Desantis shuts down reporter attempting to politicize hurricane response.

He spent millions? Why do you lie?
Screw you. I don't give a shit who called who. The fact remains that Douche DeSantis is accepting federal money for this disaster after HE voted against federal money to assist victims of hurricane Sandy, ya fuck.

Typical REPUBLICAN hypocrite with their slimy paws out looking for a handout but wanting to deny the same aid to others.

Well, get used to sayin' his name, buttmunch. He could easily be your next President!
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Ron DeSantis is a fucking asshole who voted against federal aid when he was in the House following the devastation from hurricane Sandy. Now the bastard has his fucking hand out begging the Feds for money.

Typical Republican hypocrite.
DeSantis was not in Congress when the Sandy relief bill was passed. STFU about things you know nothing about.
Screw you. I don't give a shit who called who. The fact remains that Douche DeSantis is accepting federal money for this disaster after HE voted against federal money to assist victims of hurricane Sandy, ya fuck.

Typical REPUBLICAN hypocrite with their slimy paws out looking for a handout but wanting to deny the same aid to others.
You lie!
Desantis voted against Sandy relief in 2013 as a member of Congress, you moron.

Dumbfuck proving to be one again & again.

Here's what he said about his vote:

“I sympathize with the victims of Hurricane Sandy and believe that those who purchased flood insurance should have their claims paid. At the same time, allowing the program to increase its debt by another $9.7 billion with no plan to offset the spending with cuts elsewhere is not fiscally responsible.”

So, what we had was someone who saw a flaw in the proposed bill and voted accordingly. That's the difference between conservatives and dipshit liberals like you. You think throwing enough money at a problem will solve it, and you disregard all other aspects. Conservatives are far more strategic, because conservatives are far more intelligent.

And DeSantis did vote for H. R. 219.

As for hurricane relief for Florida, he's on recrod as stating that he would want any plan for emergency financial assistance to be a fiscally responsible one, again showing leadership in the face of ignorance from the left...
Here's what he said about his vote:

“I sympathize with the victims of Hurricane Sandy and believe that those who purchased flood insurance should have their claims paid. At the same time, allowing the program to increase its debt by another $9.7 billion with no plan to offset the spending with cuts elsewhere is not fiscally responsible.”

So, what we had was someone who saw a flaw in the proposed bill and voted accordingly. That's the difference between conservatives and dipshit liberals like you. You think throwing enough money at a problem will solve it, and you disregard all other aspects. Conservatives are far more strategic, because conservatives are far more intelligent.

And DeSantis did vote for H. R. 219.

As for hurricane relief for Florida, he's on recrod as stating that he would want any plan for emergency financial assistance to be a fiscally responsible one, again showing leadership in the face of ignorance from the left...
Riiiiiiight. "Fiscally responsible"? DeSantis will take every nickel Uncle Sam hands to Florida. Every nickel. Including the federal bailout that's going to be needed when scores of insurance companies go belly up when the total ammount of claims from this disaster are tallied.

Now get ready for Ronny to blow more smoke up your ass.
Please run for President DeSantis!!!!
We need this guy!!

What a great way to handle that question! So much tact compared to Trump (whom I also support strongly).

Brilliant to basically say, "you can attack me, that's fine, but you should not be attacking these wonderful first responders on stage with me."

Thanks for sharing.
Riiiiiiight. "Fiscally responsible"? DeSantis will take every nickel Uncle Sam hands to Florida. Every nickel. Including the federal bailout that's going to be needed when scores of insurance companies go belly up when the total ammount of claims from this disaster are tallied.

Now get ready for Ronny to blow more smoke up your ass.
what insurance company is going belly up? and if one does how is that the Gov of Fl fault?
what insurance company is going belly up? and if one does how is that the Gov of Fl fault?
Where di I say that if insurance companies fail it's Desantis' fault? Experts are saying losses in Florida may top $40 billion. The insurance industry in Florida was in trouble even before this catastrophe.
Where di I say that if insurance companies fail it's Desantis' fault? Experts are saying losses in Florida may top $40 billion. The insurance industry in Florida was in trouble even before this catastrophe.
you were saving he’d take every dime for a insurance company bail out…
Riiiiiiight. "Fiscally responsible"? DeSantis will take every nickel Uncle Sam hands to Florida. Every nickel. Including the federal bailout that's going to be needed when scores of insurance companies go belly up when the total ammount of claims from this disaster are tallied.

Why shouldn't they take money? Do other states (red and blue) take money after a disaster? Don't citizens and industry in Florida pay taxes to the federal government their entire lives?

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