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Desperate Repubs Last Ditch Effort


The ad didn't really bother me one way or the other because truthfully, I think it could be just as effective as an ad for Democrats as it could be for Republicans.

As I said in another thread about this ad...if I am a Democrat I watch the ad and say, "Wow. Bush has made things so bad. Bin Laden is still out there saying these crazy things and Iraq and Afganistan are just making it worse. I can't wait until November so we can get control back where it belongs and start to clean up this mess so we can get these people to stop hating us so much and get the war-mongering republicans out of office. This ad really sums up why everyone should vote Democrat."

If I am a Republican watching the ad I say, "Wow. That guy is crazy...the Islamo-Facists are so out-of-control. Thank God we finally have a President who is willing to stand up and try to do something about it. We have to hold Republican power if we are going to continue to take the fight to these psychos and deal with them rather than appeasing them and trying to play nice with people who want to kill us. This ad really sums up why everyone should vote Republican."

See what I mean? This ad simply plays to the decided voters on both sides. The undecideds are either going to vote Democrat because they think that maybe the other side would do it better or they'll vote Republican because they don't think the other side will do better.

This ad is just same old same old, getting indignant about it is just a waste of time and energy. It doesn't say anything that both sides haven't tried to use as leverage a million times before.

The ad didn't really bother me one way or the other because truthfully, I think it could be just as effective as an ad for Democrats as it could be for Republicans.

As I said in another thread about this ad...if I am a Democrat I watch the ad and say, "Wow. Bush has made things so bad. Bin Laden is still out there saying these crazy things and Iraq and Afganistan are just making it worse. I can't wait until November so we can get control back where it belongs and start to clean up this mess so we can get these people to stop hating us so much and get the war-mongering republicans out of office. This ad really sums up why everyone should vote Democrat."

If I am a Republican watching the ad I say, "Wow. That guy is crazy...the Islamo-Facists are so out-of-control. Thank God we finally have a President who is willing to stand up and try to do something about it. We have to hold Republican power if we are going to continue to take the fight to these psychos and deal with them rather than appeasing them and trying to play nice with people who want to kill us. This ad really sums up why everyone should vote Republican."

See what I mean? This ad simply plays to the decided voters on both sides. The undecideds are either going to vote Democrat because they think that maybe the other side would do it better or they'll vote Republican because they don't think the other side will do better.

This ad is just same old same old, getting indignant about it is just a waste of time and energy. It doesn't say anything that both sides haven't tried to use as leverage a million times before.

I actually agree with everything you said. And I'm not indignant about the ad at all.

I just thought the reasons for running what I see as such a ridiculous ad smacked of desperation by people who have no accomplishments to sell... only fear.

Besides, every so often the board needs a thread about Republican nonsense. It's only fair. :cool:
Well... Iraq is a mess, they're rocked by one scandal after another, the polls show them as lower than an ant's knee cap and they're behind in far too many major races than they can stand....

So what's a right winger to do? That's right, kiddies.... Vote for us or... die. RAFLMAO!! Gotta love the smell of desperation. Oh... and someone tell them please... the daisy thing... been done before. :spank3: :tinfoil:

Sorry there's no link... I can't link you to aol. But it's on aol and Reuters.

--ed, Here's a link:


Well, the economy is doing well, that bodes well for the Republicans.

"One scandal after another"... If you're referring to Foley, he resigned, but, I understand Harry Reid is in a lot of hot water for misusing campaign funds and making shady real estate deals.

The desperation I see comes from the Left, they've been cooking up one conspiracy theory after another that did not hold water. The Valerie Plame affair is a good example. The Left predicted Karl Rove's indictment, that didn't happen, either. Sure, the Right is worried about the coming elections, but I'm not convinced they're going to lose control of the Congress.
Well, the economy is doing well, that bodes well for the Republicans.

"One scandal after another"... If you're referring to Foley, he resigned, but, I understand Harry Reid is in a lot of hot water for misusing campaign funds and making shady real estate deals.

The desperation I see comes from the Left, they've been cooking up one conspiracy theory after another that did not hold water. The Valerie Plame affair is a good example. The Left predicted Karl Rove's indictment, that didn't happen, either. Sure, the Right is worried about the coming elections, but I'm not convinced they're going to lose control of the Congress.

