Desantis shuts down reporter attempting to politicize hurricane response.

Why is it that Republican women tend to be smokin' hot, when democrat women tend to look like some version of these?


Oh come on, you know that's not true.

You MAGA nutbags tried to overthrow a constitutionally required election. That looks like a pretty big threat to me.

A bunch of yahoos dressed up like fake wrestlers that broke a few windows and took some selfies at Piglosi's desk is a threat, but nearly 800 dead migrants, threats against the US from a nuclear armed country, the apprehension of 11 terrorists at our border, and over 100,000 American fentanyl deaths is not nearly as threatening?
you were saving he’d take every dime for a insurance company bail out…
No, I didn't. I said DeSantis will accept federal bailout money for Florida if insurance companies are unable to pay damage claims.
Why shouldn't they take money? Do other states (red and blue) take money after a disaster? Don't citizens and industry in Florida pay taxes to the federal government their entire lives?
DeSantis is a hypocrite, a former Tea Bagger who voted against funds to help victims of Hurricane Sandy which caused massive damage in the northeast. Democrats should rub his nose in it every chance they can.
No. A unifirer calls people who support his rival, terrorists. He says they (not illegals, drug lords, or terrorists) are the biggest threat to our country.
The biggest threat to this Country is hands down, Donald Trump.
DeSantis is a hypocrite, a former Tea Bagger who voted against funds to help victims of Hurricane Sandy which caused massive damage in the northeast. Democrats should rub his nose in it every chance they can.

I say let them. Then DeSantis can explain the reason he voted against it was because of all the Democrat pork in it.
No, I didn't. I said DeSantis will accept federal bailout money for Florida if insurance companies are unable to pay damage claims.
no actually that’s not what you said…you said he would take money to bailout insurance companies

maybe that’s what you met to say..and of course why wouldn’t he?

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