Desantis flaming out: -19 in recent FL approval

It was pretty rare, in math class, we tended to talk about math. However, this is a non-point since no one has put a gag order on gays

Any instruction or discussion of sexual orientation is outlawed.

A teacher talking to their class about their spouse would be a discussion of sexual orientation
Any instruction or discussion of sexual orientation is outlawed.

A teacher talking to their class about their spouse would be a discussion of sexual orientation

It wasn't in the sixties and seventies when I was in school. But we were there for math and English, it rarely came up. This sure doesn't support the standard of DeSantis having "extreme" positions. None of you racist leftists have been able to support that with any specific examples
Had to have been.
NO ONE could be that STUPID on there own.
They HAD to be groomed.

I like people who can't spell simple, every day words calling anyone "stupid." Fucking racist. That's the only time I bring up spelling and grammar. But if you're going to call me stupid, learn to spell
I like people who can't spell simple, every day words calling anyone "stupid." Fucking racist. That's the only time I bring up spelling and grammar. But if you're going to call me stupid, learn to spell
There is no heterosexual equivalent to pushing gay propaganda and videos on small children, this is a fail. Government should be pushing that sexual content on no one, gay or straight. They are too young

So explain what DeSantis stopped that you are calling "extreme." You've still only made indirect references. Be specific or you're admitting you have nothing

Taxes for all businesses should be lower, but government should not be picking market winners by giving one company a better deal than another. You're the extremist pushing leftist Disney over the market

Professional educators should be deciding what is appropriate to teach children and at what age, Not a bunch of uneducated MAGA clowns. Most of those professional educators have children of their own and are VERY conscience of what is and is not appropriate. Most, if not all, of the accusations of pornography are pure fabrications by a bunch of right-wing lunatics.

I've been clear on a least 2 issues that MOST intelligent people would consider extreme. I know you turn a blind eye to what you do not want to read.

If Disney's competitors were filing lawsuits to stop Disney's preferred treatments, I'd agree with you. But they are not. But this isn't about unfair market competition, this is about DeSantis grandstanding for purely political purposes.

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