DeSantis wokeness costing Florida

There is no such thing as ‘woke’ as misrepresented and lied about by conservatives.

Good news! Florida should suffer because of their governor's bigotry. And, if he thinks his prejudices will help him get elected, he has another think coming. The President has to be President of all the people, not just evangelical anti-abortion whites.

Oh my goodness. Florida's tax receipts expanded tremendously and they are not running a deficit. If you think that is "costing" Florida, now do CA and NY.
These leftie extortionists are everywhere. Anheuser-Bush threatens to lay of thousands unless you drink their tasteless piss and respect the freakazoid campaign.
We Floridians are pleased as punch that DeSantis has an anti woke agenda.

Best governor in the country.
It really wasn't that good for a lot of people. Especially if you were a woman or a minority.
The decade gets a lot of nostalgia because of the media and Hollywood play up of the time.

There's nothing wrong with women being stay at home moms who take care of their children. And the other people were fine as long as they were smart enough to stay in their own neighborhood.
There's nothing wrong with women being stay at home moms who take care of their children. And the other people were fine as long as they were smart enough to stay in their own neighborhood.
Ayup. And that's why the 1950's are largely a nostalgic memory for people. An ideal...that didn't really exist.
Authorize the castration of children without parental interference or it will cost the state jobs. And we thought fascism was bad back in the 40's and 50's.
I just did a little shop in a MPLS 'burb....There's no fucking way the inflation rate is below 5%.

Wouldn't dare live today in the near-downtown neighborhood that I did in the '80s.

Once again, the shitlibs are lying out their asses.
You're the only liar about this, shitbag.


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