lives,” said Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo.

I seriously believe that DeSantis has some "mental" issues.
God you sound desperate.

LOL Moon Bat.

Desperate is a getting a filthy ass "Progressive" organization to put out fake poll data in order to undermine the best Governor in the US because he doesn't kiss the ass of the queers, trannies and mega corporations like Disney.
Nobody wants porn in schools

So all of the people who say that they want porn in schools are lying?
The people who are covering it up - what is it that you think they are actually covering up?
The parents that read passages from school textbooks in school board meetings that were censored for reading pornographic materials - what is your method for brushing those away?

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