DeSantis Scorches Leftists on Martha's Vineyard Illegals. Democrats' "Virtue Signaling is a Fraud"

So, because DeSantis broke the law. You know by trying to punish people who broke the law? :auiqs.jpg:

Of course, I get it that being a Republican means you are criminal many times over.

But here is the problem for DeSantis. He is going to be sued for misusing state funds. :dance:

Get it now? Let me know if you are still confused.
What law did he break by transporting people who consented to the ride in writing?

Cite the statute, Simp.

And regarding misuse of funds, the Florida legislature allocated millions for this, Dumbass.
You loons didn't have an issue when Biden was doing it.
Retard. Biden is the president of the United States. Not a governor of an asshole state.

You do know the difference, right?
Senator Strom Thurmond gave the longest filibuster in US history in opposition to the 1957 Civil Rights Act. In order not to surrender the floor, he would piss into a bucket while keeping one foot in the Senate chamber.

True story.

The man was a segregationist through and through.

In 1957, each party was fairly evenly split with both liberal and conservative members in both.

From that point forward, the Democrats party began shifting leftward, and the Republicans began shifting rightward.

When liberal Democrat John F. Kennedy was nominated by the Democrats in 1960, he chose Texan Lyndon Baines Johnson as his running mate to win over the conservatives in the Democratic party.

In fact, the reason JFK was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 was to woo those same conservatives for his re-election campaign. That's why he had right wing Democrat governor John Connally riding in the limo with him in the front seat.

When LBJ suddenly unmasked himself as a civil rights defender after assuming the presidency, segregationist Strom Thurmond quit the Democrats in disgust and joined the Republicans.

And thus the Republican Southern Strategy was germinated.
JFK was a Conservative…believed in cutting taxes, and civil rights..he’d be called a MAGA republican today by xiden

Thurmand was a dem wen he gave that filibuster and was ran out of the party years later, recognizing the error of his ways

the crazy part about that filibuster is near two decades later Joey Xiden came to washington, and with his mentors in the dem party fought to stop enforcing Brown v Board of Education.
Yes, Your Vegetable Messiah is required to secure our border. He is violating his oath of office.
The other retard just took offense because he was shipping them back. Which is it?
I did not know New York was red!

You know that practice started with Trump, right? Right?

Did your propagandists not tell you this?
The business owners are neo-Cons in that they treat illegals like shit.
You're probably happy about that.
Who is overreacting? Those who scream day and night about the "invasion" at our Southern border. That's who.

And that's who Duh Santis is playing to.
yet, send 50 to marthas vinyard they call out the national guard.

stop being such a wusswagon dude. just see shit for what it is and stop making every god damn thing an attack on the other side.
Every time a leftists opens his or her mouth it just exposes their hypocrisy even more. The Repubs are going in dry!

Martha's Vineyard 89 percent white now diverse. Hats off for Gov DeSantis, great move.
Who is overreacting? Those who scream day and night about the "invasion" at our Southern border. That's who.

And that's who Duh Santis is playing to.
I'm not following you, are you saying we don't have major issues at the southern border
What law?

Cite the statute, Simp.

  • Domestic Transporting: Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it a crime for any person, with knowledge or reckless disregard of the alien’s illegal immigrations status, to transport an alien within the United States by any means of transportation.
  • Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting: Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) makes it a crime to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid and abet the commission of any of these crimes.

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