Desperate Democrats looking for some excuse to allow biden to refuse to debate Trump


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

You mean like Nixon did in 1972?
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

You mean like Nixon did in 1972?

Indeed. McGovern was so far behind that Nixon barely mentioned his name over the course of the campaign, and won in a landslide.

Biden does not possess such luxury. If he refuses to stand before the nation we will have another landslide.
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

You mean like Nixon did in 1972?

Indeed. McGovern was so far behind that Nixon barely mentioned his name over the course of the campaign, and won in a landslide.

Biden does not possess such luxury. If he refuses to stand before the nation we will have another landslide.

Never take away your opponents ability to hang themselves by saying a word. Nixon allowed McGovern to hang himself out to dry. So far, it's been effective against Rump who keeps coming up with more "Here, hold my beer" moments. But next month, Biden is going to have to come forward and start campaigning and entering into 3 debates. While we know Rump is going to still continue to play his "Here, hold my Beer" moments, it's going to be up to Biden to bring clarity to the campaign. The Game has just started.
Biden has already signed up for three debates

Will Trump show up?
Are you kidding? The guy loves to go toe to toe with an opponent. You're really reaching here.
Unlike 2016 where Trump ran as an outsider and made empty promises of what a Trump Presidency would look like, we have seen the results of a Trump Presidency and he will have to defend the results.

Biden will come well prepared and Trump will have to defend his inept response to COVID and worst economy in almost 100 years.
I am not responsible will not go far
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

They don't want debates ,nuttin ...covid is bullshit cover
The mail
The fuckin mail is gonna be a disaster
And team Joe already has 600 lawyers deployed across the country to contest the shit out of everything ...thier gonna hold shit up for " counting" while all kinds of friggin shenanigans are gonna go on ...thier no denying it
Things could turn real ugly afterwards

Debbie Birx is insane

Dr. Birx Now Recommends Wearing Face Shield Along With Mask — “You can decorate them”

By Sundance, Conservative Tree House

Apparently in the bizarre world of Dr. Birx the shields can be decorated with glitter and bling to make them fashionable and fun. There’s not another country on the planet going this far over the edge into nuttery.

The virus narrative is scheduled to expire on November 4th.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests. COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth. All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme. With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.

♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.

Comrade Gretchen Whitmer knows this plan, hence she cancelled the Michigan venue.

Nothing is coincidental. Everything is political.

Biden would wipe out the american energy sector

that's a horrifying message going into election day

Wow another Comedian. Considering the State of Colorado has only a couple of coal fired plants left which are going to be gone by the end of the year, that isn't exactly destroying the energy sector. It's been replaced by Natural Gas, Wind and Hydro which we have an abundance of. Our Electric bills have gone down. Many areas just don't think things out well enough and will have rolling blackouts, high prices and more. We export Electric Energy. You have to Import it. Your lack of planning isn't my problem.
Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

My question is first. How do you get from agreeing to 3 debates, to not wanting debates?

Second. What possible incentive is there for a candidate for the presidency to engage with anybody when the other candidate constantly shoots himself in the foot by engaging?
Biden will still not go on FXN for an interview with Chris Wallace, the democrat interviewer.
The first debate is September 29th.
So only (58) more days to debate #1.

Why won't Joe Biden do real press conferences to explain his policies?
Biden would wipe out the american energy sector

that's a horrifying message going into election day

Wow another Comedian. Considering the State of Colorado has only a couple of coal fired plants left which are going to be gone by the end of the year, that isn't exactly destroying the energy sector. It's been replaced by Natural Gas, Wind and Hydro which we have an abundance of. Our Electric bills have gone down. Many areas just don't think things out well enough and will have rolling blackouts, high prices and more. We export Electric Energy. You have to Import it. Your lack of planning isn't my problem.

Wow, then you're in for a big surprise.

Biden has already signed up for three debates

Will Trump show up?
Are you kidding? The guy loves to go toe to toe with an opponent. You're really reaching here.
Unlike 2016 where Trump ran as an outsider and made empty promises of what a Trump Presidency would look like, we have seen the results of a Trump Presidency and he will have to defend the results.

Biden will come well prepared and Trump will have to defend his inept response to COVID and worst economy in almost 100 years.
I am not responsible will not go far
That's not the point. TRUMP! loves to go face to face, is a master at it. You tried to intimate that he wouldn't get on the stage with Quid Pro Joe. Much more likely QPJ comes up with an excuse to avoid any more after the first one.
Biden has already signed up for three debates

Will Trump show up?
Are you kidding? The guy loves to go toe to toe with an opponent. You're really reaching here.
Unlike 2016 where Trump ran as an outsider and made empty promises of what a Trump Presidency would look like, we have seen the results of a Trump Presidency and he will have to defend the results.

Biden will come well prepared and Trump will have to defend his inept response to COVID and worst economy in almost 100 years.
I am not responsible will not go far
trump has done more in his 4 years so far than biden has in his 40.

so sure - lets talk results. not you spouting shit you never back up - real results. give them to me in detail.

but you won't and you can't.
I really don't care if Biden campaigns from his basement or front porch... hell, Lincoln campaigned from his porch...