It's not just Foley, but then again, you're not exactly a potential democratic voter. There are a lot of issues right now that work against the right and for the center to left-of-center (even if we exclude the extremists on both sides). Mostly, I think people are tired of one-party rule. There needs to be some checks and balances.

As for the economy, people with money are doing very well. The middle class has shrunk, fewer people have health coverage now than six years ago, skilled jobs have been outsourced and replaced with lower-paying work that requires fewer skills and Congress has voted itself one raise after another without raising the minimum wage, which has fallen in value. At the same time, the States that have raised minimum wage have had absolutely none of the ill-effects prophesized by the nay-sayers on the right. So... the economy is a mixed bag, depending on where you weigh in on the social-economic scale.

FWIW, I think Dems will get the house. I don't see six Senate seats changing hands.
It's not just Foley, but then again, you're not exactly a potential democratic voter. There are a lot of issues right now that work against the right and for the center to left-of-center (even if we exclude the extremists on both sides). Mostly, I think people are tired of one-party rule. There needs to be some checks and balances.

As for the economy, people with money are doing very well. The middle class has shrunk, fewer people have health coverage now than six years ago, skilled jobs have been outsourced and replaced with lower-paying work that requires fewer skills and Congress has voted itself one raise after another without raising the minimum wage, which has fallen in value. At the same time, the States that have raised minimum wage have had absolutely none of the ill-effects prophesized by the nay-sayers on the right. So... the economy is a mixed bag, depending on where you weigh in on the social-economic scale.

FWIW, I think Dems will get the house. I don't see six Senate seats changing hands.

The house has never changed hands without the Senate changing to. I think you have a better chance of getting the Senate than the house. but then i think we will maintain control.

Considering on average during the 6th year mid term election the party in charge loses nearly 40 seats and we arent going to lose that much at all, i think we are in pretty damn good shape.
Well... Iraq is a mess, they're rocked by one scandal after another, the polls show them as lower than an ant's knee cap and they're behind in far too many major races than they can stand....

So what's a right winger to do? That's right, kiddies.... Vote for us or... die. RAFLMAO!! Gotta love the smell of desperation. Oh... and someone tell them please... the daisy thing... been done before. :spank3: :tinfoil:

Sorry there's no link... I can't link you to aol. But it's on aol and Reuters.

--ed, Here's a link:


The Republican campaign has come down to this:

"Vote for us or die. If you vote for them and survive, they'll raise your taxes."

Yes, the Republicans are campaigning on death and taxes...That's all they have left.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
libspeak: perpetuate the lie until people believe it's the truth.

This isn't about winning or losing a war, whether or not it's right or wrong, it doesn't even matter if our very existence as a society is at stake. A loss in the Mideast quite simply will be the beginning of the end for us as a society.

This is about shortsighted fools who think their brand of extremist politics is more important than the future of the world, and Western society in particular.

Well...Well...Well...I never thought I'd see you writing so about the Bush Administration.
I have to take issues with the premise of the original post. We keep hearing "Iraq is a mess." How so? Any reasonable comparison between Iraq and past wars shows that Iraq has been an unprecedented success.

Its just like that "Bush lied!" crap. You guys can yell it all you want. But you havent even attempted to back it up or show what standards you are using to determine your opinion. Its getting ridiculous. You cant have intellectual discussions with people who refuse to give any sort of justifications for their claims.

Oh and what the heck is the problem with pointing out that if we dont fight back we are going to be dead? Its true! We are at war whether we fight it or not. We either fight it to win and risk dying, or we do nothing and definately die. You people want to pretend as though its all our fault and if we stop fighting they will somehow see how nice we are and stop fighting back. it just doesnt work that way. If we stop fighting they will see weakness and go in for the kill.

You would think we would have learned from the lessons in Vietnam. We stopped fighting and the communists over ran southeast asia with killing fields. millions of people were murdered because we didnt stand our ground. Contrary to what some of you might think, we are the good guys, and evil will win if good men do nothing.

But if it's the wrong thing, evil will still win. Fight back, but be smart about it.
It's not just Foley, but then again, you're not exactly a potential democratic voter.
Who? Little ol' me???? :)

There are a lot of issues right now that work against the right and for the center to left-of-center (even if we exclude the extremists on both sides). Mostly, I think people are tired of one-party rule. There needs to be some checks and balances.

