DESPICABLE: Republicans Move To Sell Off 3.3 Million Acres Of National Land

Holy shit man the GOP wants to sell 3 million of the 640 million acres the Federal government owns? Oh wait, that's only one half of 1%. :laugh:
Where the hell were "conservationists" when the Hussein administration authorized acres of useless solar panels that sizzled every rodent and lizard that touched the panels? Where were "conservationists" when Hussein authorized gigantic windmills to continue killing migratory birds including endangered species for the next forty freaking years when the churning blades might well put a dozen species extinct?

Oh, oh, oh, I know! They were busy defending the EPA for dumping toxic waste in the Gold King Mine debacle.
The federal government has more land than it knows what to do with. The government gets some money and the land will be put to productive use... what's there not to like?

Bears Ears National Monument

Land totaling the size of Connecticut has been targeted in a new bill in the Republican House, uniting hunters and conservationists in opposition.

Now that Republicans have quietly drawn a path to give away much of Americans’ public land, US representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah has introduced what the Wilderness Society is calling “step two” in the GOP’s plan to offload federal property.

The new piece of legislation would direct the interior secretary to immediately sell off an area of public land the size of Connecticut. In a press release for House Bill 621, Chaffetz, a Tea Party Republican, claimed that the 3.3m acres of national land, maintained by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), served “no purpose for taxpayers”.

But many in the 10 states that would lose federal land in the bill disagree, and public land rallies in opposition are bringing together environmentalists and sportsmen across the west.

Set aside for mixed use, BLM land is leased for oil, gas and timber, but is also open to campers, cyclists and other outdoor enthusiasts. As well as providing corridors for gray wolves and grizzly bears, low-lying BLM land often makes up the winter pasture for big game species, such as elk, pronghorn and big-horned sheep.

Jason Amaro, who represents the south-west chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, describes the move as a land grab.

Much More: DESPICABLE: Republicans Move To Sell Off 3.3 Million Acres Of National Land

This is wrong! This is stealing part of America's public heritage for private ownership and use! This must be stopped.
Wonderful news! The Federal Government never had any right owning the land and employing BLM to profit off of it. It was a racket and the motivation behind seizing land from ranchers such as the Bundy family. The land should be put on the open market for citizens to purchase. I hope they do this with all of the land that has been seized and put BLM out of business once and for all.
Where the hell were "conservationists" when the Hussein administration authorized acres of useless solar panels that sizzled every rodent and lizard that touched the panels? Where were "conservationists" when Hussein authorized gigantic windmills to continue killing migratory birds including endangered species for the next forty freaking years when the churning blades might well put a dozen species extinct?
The were at the Mardi Gras getting themselves a Mardi Gras queen.

Let's party.

Land grab.

Bonfires on the Mesa.

Jeeps and motorcycles everywhere.
Transferring the land to the states? Can't you read? This has to do with "private" ownership.

That's a good idea then the damn people like oshitscum will have a hard time stealing it again. they will have go through an imminent domain case to get it back. Good idea Trump take back all of the land the thief in suit stole!! Then charge all the people involved in killing a POOR OLD MAN with murder, and hang them as an example to the shit liberals.
There is no reason why we need the federal government managing state land. The states are perfectly capable of doing this themselves

I don't know of any states that want to manage federal land.

This proposal- as represented in the OP- doesn't give the land to states anyway.
Giving the land back to the states is one thing - but selling it for "private" ownership is quite another.
Who do you think owned the land before it was seized by the Federal Govt and BLM racketeers? Private owners. That's who.
Transferring the land to the states? Can't you read? This has to do with "private" ownership.

That's a good idea then the damn people like oshitscum will have a hard time stealing it again. they will have go through an imminent domain case to get it back. Good idea Trump take back all of the land the thief in suit stole!! Then charge all the people involved in killing a POOR OLD MAN with murder, and hang them as an example to the shit liberals.

What land he 'stole'?

How did the President of the United States 'steal' federal land?
Its a good bet the OP has never driven across a western state, they are huge. 3.3 million acres is nothing.
Giving the land back to the states is one thing - but selling it for "private" ownership is quite another.

You have any clue how many times in the History of the United States that we sold land for private ownership?

