DeSantis, Newsom debate predictions ..

who will win the debate ?

  • Newsom

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • DeSantis

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • no one it will devolve into a childish name calling disaster .

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • doesnt matter Trump and Biden will be the nominees .

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
Wow Newsome won’t answer a question.. straight into rehearsed angry lying, he’s really pissed off

Newsome filibusters the immigration threat question for 5 minutes, then says DeSantis “won’t answer the question”

This guy is diabolically a snake tongued liar, gaslighting and trolling like a child
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Blah....All this really does is demonstrate the divide in the country. Half will agree with DeSantis and the other half will side with Newsome. Facts are irrelevant. It's like trying to wrap a rubber band around cottage cheese.

Reminds me of this:

I would love to see an unbiased fact check of this debate.. Newsom would be off the charts
I bet Nikki Haley is simply beside herself. DeSantis, on the whole, is doing very well.

DeSantis is pulling in the chips he needs to move forward in Iowa while she is sitting on the sidelines with her bag of military–industrial complex money.

DeSantis needs to lose that shit-eating grin.
My god Newsome is a slick SOB. He hasn't answered one of the questions that has been asked. he is running away from his record of failure.

If he is the best the Democrats can come up with then we Americans have nothing to worry about.
My god Newsome is a slick SOB. He hasn't answered one of the questions that has been asked. he is running away from his record of failure.

If he is the best the Democrats can come up with then we Americans have nothing to worry about.
Hannity: “here’s facts that say your state is far worse than Florida”

Newsom: “actually, we are far better and Florida is WAY worse.”

All night long

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