"One party rule"??? The House of Representatives was controlled by the Democrats for over 40 years 1954-1995. I didn't hear too many complaints from the Left about the evils of "one party rule" whenever they had control of both houses of Congress. The checks and balances are already in the Constitution. If you're referring to the so called one party rule of the Republicans of Congress, I'd say it's far from that. The Republican ruled Senate could not get Bush's judicial nominees, or John Bolton's nomination through without recess appointments. Many Republicans vote more like Democrats than Republicans. The Republican Party is not as monolithic as you make it out to be. The Democrats are the party of "stick with the party line, or else", not the Republicans.

As for the economy, people with money are doing very well. The middle class has shrunk, fewer people have health coverage now than six years ago, skilled jobs have been outsourced and replaced with lower-paying work that requires fewer skills and Congress has voted itself one raise after another without raising the minimum wage, which has fallen in value. At the same time, the States that have raised minimum wage have had absolutely none of the ill-effects prophesized by the nay-sayers on the right. So... the economy is a mixed bag, depending on where you weigh in on the social-economic scale.
1. No economist worth listening to is for the minimum wage. Whenever you increase the amount of money in circulation, prices go up. So, if your aim is to help working class people make ends meet raising the minimum wage is an exercise in futility. If your aim is to drive businesses out of business, the minimum wage is a great idea. Ironically, the minimum wage was advocated by the owners of Northeast textile mills because Southern mills were employing blacks at lower wages. The first result of the passage of the minimum wage was that Southern mills replaced their workers with machines. So the first effect of the minimum wage on working class poor was to take their jobs away.
2. Outsourcing makes up for a small percentage of the economy. Jobs are being moved overseas because their labor is cheaper. They don't have minimum wages in India.
3. Skilled workers being moved overseas? I wonder. This country will be experiencing a labor shortage in the years to come. Baby Boomers are starting to retire and there are not enough young people to replace them. If anything, the problem won't be a job shortage, it will be finding people to fill the demand for jobs.

FWIW, I think Dems will get the house. I don't see six Senate seats changing hands.
Oh, so the days of "one party rule" will be over? Or will those days end when the Democrats recapture both the Senate and the Presidency? And if people are tired of "one party rule" as you claim, then if the Democrats win control of the Congress, would people then gravitate toward a Republican President in 2008? My feeling is the Dems won't be satisfied until they control the Executive Branch, the Congress, the Judiciary and every aspect of our lives.
As for the economy, people with money are doing very well. The middle class has shrunk, fewer people have health coverage now than six years ago, skilled jobs have been outsourced and replaced with lower-paying work that requires fewer skills and Congress has voted itself one raise after another without raising the minimum wage, which has fallen in value. At the same time, the States that have raised minimum wage have had absolutely none of the ill-effects prophesized by the nay-sayers on the right. So... the economy is a mixed bag, depending on where you weigh in on the social-economic scale.

Which California campaign aid was this copied from? The same Democrat Party message is playing in our state 24/7. We have three members of the House they have targeted to retire, so the DNC is working overtime.

As far as the economy goes, if the Dems were in power and had an economy like the Bush Administration does, they would be salivating at the mouth and their campaign message would be "It's the economy, stupid!!!"
Exactly how is it the wrong thing to dispose of a ruthless tyrant who tortures, rapes, and murders his own people?

Then, it is up to the people of that nation to depose him, not us. We can provide them financial aid, weapons, intelligence. But boots on the ground are not. and should not have been, an option.

But the liberation of the Iraqi people was not the reason the Chimpy and Co gave for the invasion of Iraq. It was "... a threat of unique urgency...(Chimpy - 10/02/02)" posed by Iraq's "...reconstituted nuclear weapons...(Darth Cheney - 3/16/03)". In the time that has passed since those statements were made, the threat posed to America, and her allies, by Saddam's WMD's has been shown to be non-existent...Except maybe to Shawn Hannity, and a few other cave dwellers.

Have a nice day.

<center><img src=http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k162/Tomikiryu/th_HappyBunny.gif></center>

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