Are we going to sell it all for private ownership? What about Yellowstone? Shouldn't citizens have access to enjoy camping, hunting, hiking, fishing on these public lands? Or will they all end up being owned by the rich with NO TRESPASSING signs and guards?
What a great idea. Considering how much of the Western U.S. is owned by the Feds, the sooner they divest their portfolio, the better. All proceeds should be used to pay down debt.
it won't's for spending! Big huge spending....
What a great idea. Considering how much of the Western U.S. is owned by the Feds, the sooner they divest their portfolio, the better. All proceeds should be used to pay down debt.
it won't's for spending! Big huge spending....

Please, pronounce it correctly: Yuuuuuuugggeee. Bigly!
Giving the land back to the states is one thing - but selling it for "private" ownership is quite another.
Who do you think owned the land before it was seized by the Federal Govt and BLM racketeers? Private owners. That's who.


Bears Ears National Monument

Land totaling the size of Connecticut has been targeted in a new bill in the Republican House, uniting hunters and conservationists in opposition.

Now that Republicans have quietly drawn a path to give away much of Americans’ public land, US representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah has introduced what the Wilderness Society is calling “step two” in the GOP’s plan to offload federal property.

The new piece of legislation would direct the interior secretary to immediately sell off an area of public land the size of Connecticut. In a press release for House Bill 621, Chaffetz, a Tea Party Republican, claimed that the 3.3m acres of national land, maintained by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), served “no purpose for taxpayers”.

But many in the 10 states that would lose federal land in the bill disagree, and public land rallies in opposition are bringing together environmentalists and sportsmen across the west.

Set aside for mixed use, BLM land is leased for oil, gas and timber, but is also open to campers, cyclists and other outdoor enthusiasts. As well as providing corridors for gray wolves and grizzly bears, low-lying BLM land often makes up the winter pasture for big game species, such as elk, pronghorn and big-horned sheep.

Jason Amaro, who represents the south-west chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, describes the move as a land grab.

Much More: DESPICABLE: Republicans Move To Sell Off 3.3 Million Acres Of National Land

This is wrong! This is stealing part of America's public heritage for private ownership and use! This must be stopped.
Wonderful news! The Federal Government never had any right owning the land and employing BLM to profit off of it. It was a racket and the motivation behind seizing land from ranchers such as the Bundy family. The land should be put on the open market for citizens to purchase. I hope they do this with all of the land that has been seized and put BLM out of business once and for all.

When did the Bundy's ever 'own' that land?

The Bundy's ripped off the United States for years by refusing to pay for the land that they 'leased' from the federal government.
Giving the land back to the states is one thing - but selling it for "private" ownership is quite another.

You have any clue how many times in the History of the United States that we sold land for private ownership?

Are we going to sell it all for private ownership? What about Yellowstone? Shouldn't citizens have access to enjoy camping, hunting, hiking, fishing on these public lands? Or will they all end up being owned by the rich with NO TRESPASSING signs and guards?

Wait, your problem is with who purchases it? Man you got problems.

Bears Ears National Monument

Land totaling the size of Connecticut has been targeted in a new bill in the Republican House, uniting hunters and conservationists in opposition.

Now that Republicans have quietly drawn a path to give away much of Americans’ public land, US representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah has introduced what the Wilderness Society is calling “step two” in the GOP’s plan to offload federal property.

The new piece of legislation would direct the interior secretary to immediately sell off an area of public land the size of Connecticut. In a press release for House Bill 621, Chaffetz, a Tea Party Republican, claimed that the 3.3m acres of national land, maintained by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), served “no purpose for taxpayers”.

But many in the 10 states that would lose federal land in the bill disagree, and public land rallies in opposition are bringing together environmentalists and sportsmen across the west.

Set aside for mixed use, BLM land is leased for oil, gas and timber, but is also open to campers, cyclists and other outdoor enthusiasts. As well as providing corridors for gray wolves and grizzly bears, low-lying BLM land often makes up the winter pasture for big game species, such as elk, pronghorn and big-horned sheep.

Jason Amaro, who represents the south-west chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, describes the move as a land grab.

Much More: DESPICABLE: Republicans Move To Sell Off 3.3 Million Acres Of National Land

This is wrong! This is stealing part of America's public heritage for private ownership and use! This must be stopped.

No surprise that they would try this. Especially coming from the Tea Party. Don't get control over the budget and spending, instead sell off nature and wilderness.


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