Desantis flaming out: -19 in recent FL approval

Professional educators should be deciding what is appropriate to teach children and at what age, Not a bunch of uneducated MAGA clowns. Most of those professional educators have children of their own and are VERY conscience of what is and is not appropriate. Most, if not all, of the accusations of pornography are pure fabrications by a bunch of right-wing lunatics.

I've been clear on a least 2 issues that MOST intelligent people would consider extreme. I know you turn a blind eye to what you do not want to read.

If Disney's competitors were filing lawsuits to stop Disney's preferred treatments, I'd agree with you. But they are not. But this isn't about unfair market competition, this is about DeSantis grandstanding for purely political purposes.
If DuhSantis were all fired up up about Disney and their "WOKE" policies.
WHY did he get married there?
Really? I think I knew about the families of most of my teachers, especially in the earlier grades as it is a useful part of building rapport with the students, which is very important with younger children.

My sister was a teacher for 30 plus years and all her classes knew all about her family and her husband. Same holds true for my SIL who is still teaching.

I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe I just wasn’t interested in my math teachers husband or wife. Probably because who they sleep with wasn’t pertinent to Algebra or what 2+2 equals.

Any instruction or discussion of sexual orientation is forbidden. A woman mentioning their wife would violate this law, actually a woman mentioning her husband would as well
So there’s nothing in there saying they can’t say spouse or family then? And furthermore there’s nothing that singles out gay people from talking about their private sexual life it’s everyone. So the nickname dont say gay is bullshit. You know it but are still spouting off about it. That about sum it up?
Professional educators should be deciding what is appropriate to teach children and at what age, Not a bunch of uneducated MAGA clowns. Most of those professional educators have children of their own and are VERY conscience of what is and is not appropriate. Most, if not all, of the accusations of pornography are pure fabrications by a bunch of right-wing lunatics.

I've been clear on a least 2 issues that MOST intelligent people would consider extreme. I know you turn a blind eye to what you do not want to read.

If Disney's competitors were filing lawsuits to stop Disney's preferred treatments, I'd agree with you. But they are not. But this isn't about unfair market competition, this is about DeSantis grandstanding for purely political purposes.
Fortunately that’s not how our system works.
Professional educators should be deciding what is appropriate to teach children and at what age

So if a teacher wants to teach the children that gay = hell, that's what you're for, letting them decide. Or if they want to play Debbie doing Dallas, that's up to them.

Bull shit, moron, and the only time you believe this is when they are teaching WOKE doctrine. Of course teachers can't overrule the people who employ them and pay their salaries, and you don't believe it either other than selectively picking the leftist positions you want.

Either way, not teaching gay or showing gay movies to eight year olds isn't "extreme." You're shooting blanks, just like in the fertility clinic
Fortunately that’s not how our system works.

Which part?

That professional educators decide schools curriculums, or that it's standard legal practice for the injured parties to be the ones to file lawsuits in the case of unfair business practices?
Extreme hypocrisy.

It's Democrats who believe in that sort of hate where if you're for someone you see nothing wrong ever and if you don't you hate everything about them.

Normal people are able to have mixed views of others.

Personally, I can't think of anywhere dumber than Disney to get married, but it has nothing to do with politics. But you're a Democrat, you are going to judge others
I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe I just wasn’t interested in my math teachers husband or wife. Probably because who they sleep with wasn’t pertinent to Algebra or what 2+2 equals.

If you have rapport with the teacher, you learn better. If the teacher has rapport with the students they teach better.

So there’s nothing in there saying they can’t say spouse or family then? And furthermore there’s nothing that singles out gay people from talking about their private sexual life it’s everyone. So the nickname dont say gay is bullshit. You know it but are still spouting off about it. That about sum it up?

Sure, you could say spouse instead of wife, but who does that?

And the nickname still fits as a parent would have to complain for the teacher to get in trouble, and we all know that people like you would only complain if some woman mentioned her wife but not if they talked about a husband.
If you have rapport with the teacher, you learn better. If the teacher has rapport with the students they teach better.

I can think of nothing less relevant than this to justify gay's talking about and showing videos of who they bang at night

Sure, you could say spouse instead of wife, but who does that?

And the nickname still fits as a parent would have to complain for the teacher to get in trouble, and we all know that people like you would only complain if some woman mentioned her wife but not if they talked about a husband.

It is always hard to come up with a really representative poll that cuts across ideological or party lines.

If you do it by telephone then it is whoever answers the phone that day and you hope they tell the truth.

If you do through the media then it is whoever has an interest in the particular media.

I have no idea how you could poll 3,000 Florida voters and have it represent the state as a whole.

What algorithm do they have that would say that those 3,000 poll respondents represents Florida as a whole? If they are all Democrats then how valid is it?

In this case a self proclaimed Progressive organization did the polling so it has no real credibility.

DeSantis is loved here in Florida.

Stupid Moon Bats like this Citygator Moon Bat don't want to admit it. He gets a lot of stuff wrong on this forum.
I meant do you want to be "polled" ;)
As usual, the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.

Government leaving parents in charge of raising children is highly defensible. It's the only reasonable thing to do. But not according to you racist left wing nut jobs who want us all to be slaves of government.

When you win, you will have no more rights than we do. Funny shit, huh?
So if a teacher wants to teach the children that gay = hell, that's what you're for, letting them decide. Or if they want to play Debbie doing Dallas, that's up to them.

Bull shit, moron, and the only time you believe this is when they are teaching WOKE doctrine. Of course teachers can't overrule the people who employ them and pay their salaries, and you don't believe it either other than selectively picking the leftist positions you want.

Either way, not teaching gay or showing gay movies to eight year olds isn't "extreme." You're shooting blanks, just like in the fertility clinic

Teacher base their curriculum on sound educational principals. They have degrees in education, they don't just make up whatever they want. The educational system is required to hire qualified people to teaching positions.

So your argument is pure MAGA delusional BULLSHIT.

BTW - There is no such thing as WOKE doctrine. More delusional MAGGOT BULLSHIT.
Right. How does that equate to dont say gay and doesn’t to do t say heterosexual?

In 12 years of Elementar, Middle and Highschool not a single teacher of mine talked about their sexual proclivities. Interestingly it didn’t keep them from teaching the subjects we were supposed to be learning. Apparently heterosexual teachers can accomplish teach ing math without talking out their sex lives but gay teachers can’t? That seems rather odd to me
I heard heterosexuals often speak about their spouses
In Florida, homosexuals are afraid to do the same.
Teacher base their curriculum on sound educational principals. They have degrees in education, they don't just make up whatever they want. The educational system is required to hire qualified people to teaching positions.

So your argument is pure MAGA delusional BULLSHIT.

BTW - There is no such thing as WOKE doctrine. More delusional MAGGOT BULLSHIT.

So showing kids gay porn and telling them about gay sex is "the educational system." LOL, what a racist.

So who decides? Government hires a teacher, someone objects. Who decides if the gay porn they are showing is "educational content" or not? The teacher?

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