desperate Bannon and his employee Drump in all out Diversion Campaign


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2011
Rice just the latest example

I don't blame them, Drump is already well on his way to the slammer and DC will be wingnut free soon

How dare Trump try to divert from the fact that the snowflakes continue to push their fake news 'Russia-Trump Collusion Scandal' attack despite the FBI having said multiple times that there is NO evidence to cupport their claims?!

How dare anyone try to distract from the snowflake LIE by pointing out that the Directors of the NSA and FBI both testified under oath before Congress and declared the ONLY crimes proven to have been perpetrated so far has been the Felony ESPIONAGE perpetrated by the Obama administration and his holdovers?!

HOW DARE anyone point out how the snowflake smear campaign continues to criminally blow up in their faces, the latest being how Barry's old 'Benghazi 'Protest Lie' partner is back in the news again having unmasked Americans for political reasons?!

The F*ing NERVE!


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