DeSantis Scorches Leftists on Martha's Vineyard Illegals. Democrats' "Virtue Signaling is a Fraud"

Joe has been flying illegals to all areas of the nation. Especially areas that are red.
I did not know New York was red!

You know that practice started with Trump, right? Right?

Did your propagandists not tell you this?
Not only have I done so, I founded a non profit faith-based charity which fed them, along with many other down and out people in my local area.

I walk the walk, dude. You?
Since I openly oppose illegal immigration, I don't let them into my house. So, I have "walked the walk."

You may wish to try something else, too.
Who is overreacting? Those who scream day and night about the "invasion" at our Southern border. That's who.

And that's who Duh Santis is playing to.
So you have no clue WTF is actually happening at the border.

Got it.

Try branching out for your info beyond that MSDNC Madcow dude.
I mean another shitty politician bringing shame on our state trying to use it as a stepping stone to higher office. He always seems bored to tears doing ordinary governor stuff unless he is doing something shitty to get on national TV.
Your tears are music to my ears.:dance:
Poor DeSantis. Wants to throw red meat to his followers so bad that he ships illegals from Texas (with a stop in Florida) to Massachusettes!

In other words, he couldn't find any illegals in Florida to deport! Anything to scam the trumptards!

But, I'm curious. Doesn't that make DeSantis a coyote? You know people who smuggle illegal immigrants across the border? :auiqs.jpg:

Finally a leftist calling them what they are... illegals
Too bad for you they had already crossed the border when they reached Florida.

Nice try though.
Yes, retard. They did cross the border in Texas. Not Florida.

You do know that Texas and Florida are two different states, right? Or, maybe not. I have learned never to underestimate the stupidity of the average trumptard.
Yes, retard. They did cross the border in Texas. Not Florida.

You do know that Texas and Florida are two different states, right? Or, maybe not. I have learned never to underestimate the stupidity of the average trumptard.

I am loving how you are having a major meltdown over this. DeSantis owns you! :dance:
Not only have I done so, I founded a non profit faith-based charity which fed them, along with many other down and out people in my local area.

I walk the walk, dude. You?
Furthermore, without ever having met you in person, I am automatically inclined to not believe you.

Now, let's say you don't have a choice in the matter. You are required, under duress, to accept them into your home whether you want to or not. Allow them to invite more to your home, and no, you can't weasel your way out with "charity." Now imagine how the border towns and cities feel. Imagine how the rest of us feel.

You may think your philanthropy is helping the matter, but it in reality is making it worse. It encourages more illegal immigration, it encourages more violations of our laws.
so he’s also helping the people of TX? wow great for him…very presidential
Actually, the idiot governor is breaking the law.

A law passed was passed to ship illegals out of Florida not to import them from Texas and then ship them out. Get it now?

So, not only did he not remove any illegals from his state (the reason the Florida law was passed) but he is now liable to be sued for misusing state funds.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
You are slowly cornering half the population. Where they live you live off of and then criticize them for what they provide. Millions of illegals have been sent to areas that were red on purpose.
Next time, try posting in English. I don't understand gibberish. :itsok:
More manufactured bullshit from your propagandists.

Not really, when his policies are directly responsible for that atrocity. You can take that emotion of yours and stow it.

Thanks in advance.
Actually, the idiot governor is breaking the law.

A law passed was passed to ship illegals out of Florida not to import them from Texas and then ship them out. Get it now?

So, not only did he not remove any illegals from his state (the reason the Florida law was passed) but he is now liable to be sued for misusing state funds.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
haha sue him

I am loving how you are having a major meltdown over this. DeSantis owns you! :dance:
So, because DeSantis broke the law. You know by trying to punish people who broke the law? :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, I get it that being a Republican means you are criminal many times over.

But here is the problem for DeSantis. He is going to be sued for misusing state funds. :dance:

Get it now? Let me know if you are still confused.
Poor DeSantis. Wants to throw red meat to his followers so bad that he ships illegals from Texas (with a stop in Florida) to Massachusettes!

In other words, he couldn't find any illegals in Florida to deport! Anything to scam the trumptards!

But, I'm curious. Doesn't that make DeSantis a coyote? You know people who smuggle illegal immigrants across the border? :auiqs.jpg:
You loons didn't have an issue when Biden was doing it.
Senator Strom Thurmond gave the longest filibuster in US history in opposition to the 1957 Civil Rights Act. In order not to surrender the floor, he would piss into a bucket while keeping one foot in the Senate chamber.

True story.

The man was a segregationist through and through.

In 1957, each party was fairly evenly split with both liberal and conservative members in both.

From that point forward, the Democrats party began shifting leftward, and the Republicans began shifting righward.
When liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy was nominated by the Democrats in 1960, he chose Texan Lyndon Baines Johnson as his running mate to win over the conservatives in the Democratic party.

In fact, the reason JFK was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 was to woo those same conservatives for his re-election campaign. That's why he had right wing governor Democrat John Connally riding in the limo with him in the front seat.

When LBJ suddenly unmasked himself as a civil rights defender after assuming the presidency, segregationist Strom Thurmond quit the Democrats in disgust and joined the Republicans.

And thus the Republican Southern Strategy was germinated.
Deflecting again.

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