And, frankly, Joe said, many weeks ago, that he was taking that approach in order to Lead-by-Example, with respect to distancing, wearing masks, etc.

Leading-by-Example... something that we will never see from the Orange Baboon-God... at least not leading by GOOD example...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe has the right idea, given the ubiquitous and lethal pandemic that is presently loose across the country...

Now, with regard to Old Joe debating Rump, well...

I'd like to see it too, but I'm beginning to think we may not, after all, and, frankly, I'm OK with that...

There was very little of that in American presidential politics prior to the Kennedy-Nixon debates of 1960, so, it's only been 'traditional' within Living Memory...

Hell, it's been 'traditional' within Living Memory for American Presidents to disclose their Tax Returns, too, but the Pubs seem OK with blowing THAT one off...

In that context... Turnabout Is Fair Play... ;)

But, that aside...

In any open and fair debate, in which both participants play by the rules and behave in a dignified and gentlemanly fashion...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe would kick the a$$ of the Orange Baboon-God... practiced at actual 'debating' (in the classical sense) for the past half-century or more...

But Uncle Joe would probably not do well as Rump tried to drag Uncle Joe down to Rump's own uncooth, boorish, irrational and insulting modus operandi...

Joe is stepping-in as a One-Term Placeholder President, just to wrest power away from the Baboon before the train (Republic) goes completely off the rails...

Joe and the Party are looking to re-take power and then slip into Repair-and-Maintenance Mode, awaiting better times and a younger, better candidate.

Given that even a fence-post would be better than another term for Rump, it's not terribly important that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe actually debate Rump...

But, if he does, I'll watch in the hope that Old Joe can hold-up under the barrage of insults and bullying, and make a decent show, before his Win in November.
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Well of course we all know biden is the first presidential candidate to go into hiding, using the excuse he is afraid of the virus.

He could still allow reporters in but he refuses to answer questions so that would be a waste of time for everyone

Why does biden refuse to answer questions?

You mean like Nixon did in 1972?

Indeed. McGovern was so far behind that Nixon barely mentioned his name over the course of the campaign, and won in a landslide.

Biden does not possess such luxury. If he refuses to stand before the nation we will have another landslide.

Never take away your opponents ability to hang themselves by saying a word. Nixon allowed McGovern to hang himself out to dry. So far, it's been effective against Rump who keeps coming up with more "Here, hold my beer" moments. But next month, Biden is going to have to come forward and start campaigning and entering into 3 debates. While we know Rump is going to still continue to play his "Here, hold my Beer" moments, it's going to be up to Biden to bring clarity to the campaign. The Game has just started.

Creepy Joe's people stated the debates have to be on their terms, which they know Trump will not accept. No negotiations will be accepted: not moderators, not networks, not date and time, nothing.

When the President makes any attempt to level the playing field, that will be their excuse to pull Joe out of the debates and blame it all on President Trump.
I really don't care if Biden campaigns from his basement or front porch... hell, Lincoln campaigned from his porch...

And, frankly, Joe said, many weeks ago, that he was taking that approach in order to Lead-by-Example, with respect to distancing, wearing masks, etc.

Leading-by-Example... something that we will never see from the Orange Baboon-God... at least not leading by GOOD example...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe has the right idea, given the ubiquitous and lethal pandemic that is presently loose across the country...

Now, with regard to Old Joe debating Rump, well...

I'd like to see it too, but I'm beginning to think we may not, after all, and, frankly, I'm OK with that...

There was very little of that in American presidential politics prior to the Kennedy-Nixon debates of 1960, so, it's only been 'traditional' within Living Memory...

Hell, it's been 'traditional' within Living Memory for American Presidents to disclose their Tax Returns, too, but the Pubs seem OK with blowing THAT one off...

In that context... Turnabout Is Fair Play... ;)

But, that aside...

In any open and fair debate, in which both participants play by the rules and behave in a dignified and gentlemanly fashion...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe would kick the a$$ of the Orange Baboon-God... practiced at actual 'debating' (in the classical sense) for the past half-century or more...

But Uncle Joe would probably not do well as Rump tried to drag Uncle Joe down to Rump's own uncooth, boorish, irrational and insulting modus operandi...

Joe is stepping-in as a One-Term Placeholder President, just to wrest power away from the Baboon before the train (Republic) goes completely off the rails...

Joe and the Party are looking to re-take power and then slip into Repair-and-Maintenance Mode, awaiting better times and a younger, better candidate.

Given that even a fence-post would be better than another term for Rump, it's not terribly important that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe actually debate Rump...

But, if he does, I'll watch in the hope that Old Joe can hold-up under the barrage of insults and bullying, and make a decent show, before his Win in November.
what has trump asked people to do he's not himself doing?

you're making shit up again. unfortunately you are killing a lot of keyboards in the process.

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